
It’s Strange How Often In Darkness My Heart FINDS YOU

#Ongoing Roma Roy, a 26 years old Indian girl returned to her hometown after eight years. Nothing much has changed since the last time she has been here, her hometown, she herself, the smell of the air, her passion for ambitious future, except one thing. She is getting married in a month. She works and is gonna settle her life in Bangalore, city in Karnataka state of India. She is back in her hometown to help her parents for the wedding preparation. The first thing in her mind today is to meet her childhood best friends whom she hasn’t met in the past eight years to invite them for the wedding and tell them everything about her “husband to be.” How are they gonna react when they get to know about the first meet to the groom? How will she tell them about the phase they went through from the first conversation “you cold hearted, arrogant toe rag!!” to “it’s been you and always will be you”. The love story blooms when Roma dictates her story to her childhood best friends that started eight years ago, starting from “the first encounter” till this date. Here our male lead character makes an entrance. He is totally opposite in nature to our female lead character. She is kind, sweet with ordinary looks. He is arrogant, cold hearted with oh! so handsome looks. Glimpse of the first encounter :- Roma’s POV I : WHAT looks like UNDER CONTROL to you here. I don’t care if it is Vicky Dixit or PRESIDENT OF AMERICA!! NIKHIL : Exactly, but she do care if the president of America is Nikhil Dixit. (I turned around to the familiar voice and started getting chills down my spine seeing the devil again. I feel so angry right now.) I : #NEWSFLASH Mr.Nikhil Dixit, I wish I had contacts with any of the psychiatrist to help you to get out of yours own fantasy land and daydreams. As for reality, I can just say that you are a cold hearted, arrogant toe rag and more importantly you are hell ya self obsessed. Stay the heck away from me and don’t you ever dare again to cause TROUBLE TO MY FRIENDS !! Tanya and Advik dragged me from the out hall before I could kill him and that’s when I heard him saying. NIKHIL : Don’t miss me too much my feisty fireball. A/N : Please read this story. Chapters are released every weekend. Stay tuned to know what happened further. Author name :— Vandana Panigrahi

Vandana_Panigrahi · Teen
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14 Chs


Nikhil (the next morning)

Was she right? Don't I communicate? To some extend she is correct. I didn't sleep the whole night and just kept tossing over my bed. My mind was revolving with all the events that occurred last night. After returning back to our room I told Advik about everything that happened in the men's room and he just couldn't stop laughing. After proving the expression ROFL to be true for 30 minutes, he went to bed saying one last thing on Roma. "You got a great girl mate. She is a total badass." Well, I know she is but the bigger problem for the moment is, during the whole while she was lecturing me, I forgot the most important thing.

Oh Jesus, Roma is gonna kill me! When I saw both of them dancing and having such a great time, I got highly jealous. So during the whole night I scurried myself off the party to research on Vivaan and made a website on him declaring that he is a loser and a cheat. I wrote a dozen more things on him and released it. I presumed he was cheating on his girlfriend with Roma and Roma was being naive to go with him as a date. I shouldn't have underestimated my Roma.

That wasn't really a problem until when, with an anonymous number, I sent the link of the website to Vicky. The two were of same year so he couldn't harm him physically, but I knew he would humiliate him. I was angry and at the heat of the moment, I just did it. Until midnight, when Roma made things more clearer. Now I feel horrible. I tried deleting the website but it was a 12 hours process. Apparently the shit I have caused is gonna last awhile now. The only option left with me was to rush down to Vivaan and apologise him. It's barely 7 in the morning, the classes don't begun till 9. I went to the second floor, corridor of the seniors and knocked on Vivaan's door. His hair was ruffled, seemed he just woke up, he was shirtless and was still sleepy.

VIVAAN : Nikhil, right? (He asked politely)

I : Yeah. Mind if I come in? (He moved to the side and I took it as a yes)

I : First of all, I am really sorry to behave so rudely last night.

VIVAAN : It's ok Nikhil. I know things are rough with you disliking being here. I know you don't get along with Vicky. (I twitched my head to meet his eyes and he nodded. Before I could say he explained) I am Advik's coordinator in this case. He told me the purpose. What you are doing is something no one can do. Genuinely hats off! (Realisation caught me. Advik told me before the party yesterday that he found the perfect coordinator required for our purpose. I didn't know that it was him. Roma is right. I don't communicate enough)

I : Thank you for the help Vivaan. I needed someone like you. (he interrupted)

VIVAAN : But you didn't need me with Roma last night. (I was embarrassed now)

VIVAAN : She is a great girl, Nikhil. Take good care of her.

