
It’s lonesome at the top let’s reset

I’ve done it I’ve reached the top but there’s nothing left I must get another chance please let me have another chance let me reset.

Hiroyuk1 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

After years of torment I've finally done it I've reached the top. All the sacrifices all the pain and suffering I've finally done it. There's nothing here? How I, I thought there would be at least something at the end. No there must be something, I looked around for ages but only found one thing in this dark and abandoned room.. a key but what is it used for? It's got a inscription it says "For Lanson" wait what that can't be it's my name? As I put the key closer to my eye to inspect it a sharp pain endorsed my eye it was bleeding somehow something had scraped my eye it didn't hurt though. As I tried to open my eye a type of window appeared in front of me saying new user acquired would you like to reset? I didn't know how to react after almost losing my eye to some random key at the final floor of the tower I get some random message saying to reset? Fine why not There's nothing else to do here. I clicked the button that said reset and I began to feel weightless and slowly felt myself levitating it was as if the world around me was changing I could here sounds of people talking but couldn't make out what they were saying and then I slowly fell asleep to the soothing sound of a females voice.