
Information on the characters!

Here is some information on the characters in the book!

Name: Akira (Aki) Ichihara

Age: Depends

Sexuality: Panromantic+Demisexual

Species: Half Ghoul (Natural)

Kagune type: Has all kagunes

Rank: SS+

Siblings: 2 (Alexander <Alex> Etsuko, Ayaka <Minera> Ichihara

Weapons: Her Kagunes

Pets: 2 dogs (Takahiro <Girl>, Haruto <Boy>) and a bunny (Haruki <Girl>)

Gender: Female

Friends: Ito, Maria, Alexander, Elizabeth, ????

Weight: 95 lbs

Height: 4'9"

Mental illnesses: Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar disorder

Nationality: Mexican and Japanese

Birthday: February 27th

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Nicknames: Aki

Languages: Spanish, Japanese, English, Korean

Name: Tyler Daze

Age: 16

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: half demon

Siblings: Sister (deceased)

Weapons: A chain with spikes

Gender: Male

Weight: 180

Height: 6'1

Mental illnesses: Bipolar disorder

Nationality: Caucasian

Birthday: January 13th

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Nicknames: The stapler

Languages: german, Russian, and English