
Cultivating (NSFW)

Song Yang was back in his room, sitting on his bed and thinking about what he just learned from Tan Yanyan.

With his S-grade talent and his Divine-grade Cultivation Manual, in one month, he will literally one-shot everyone and his high cultivation level would also attract a lot of unwanted attention... Therefore, he needed to think of a way to stay low-key.

'Tomorrow I will have to ask Sister Yanyan what level of cultivation it's possible to reach in one month.'

To be honest, the thought of leaving the sect also crossed his mind but he couldn't do it, the sect was an important place for him. Since he didn't know anything about this world, it was the only place that could provide him a safe environment until he could become strong enough to be independent. Moreover, by staying here, he could also gather knowledge about this world and eventually learn a way to turn back to a man.

Having made his decision, Song Yang wanted to finish exploring the shop of his system before starting to cultivate.

'Shop.' He thought, and the corresponding screen appeared before his eyes.

The shop was actually a gacha store where he could buy tickets to get random weapons, Artifacts, pills, bloodlines, Cultivation Manuals, or Martial Arts. These items were graded from Mortal-grade to Divine-grade. Of course, the higher the grade of an item, the lower the chance he had to get it. The grades in this world were the following, from the lowest to the highest: Mortal, Earth, King, Saint, Immortal, and Divine.

The shop only had one option: to spend 2000 Diamonds to buy a ticket that gave him six random items. However, at least one Immortal-grade item was guaranteed among these six.

At the end of the screen, there was a note saying that the only way for him to gain Diamonds was to increase his cultivation level. The higher his cultivation level was, the more Diamonds he would receive.

'Hmm, this shop is actually not bad, but since I don't really need anything for now, I will just keep my Diamonds for the future.' He thought, before closing the screen in front of him.

He was a little tempted to try his luck to get a bloodline but knowing how bad his luck usually was, he decided otherwise...

Song Yang sat cross-legged on the floor of his bedroom. It was now time to cultivate!

He closed his eyes while trying to empty his mind. In his previous life, he had never tried yoga or meditation so he was not sure that he would be able to easily enter a meditative state.

It took him a few minutes but he finally succeeded and started breathing according to the method described in the Heavenly Ice Scripture.

The first realm of cultivation, the Eight Meridians Opening realm, consisted of absorbing Qi in order to open the eight major meridians in the body and filling them with Qi.

To do that, Song Yang needed to locate the first major meridian in his body and only after he would successfully open it, he would enter the first level of the Eight Meridians Opening realm.

Locating the major meridians in his body was easy for Song Yang since he had gained the knowledge on how to do it after he had mastered the Heavenly Ice Scripture. Moreover, according to the manual, there were in addition to these eight major meridians, four hidden meridians. Which meant that the real total of major meridians in the body was actually twelve.

Opening the four hidden meridians could greatly increase the strength of a cultivator, but since they were hidden and it was not mandatory to open them in order to breakthrough the Qi Condensation realm, people in this world didn't know that they existed...

After Song Yang had successfully located the first major meridian, he started to absorb the Spiritual Energy from all around and circulated it through his minor meridians towards it. Then, the Qi assaulted and tried to crack the wall around the meridian in order to open it. Thankfully, this process was not painful.

While circulating the Spiritual Energy, Song Yang also had to recite the mantra of the scripture in his head. It was quite challenging to do all of these tasks at the same time and he was convinced that if he hadn't mastered the Scripture thanks to his system, he would have definitely not been able to do it.

Time passed quickly... When Song Yang opened his eyes, it was already nighttime.

Like it was described in the Cultivation Manual, he noticed that his cultivation speed was greatly increased during the night while it was not very fast during the day. It was because the Qi he absorbed while cultivating the Heavenly Ice Scripture was of the Pure Yin element. That element was mainly present during nighttime, when the moon was visible.

He decided to cultivate for a few more hours before finally stopping.

These few hours of cultivation were not enough for Song Yang to breakthrough the first level of the Eight Meridians Opening realm but he estimated that he was not far from reaching it.

'Tomorrow I will open the first meridian and finally officially become a cultivator!' He thought, excitedly.

Today has been a long day, his first day in this new world and in the body of a girl. Unfortunately, at his current level, cultivating couldn't replace sleep so Song Yang was feeling both physically tired and mentally exhausted.

