
It’s Strange How Often In Darkness My Heart FINDS YOU

#Ongoing Roma Roy, a 26 years old Indian girl returned to her hometown after eight years. Nothing much has changed since the last time she has been here, her hometown, she herself, the smell of the air, her passion for ambitious future, except one thing. She is getting married in a month. She works and is gonna settle her life in Bangalore, city in Karnataka state of India. She is back in her hometown to help her parents for the wedding preparation. The first thing in her mind today is to meet her childhood best friends whom she hasn’t met in the past eight years to invite them for the wedding and tell them everything about her “husband to be.” How are they gonna react when they get to know about the first meet to the groom? How will she tell them about the phase they went through from the first conversation “you cold hearted, arrogant toe rag!!” to “it’s been you and always will be you”. The love story blooms when Roma dictates her story to her childhood best friends that started eight years ago, starting from “the first encounter” till this date. Here our male lead character makes an entrance. He is totally opposite in nature to our female lead character. She is kind, sweet with ordinary looks. He is arrogant, cold hearted with oh! so handsome looks. Glimpse of the first encounter :- Roma’s POV I : WHAT looks like UNDER CONTROL to you here. I don’t care if it is Vicky Dixit or PRESIDENT OF AMERICA!! NIKHIL : Exactly, but she do care if the president of America is Nikhil Dixit. (I turned around to the familiar voice and started getting chills down my spine seeing the devil again. I feel so angry right now.) I : #NEWSFLASH Mr.Nikhil Dixit, I wish I had contacts with any of the psychiatrist to help you to get out of yours own fantasy land and daydreams. As for reality, I can just say that you are a cold hearted, arrogant toe rag and more importantly you are hell ya self obsessed. Stay the heck away from me and don’t you ever dare again to cause TROUBLE TO MY FRIENDS !! Tanya and Advik dragged me from the out hall before I could kill him and that’s when I heard him saying. NIKHIL : Don’t miss me too much my feisty fireball. A/N : Please read this story. Chapters are released every weekend. Stay tuned to know what happened further. Author name :— Vandana Panigrahi

Vandana_Panigrahi · Teen
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14 Chs



Oh boy! He is really mad at me. I was just trying to lift up his mood. I really feel pity for him since Tanya told me that Nikhil and Vicky don't get along together. Moreover they were more like buddies once. So I presumed that he won't like to be around his girl friend who is cringe,manipulative and over possessive. But I can't tell that to him….Almighty, what should I do now!?

I : sorry (I sighed, too guilty to meet his eyes)


She is feeling guilty for what she has done. It's visible in her eyes. But god knows I am not that easy to get. Seeing Roma like this reminded me of her. She too had the similar face that day. I could not control my anger now.

I : That's all you have got to say in your defence. Well, you should be (she finally meets my eyes but I don't allow her to see my concealed emotion).

ROMA : I really didn't know that you, Advik and Tanya are friends. The scenario last night said otherwise, so it just…( I interrupted)

I : Then who gave you the authority to pass judgement. (I roared and she got startled)

ROMA : Please don't shout. I am trying to apologise and talk it out with you.

I : And Pigs started flying! God, Roma Roy wants to apologise to a guy who according to her is a douchebag. Also it's the Roma Roy we are talking about, she can never be mistaken (I stressed on the word mistaken).

She hung down her head, so I continued complaining like a weeper but with a horrible attitude.

I : You know, it's my fault. Instead of having the concern to return the assignment, I should have let it be lying there in the library. Then someone else would have taken the advantage, copied the whole thing down and then maybe burn your assignment because they don't know to whom it belongs. As for the afterglow prof.Binkan would have maybe failed you in the internals.

I : You and I haven't been doing good. You are avoiding me, but instead, I should have kicked my self respect out of the way and asked for your number. Like it wouldn't have gained me another title tag from you. What would have it been? Creep?

I : Instead of calling Tanya downstairs and handing her your assignment, I should have barged into your bedroom. Don't worry, I will do that next time and if your warden catches me, I will just tell her that "oh dear warden, there's nothing you to deal with. I just came up to visit the h*# of this building."

I immediately wanted to take back that last sentence as soon as it slipped from my mouth. But it was too late to stop the sailing ship. Roma was annoying, irritating and kind of girl who could make your head spin. But she was nothing close to the word I said. She was not Sanah. Her head twitched to meet my eyes and hers seemed watering. Now I really feel like a douchebag. I wanted to correct myself but her eyes made my throat dry. I couldn't say anything more. I thought she might have an emotional breakdown. I couldn't say anything but to make an apologetic gesture I took a step forward. My foot was in the air, when my face suddenly hit a hard force, making my neck bend and my eyes to look to the ground in the opposite direction.

