
Chapter 5: True Cross Academy

At 5:46 am I head out of the creepy ass boys dorm, with a bag over my shoulder, my iPhone in my pocket and one earbud in an ear listening to Riot by three days grace.

I find my way into the school building, trying to ignore all the stares and whispers from the other students. I didn't know where to go, so guess what I have to do? Ask for directions. Yay…. note sarcasm.

I walk to a chick in the schools uniform.. jeez why do they wear short skirts. I ask for directions to the principal's office. She hands me a map of the school campus and draws a circle where we were at and then another circle where mephisto's office is then draws a series of lines and turns connecting both circles. I thank her, and walk to the office noticing that many of the other students were watching and now most of them are swarming the chick.

Following the detailed map I made it to mephisto's office. I knocked twice on the door, followed by "Come in."

I glance around when I entered the spacious room, with fine and some odd decorations. In the center room close to the opposite wall was the desk and a high back Victorian chair turned where the back face me. I close the door behind me which made an adorable click, then walked to the desk.

"Please sit." Said mephisto turning his chair around to gesture to a cushion chair in front of the desk. I sat down, slouching in the chair all American Tomboyish.

"So what am I going to do today? am I started classes?" I asked curious.

Mephisto watched me for a while, seeming to contemplate what to do.

"Well you will you be doing the regular school in the mornings and a little in the afternoon, but you will start that schedule tomorrow, for today however you will be going on a field mission with the rest of the Esquires in the exorcist program. Also since you missed the first parts of the program you are not considered an Esquire, but after the events in your home land of America and your background of swordsmanship and other exorcist related things, I give you your title of the Esquire."

"K." I answer kinda surprised on the whole elaborate explanation of my classes.

Mephisto's blinked not really sure if I was listening, he was expecting more for an answer.

"So.." I draw out. "What now."

"I will issue your school uniform, and give you your schedules for both school and the program." Mephisto replied. Then he opened a drawer in his desk taking out two keys. He handed me the plainest one saying, "this will help you get to your exorcist class and this." he held up. "Will let you go to the Amusement Park where the rest of the class is."

"Ok." I said taking both keys.

I stood up and said my goodbyes, then walk back to my dorm to change into something else for this mission.