
It's 3am

KdubzV · Teen
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4 Chs

On the Way

After arriving home Morgan called her bestie Mireya.

"Hey guess what" said Morgan.

"Girl what? Just tell me "said Mireya.

"I got the house all to myself for 3-weeks! We about to get lit" said Morgan.

"Girl yes we bout to turn the fuck up" said Mireya.

"Yes, something like that" said Morgan.

"Okay I am on the way" said Mireya.

As Morgan sit and waited for her best friend, she remembered how those girls was speaking reckless to her in her friend didn't take for her. Morgan understand that she was friends with them but come on she knew me longer Morgan thought. I am not making her pick side, but damn it would be nice to have some who has my back once in a while Morgan thought. It was just a few minutes after talking to Mireya, when a Morgan heard some knocking loudly on the front door.

"Oh, that nobody but Mireya knocking all hard, and shit, Morgan mumbled.

When Morgan got to the door it was Deron. This the same nigga that told me he didn't need my help what the fuck he wants Morgan thought. They were standing there silent until Morgan decided to break the silents.

"How can I help you?" Morgan asked with an attitude.

"Oh, am sorry for what happened at the party last night".

"I was drunk, but I am not blaming my actions on the alcohol".

"I should know how to handle my liquor", Deron said sincerely.

Nigga if you don't get the fuck ASAP, you should be drinking anyway you play sports, but at the end of the day your young thought Morgan.

"Oh yeah it's all good, see you can see I am fine" Morgan said fast.

Nothing is all good Morgan thought.

"Well alright I'll see you tomorrow at school" Morgan said as closing the door.

Morgan knew she couldn't cut Deron off she loved that boy too much. I mean what he did wasn't too bad right? I mean he was drunk Morgan thought. The only thing Morgan could think of was to call Mireya, but she was too shaking up by this encounter with Deron.

Thirty-minutes later another knock comes to the door.

"This better be Mireya ass cause yeah..." Morgan said.

This nigga Deron fucking came here talking about some damn sorry...like what the fuck Morgan thought as she was going down the stairs to answer the door.

"Bitch open the damn door!" Mireya yelled.

"Damn hoe you happy now" Morgan laughed while opening the door.

As Mireya was stepping Morgan said, "Bitch you would never believe who the fuck just came here, like the fuck".

"Bitch whooo?" Mireya yelled.

"Damn hoe the fuck you are yelling for, but it was Deron ass" Morgan laughed.

"I know you fucking lying in the truth isn't in you" Mireya said with a smirk.

"Oh my god bitch you sound like my fucking momma ion like that" Laughed Morgan.

"Bitch that nigga tryna kiss up, he must like yo ass" Mireya said curiously.

"But shit get that motherfucking dick aye" Mireya said with so much energy.

I know this hoe didn't just say some shit like that I swear Morgan thought to herself.

"Why would you say some shit like that? Girl you know I am not like that at all" Morgan said angrily. Mireya could tell that Morgan was getting angry, so she said sincerely "Girl I was just playing it's not even like that" .