
It's a Crazy World

(This story is based on eveything fiction, mostly animes and movies books and videogames. And If you don't like those then, this novel isn't for you.) .. ... .... ..... In a world where everything and everyone is normal and just like any other day suddenly, HE appears, a person whose power is seemingly god-like, a person who can change the world by his own flick of a hand, literally. He changed everything with just a flick of his hand. Worlds emerged, things were brought to life, and people, people with powers were all over the place. An event that even the most insane of minds would think impossible, was made possible by THIS man. Then like how HE appeared, he suddenly disappeared... Or so we thought.

Mejwj_Irirjr · Fantasy
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2 Chs


(note that these symbols mean things:

' '= thoughts going on in someone's mind

" "= words being spoken

* *= sound effects

no symbols mean I'm either narrating or describing)

And that's basically it, enjoy!