I : I had to talk to you about this actually. (He nodded so I continued)

I : Vivaan, after seeing you with Roma last night, I got really insecure. As a force of habit I begun researching on you and found out you have a girlfriend…

VIVAAN : Arina, Roma's cousin.

I : Yes, but I didn't know that your girlfriend is Roma's cousin. I presumed you are…

VIVAAN : A cheat? Some young loser who isn't using any social media in the 21st century? (I was silent out of embarrassment) It's all in the past. What's the real problem that you showed up so early? (I buckled up the courage)

I : Well, I sort of created a website that tells what I presumed about you and I sent the link of it to Vicky. I am really sorry Vivaan, I just…(He burst out laughing and I knew there isn't any tension in the air anymore)

VIVAAN : Oh god! You really had hatred for me last night. Don't worry Nikhil. Arina loves me, she trusts me that I can never cheat on her. That's all what matters. And honestly, we gossiped about you a lot last night. She got pretty angry and annoyed but I know how to calm her. As for the loser thing, it's common of what Vicky says to me. (I was beyond relieved)

I : Thank you for forgiving me Vivaan. I had no idea how to face you. Even Advik doesn't know about the website. I have deleted it, it will be removed in 12 hours. I promise things for Vicky will change soon.

VIVAAN : No problem Nikhil. This is a university, gossips fly in the air here. People hear it, think on it and forget it. My real friends' opinion won't change for me by just a website. But ya, Arina and Roma will surely be annoyed.

I : Can I ask for a quick favour?

VIVAAN : Anything.

I : I want to apologise Roma. I was a douche to her last night. Am sure she is already aware of the website and must be fuming now. She won't give me a chance to explain unless persuaded. Could you please convince her to meet me in the classroom earlier by 10 minutes?

VIVAAN : Wow! drama in the house! Don't worry it will be done.

I : Thanks a lot and really sorry again.



I : Don't you dare defend him this time! How dare he! Does he has so much issues manning up? How could he do all this! (I was now at college with Tanya, Arina, Vivaan and Advik. Apparently three of us got to know about the website just now but Vivaan knew. According to Advik, Nikhil is missing since 7 in the morning)

ARINA : Please take care of him before I strangle him to death Roma!

I : Am so sorry Arina, I never had imagined in my wildest dreams about this.

(This morning at the cafeteria, when everyone was having breakfast, Vicky stood up on one of the tables and started reading out all the craps on the website. But was stopped midway when the

prof. Binkan entered into the cafeteria. With all the craps written, I guessed it was Nikhil. And Vivaan confirmed it)

Vivaan : It's alright Roma. The website will vanish in a couple of hours. Nikhil has already apologised to me this morning. As for Vicky, he is always like this, no biggie.

ARINA : It is! Stop being so modest all the time! I agree that Vicky is a brat but why did Nikhil had to do all this! What did you ever do to him? Do you know the reason behind this Roma?

(I was embarrassed now. I couldn't obviously tell her that I am the reason. While my cheek turned into tomato red, Vivaan was eyeing me and Advik was drinking water from his bottle as if enjoying the show of what would be my dialogue now. I got the evilest idea of all time and blurted it out)

I : Actually Arina, Nikhil is gay. (Advik spurted his water and coughed. Tanya and Vivaan were just looking at me with wide eyes. They were shocked and embarrassed by my reply)

ARINA : What!

I : Yes, actually he likes Vivaan and didn't like that we went together to the party yesterday. After the party, he threw all his possessiveness on me saying I am stealing Vivaan from him.

VIVAAN : As far as I remember, he said no such thing this morning Roma. We were like bros this morning.

I : Ya…maybe that's that's the reason he did this. He didn't get equivalent response from you so he got offended and well, you know the rest. (My voice got really shaky while explaining it. At first I was laughing internally but since Vivaan caught me, I was now at verge of being exposed. But I still somehow managed to convince Arina. As for Tanya and Advik, I will have a brief talk with them, as well as with Nikhil. You have a lot to explain boy. A lot!

Don’t get me wrong readers. I respect all forms of love. Anyone can love anyone irrespective of gender,caste,colour and creed. I just mentioned it this way in attempt of adding a comic element. Please take no offence. If you liked reading my story then please vote and comment. Happy reading ❤️❤️

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