He decided to stop here and go to sleep. He walked towards his bed and lay down on it. He closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep with a smile on his face. Except for the fact that he was now a girl, he was really happy to be in this world.


The next morning, Song Yang woke up at dawn, he could see the faint rays of the rising sun through his bedroom window.

He was about to look for his Smartphone to see the time, but he realized that he was no longer on Earth. This thought made him chuckle.

He stood up from his bed and wanted to take a shower like every morning in his 'previous life' but once again, he realized that he didn't know how it worked in this world. Fuck, he didn't even know how a girl was supposed to wash! He guessed that it was like for a man but the thought of washing his current body made him a little uncomfortable.

'Hygiene is important, I can't be picky about it.' He decided.

He left his bedroom and walked towards the dining room. There, he saw Xia Zilin sitting at the table and reading a book.

"Good morning Sister Zilin. Is Sister Yanyan still sleeping?" Asked Song Yang.

"Good morning! No, she woke up early to wash in the pond." Answered Xia Zilin.

"The pond? How does she know where the pond is?" He wondered. He couldn't understand how Tan Yanyan knew so much about the sect when she was supposed to have joined it for a day or two.

"Well, the location of the pond is marked on the map..." Said Xia Zilin.

"The map?" Song Yang didn't find any map when he woke up in this world.

"Yes, the map. We received it when we arrived here and put it in the cupboard drawer, behind me... Sister Yu Qi, what's wrong with you? You've been acting weirdly since yesterday..." Said Xia Zilin, staring at Song Yang for a long time as if trying to read his mind.

"I-It's nothing. I just have a bad memory!" After saying that, Song Yang walked towards the cupboard and found a large sheet of paper inside one of its drawers.

The large sheet of paper was exactly what he was looking for: the map. Inspecting it, Song Yang found it very detailed.

The Outer-Sect Area was divided into many areas. In the east part, there was a Dorm Area where all the outer disciples lived. It was divided into two areas: the boys' area and the girls' area. Song Yang remembered that in the rulebook it was said that boys were not allowed to go to the girls' area, even by mistake, or they would be expelled from the sect.

In addition to the Dorm Area, there was also a Training Area in the southwest part which contained a lot of training grounds, as well as an Arena Area in the northwest part where the official duels and tournaments took place.

Finally, at the center of the Outer-Sect Area, there was the Central Area which contained the three pagodas: The Market Hall, the Mission Hall, and the Martial Hall.

Song Yang quickly located the location of the pond that Xia Zilin talked about earlier and memorized it. Then, he put the map back in the drawer and turned to Xia Zilin.

"I found the map, thank you Sister Zilin."

"No problem, Sister Yu Qi. I plan to go there after breakfast, we can go together." Said Xia Zilin, smiling.

Hearing this made Song Yang's heart skip a beat. He realized that the pond was probably the equivalent of a public bath in the sect. The thought of being surrounded by a bunch of beautiful naked girls taking a bath almost gave him a nosebleed. He was not a saint, he would be stupid to refuse the opportunity to get an eyeful. Anyway, it was not like his body could react since he had lost his 'thing'...

"A-Alright, we can go together." He said, nervously.

"Good! By the way, I already lit the fire if you want to start cooking now. Honestly, I'm quite hungry, hehe." Said Xia Zilin.

Song Yang nodded and started preparing all the things he needed to cook a meal similar to the day before.

After a few minutes, Tan Yanyan came back and greeted everyone. Then, she sat at the table and waited for the meal to be ready.

"By the way Sister Yanyan, do you know what cultivation level we can reach in one month?" Asked Song Yang.

"Hmm, according to my big brother, the first three levels of the Eight Meridians Opening realm are the easiest to reach. After that, it becomes much more difficult and longer to locate and open the other major meridians. I think that with our D-grade talent, we should be able to reach the first level of the Eight Meridians Opening realm in one week and the second level in a little less than a month." Answered Tan Yanyan.

Song Yang nodded and thanked her.

'So I should stop cultivating once I reach the second level. After that, I will focus on refining my body with the Heavenly Ice as described in the mantra of the Heavenly Ice Scripture.' He thought.