She slapped me hard on the face. Till now, no one has dared enough to do that. Not even mom. But I didn't revolt. I deserved it in every way and I feel horribly guilty now. Her slap sort of gave me the ability to speak.

I : I didn't mean it, I am…(she interrupted with venom in her voice)

ROMA : I JUST KNEW IT!! You are trouble, a devil, filthy, cold hearted and arrogant. You think for some god damn reason that every women have one purpose in life and that's hunting after eligible men. For which they can do business with character. BUT ITS NOT LIKE THAT !! I AM NOT LIKE THAT!! (I know, you are way different. I said in my mind)

ROMA : Tanya told me that you and Vicky don't get along anymore, so I just figured that you won't like his cringed, manipulative, over possessive girlfriend around you. But thinking for the good of the devil is stupidity in its own self. Do you see Tanya with the same perspective as well? If you do, then I have to warn her and if not, then why me?

I : I don't see either of you in the similar way. I am sor (she interrupted again with the same venom)

ROMA : Shut the hell up! Your words clearly stated otherwise. I came here to apologise to you! (She said "you" with a note of disgust) but now, I have to feel sorry for Tanya. Just because she made friends with you in high school, now she has to bear with the curse of dealing with a devil like you all her life. (She stormed out of the cafeteria)

My feet were glued to the place I stood. She has called me those similar words many a times. I never cared before, but this time it seemed she MEANT it all. Her voice was disappointed, shocked, angry but mainly it sounded hurt. I did hurt her with my harsh words.

SOMEONE : WHY NIKHIL?? (I heard a familiar feminine voice squealing from my behind. So I turned around to see who it is. That was Tanya standing beside a shocked expression Advik)

I : Swear on every living I care for Tanya, I didn't mean it. She suddenly showed up, probably was trying to lift my mood and aa..(I was out of breath)

TANYA : And what? To apologise, right!? (I nodded and tried to explain)

I : Don't know what came over me Tanya. I was suddenly hit with the thoughts…(Advik interrupted)

ADVIK : Of Sanah? (I slightly nodded so he continued)

ADVIK : Buddy, I know it was hard for you, it still is. But you cannot ignore the fact that it's been three years now. Also you do know that Roma is not Sanah, right?

I : I know mate. Roma is beautiful but her inner beauty enhances it more. She is sarcastic, funny, kind, smart, caring. She is nothing like Sanah.

TANYA : Then what the hell made you say such things to her. (I looked at Tanya. She never uses such tone with me. Seems Tanya has too started endearing Roma and hurting her is equivalent to hurt Tanya)

TANYA : Don't look like that at me. I stood by you this morning. Because I knew it was Roma's fault. She realised it too. That's why she came up to apologise. You mean nothing to her but still she did. (My heart made an unintentional flip hearing I don't mean anything to Roma. I know Tanya is fuming right now but I am uncertain that after what happened just now, I am as important as a tot to Roma).

But now it's your fault and I am not gonna support you in this. You acted like a real jerk to her. This isn't you. Get a hold of yourself before you start losing everyone in life. (she left in the direction Roma went to)

Awesome! I not only disappointed that one woman I genuinely trusted but also badly hurt the girl I have recently started caring for. For both of my splendid performances, thanks a lot to you Sanah (Note the sarcasm!). Though I expected an earful from Advik too. He didn't say a word until I broke the silence.

I : Are you going to bail on me too?

ADVIK : Nah, I know first fights in relationship are always pretty harsh. (He said it with a wink. I could have disagreed but the words that came out of my mouth was unreal of me)

I : I guess you are right Advik. I care for Roma. I trust her. (Advik's expression turned surprising when he noticed I was serious)

ADVIK : You like her. (It wasn't a question rather a statement)

I : Am not sure about it mate. But I can guarantee that I care for her and after mom and Tanya, it's Roma whom I can trust with my soul. I cannot lose a girl from my life whom I trust Advik. I need to make it up to her. Please help me out.

Advik : Of course buddy. Good lord! this story of Roma and yours is getting exciting now. (He had a exciting grin on his face)

We hugged and patted each other's back.

Hello readers! Hope you liked this chapter too. Please leave a review and comment your favourite part. Tell me what you think about Nikhil’s change for Roma. I am waiting for your responses.

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