
Isuzu-Chan : level up alpha so you can get out of school

this story will be about a girl getting into the wrong school

SS_lee · Teen
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

eps 1 : first day of school (1/4)

-the alarm going off-


-after Isuzu took a couple of seconds, waving her hand, trying to get the alarm she finally does it-

"honey time to wake up it's your first day!"

"5 more minutes mom"

"fine honey, even though you'll be late for your first day at school"

"what are you talking about Mom?"

"all right honey I'll be downstairs getting breakfast ready"

"wait wait it's the first day of school!!! I can't wait time to get ready!!"

-after Isuzu jumped out of the bed and went inside her closet and is changing her outfit-

"this outfit is pretty nice oh yeah, I forgot about breakfast time to go."

-after Isuzu got out of the closet and went downstairs-

"hey honey finally back after 10 years haha"

"yeah mom I'm finally back after 10 years"

"all right honey eat your breakfast"


-after Isuzu ate the breakfast and went into the car-

"honey I think you should take some extra activities"

"come on mom we already talked about this I don't want to do extra activity I called that extra work"

"come on honey you need to get into and make friends this is your 2 time in school"

"I know mom but still"

"no buts young lady we move back into our old house and you can probably meet up with those friends of yours from way back they might be in the same school"


"all right honey what song do you want to hear? it would probably be a 15 minute drive"

"the Lord have mercy"

"Oh a little moody today, huh"

-after putting Lord have mercy and going to the school-

"all right honey see you later"

"all right mom bye"

-After Isuzu got out of the car-

"my first day at school I can do this, Isuzu you can do this"

-when Isuzu was walking to the building a mysterious boy bumped her shoulder-

"huh HEY! what's the problem with you?!"

-The mysterious boy looked around at her-


"hey I know you! you are the guy that bumped my shoulder at the place where we were supposed to sign up for clubs what's wrong with you!"

-The mysterious boy turned around and started walking away-

"god what's wrong with him?!"

"HEY freshmen!"

-a girlie, yet louder voice bloomed out-

"huh!? uh H-hey?"

-Isuzu turned around and noticed a girl-

"hey again freshman"

"O-oh yea hey what do you want?"

"oh I noticed you were a freshman and thought you could use some help"

"O-oh yea I could use some help I have no idea where the classes are"

"OK freshman follow me, OH! let me see your schedule"

"umm o-ok"

{This is my first time talking to another classmate i'm so excited!!!}

-Isuzu took out her schedule and showed it to the blue haired girl-

"Oh!, we have the same classes"


"yea, we have five classes and you're in four of them the only one is oh, the werewolf class?!"

"W-what?! i'm not a werewolf!"

"uh well I guess you are taking the werewolf class that's the only class you're not with me"

-The blue haired girl looked at Isuzu-

"come on follow me let's go to our first class, math"


{uhhhh why did it have to be math. I suck at it.}

-Isuzu followed the blue haired girl to the math class-

"hello everybody! my name is Mr. Caron I will be your math teacher but since everybody just got back to high school we won't be doing any assignments today we will only sharing our name and hobby, and maybe our favorite food and one exciting thing you did!"

-background noise-


"not this again"

"great another one"

"back in hell again"

"oh why"


-after everybody got quiet-

"all right student let's go from the left to right"

"hey, um i am Emma my hobby is drying and, uh one exciting thing I did is animating a anime"

"good next!"

"hey, my name is Alex I don't have a hobby my favorite food is pizza one exciting thing I did is get a job"

"ok next!"

-The blue haired girl stands up-

"hi, my name is Jenna and my favorite food is pasta, and my hobby is studying because I'm trying to get into Harvard my GPA right now is 4.3 one exciting thing I did over the summer is going to Japan and just hanging out there for a couple of months"

{wow, she went to Japan! Japan is my favorite place because of how much anime stuff is there. I wish I could go also.}

"all right, good next"

"O-oh, yea m-my name is Isuzu my favorite food is kimchi, I don't really have a hobby one interesting thing I did over the summer is going to my grandmas house"

"oh a Korean well nice to meet you. anyways, Next.!"

-Isuzu look to her right and noticed the mysterious boy that bumped her shoulder-

{uhhhhhh why do I have to sit next to this guy!"

"my name maximum I don't really have a favorite food or a hobby and I didn't do anything interesting"

"uh, ok, next!"

-after everybody finish introducing themselves-

"all right student like I said we won't have any work for today but we will have work tomorrow, so yeah you should prepare anyways you guys can do whatever you want for today. Except leaving the classroom. ok bye students!"

-The teacher stands up from the desk and starts leaving the classroom-

"uh what to do maybe my phone let's see what gam-"

"hey freshman!"


"oh, sorry did I scare you? freshman"

"Y-yeah, you scared me a bit and, my name is Isuzu"

"oh Isuzu?, that's a nice name."

"O-oh thanks, anyways why did you call me?"

"oh I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out for a bit"

"hang out?"

{oh my god this is my first hangup with a friend is she even a friend? Can I call her friend? Will she think of me as a friend? ahhhh"

"yea I mean we can to leave this classroom, but we could probably play games on our phones for a while"

"uh ok what games do you have?"

-50 minutes later-

-Bell ringing-

"well, it's time for us to go to our next. class"

"follow me Isuzu to science"


-Isuzu follows the blue haired girl to science-

"all right we're here, science"

"so that's how you get here but still I can't believe this is in the third floor we went to the first floor to all the way to the third-floor"

"yeah, you will get used to it soon"

"oh, by the way, what's your name? I actually never ask. hahaha"

"oh yea my name is Jenna."

"OK Jenna"

-after everybody got in their seats-

"hello students welcome to our school. Some of you are new and some of you are welcome back as seniors or about to graduate so yeah. we won't be doing any assignments. for a couple of days until you get used to this school probably will take like two weeks before you fully get used to it"

-A boy in the back raised his hand-

"hmm yes what is it John?"

"yea is it true that the werewolf and the humans will now be in the same classes?"

"uh yes because of our new principal ends, new factory, and stuff like that so yeah because of the new policies and stuff like that, we will have a joined classes. Actually one of them is going to be the gym. but of course. it will still have everything same."

"mmm ok thank you for the information, sir."

{Oh I didn't know the werewolves, and the humans were gonna be in the same classes oh, I should probably ask why I am in the werewolf class}

-A/N : part two of this will probably be in three days or a bit more or I have to basically think of the plot and where I wanna is the story to go basically hopefully it will go fast, but I don't know yet please give me some suggestions so I can give you the best content. Alrighty see you guys later