Once the meal was ready, the three girls ate in silence. And, after they finished eating, Tan Yanyan went back to her room while Song Yang and Xia Zilin went to the pond to take a bath.


The pond was very large, its crystal clear water seemed to shine as it reflected the bright blue sky, and the thin mist coming from the hot water surrounding it gave the place an ethereal beauty.

"Why is there no one here?" Asked Song Yang, standing not far from the pond.

He was imagining a few girls playing and happily splashing water at each other, but he couldn't see anyone!

"Sister Yanyan told me that there is an Array Formation around the pond. You can't see anyone from the outside and once inside it's the same, it's like you are alone." Explained Xia Zilin.

"Oh..." Said Song Yang, feeling very disappointed.

"Then, I will see you later." Said Xia Zilin as she walked towards the pond and 'disappeared' from Song Yang's sight.

With a sigh, Song Yang also entered the pond. He checked, just in case, but there was really no one but him...

He quickly removed his clothes, momentarily forgetting that he was a girl because of his disappointment, and submerged himself in the water.

'Wow, it feels good.' He thought.

The hot water was very relaxing, he felt like he was in a hot spring. He started to rub his body but suddenly stopped when he finally remembered that he was now a girl.

It was actually the first time that he was seeing his new body completely naked. Curious, he started to explore it.

'This girl's skin is really too perfect, there is not a single imperfection!' He thought as he examined his body.

'Her boobs are perfect too, big but not too much with beautiful pink nipples. And... Ahhh! Shit, they are very sensitive!' He accidentally let out a moan as he pinched them.

His body was so sensitive that just this little stimulation made him feel hot and quickened his heartbeat and breathing.

'Calm down... I must calm down.'

He would lie if he said that he was not curious about how a girl's orgasm felt but, even if he was tempted, he didn't dare to touch himself in a public place...

He took a deep breath and cooled down after a minute. Then, he resumed the inspection of his body.

Examining his private parts, Song Yang couldn't help but blush. It was his first time seeing a girl's genitals in real life.

'Fuck, it's so weird to have a hole in this place...'

'Hmm, judging by this short bush of pubic hair, it looks like she already hit puberty a few years ago. Oh, shit! I totally forgot about a girl's period! I really, really don't look forward to it...' He lamented.

Continuing his examination, Song Yang noticed that if it was not for his system, he would have never thought that this body was only fourteen years old as it was tall, probably around 165 centimeters, and was very well developed with perfect curves.

Actually, his two roommates and a few other girls of the sect he saw so far were like that too. He wondered if it was because there was Spiritual Energy in this world that people's bodies developed faster than on Earth.

Anyway, after he finished his 'exploration', Song Yang quickly came out of the water and dressed himself. Thankfully, the clothes he was wearing were very simple. It was just a white inner robe with the grey taoist robe to wear over and black martial arts slippers. No underwear and no bra.

Once he was fully dressed, he went back to his house.


Song Yang could be seen sitting cross-legged on the floor of his bedroom.

He was continuously absorbing Qi in order to breakthrough the wall that prevented him from opening the first major meridians.


After a few minutes, the Qi that was constantly crashing against the wall started to crack it.


Under the pressure of the raging Qi that Song Yang was absorbing, the wall finally collapsed.

Suddenly, he felt a warm sensation as Qi started to fill the meridian and his whole body was traversed by a surge of energy.

This surge of energy made every cell in Song Yang's body bathed in Qi, forcing them to evolve past the limits of standard human biology. His muscles had grown denser and more pliable, more than doubling his previous strength, constitution, speed, and agility. Moreover, his cells could now feed on Qi, reducing his need for food and sleep by half.

Song Yang's mind had also expanded as the neurons in his brain reordered themselves into more complex patterns, vastly increasing their interconnectivity and their ability to process information. His overall storage capacity had expanded as well, making it possible for him to analyze, learn, and memorize things much faster.

He was not a mortal anymore, he became a cultivator.

'Incredible!' Thought Song Yang, amazed by all the changes in his body. He felt like a different person compared to just a few minutes ago.

[Host has reached the first level of the Eight Meridians Opening realm.]

[Host has earned 50 Diamonds.]

Seeing these two notifications, Song Yang smiled and continued to cultivate until late at night.

Next chapter