
arco excalibur/tratado de paz

Well, my dear ones, here is another chapter. Sorry for the delay, I had written 3k words in the notepad, but unfortunately, the power went out and I didn't save, which was quite discouraging.

Narrator's POV

After the events of the previous chapters, we return to our normal programming. We see a certain dragon god in a hotel more expensive than what Kouh has to offer.

Issei's POV

Well, I'm looking for houses to buy in Kuoh and I found one that is interesting. Hey Ddraig, look at this house that I found. It's perfect and it's 5km away from Kouh, with space for you to sleep.

Ddraig's POV

I was trying to sleep in this small bed when I hear my partner calling me. Issei: Ddraig, look at this house.

After this brief dialogue, Issei decided to buy this "house" that he thought was cheap. He bought it for 300 million dollars.


Meanwhile, in the club room, we see a redhead carrying the title of Lucifer.

Please let me know if you would like me to continue with the translation.Well, family, I'm back with the story, apologies for the delay, my laptop burned out and now I'm using my cell phone. Yes, this will continue, the previous one was just corrected because I didn't know how to edit on my cellphone, but now that I know, I'll fix that. Enjoy the chapter below, it was corrected by the AI and if there are any unusual words, just be aware of it. One more thing, Flamengo will win the Copa do Brasil along with the Libertadores, so bye loves, enjoy the story below.


Issei Alter's POV

Well, it seems that my alter ego is still weak, it makes me sick to be compared to that shit. Let me focus again to do something truly manly, right Ddraig?

Ddraig: That's right, partner. It's time, hahahaha. Let's see how you handle the flaming loops that even burn gods. Let's go, partner. Pass through that ring, hahaha. I want to see if you're worthy of being the new Johnny Blaze of stunts.

Issei Alter: I'll show you now. After all, before anything else, I'll jump, but with a twist: I'll jump through the flaming ring with the bike, tied with 10 tons of TNT, and all of this with all senses restrained, except for hearing. Get ready to see the greatest show, you lizard.

Ddraig: A true manly man indeed, partner. I'm even shedding manly tears here. Go and prove that you are a manly man, partner.

Issei Alter: I'm going, Ddraig. On 3, okay? I've already lit the dynamite.

Ddraig: Let's go, partner. 3, 2, 1, go!!

Narrator's POV

What followed was a truly manly scene. For many, Issei accelerated his bike and the scene that followed was amazing. At the moment he crossed the flaming ring with Ddraig's flames, he passed in a manly way, lying on top of the bike and accelerating it with his toes. And at a rapid pace, before the TNT exploded, he released some and swallowed them, and the rest exploded behind him. And the ones he ate exploded in his belly, but instead of exploding, something comical happened: nothing. However, he released the TNT like explosive firecrackers, causing a chain reaction in the dimensional rift and irritating a certain Infinite Dragon.

Meanwhile, in the celestial and infernal factions, everyone watched in astonishment, some shedding tears of pride, others simply fainting from laughing so much at Issei Alter's performance. Heaven and Hell had never seen something so spectacular and ridiculous at the same time.

Vali's POV and his Team:

Observing Hyoudou Issei riding that flying motorcycle with so much skill and showmanship, I can't help but notice how different he is from the Issei we know.

Albion approaches me, still laughing, and comments:

"Look, Vali. This alternative Issei is much more interesting than ours. He really knows how to put on a show worth watching."

I agree with a nod, analyzing the scene carefully.

"Without a doubt. This Issei seems much bolder and confident in his own abilities. Ours tends to bBack to where we left off.

Issei continues to tease Ophis with his ironic tone and mocking smile.

"You know, I think this motorcycle needs an upgrade. What if I install a few TNT bombs inside?" He winks mischievously. "That way, the noise will really bother you, huh?"

Ophis remains impassive, her penetrating gaze fixed on the alternate Hyoudou.

Suddenly, Issei feels something strange in his stomach. His expression contorts in discomfort.

"Ugh, I think I ate something that didn't agree with me..." He puts his hand on his stomach, his face twisted in a grimace. "Sorry, Ophis, but I think I'm going to have to..."

Before Issei could finish his sentence, a huge eruption of gas escapes from his body, forming a comical explosion that hits Ophis directly in her indifferent face.

The powerful Ancient Serpent is hit full on by the foul cloud, her face remaining expressionless even in the face of such a hilarious scene.

Issei bursts into mocking laughter, clapping enthusiastically.

"Hahaha, look at this! I knew those TNT in my belly would make a good explosion!"

He then leans towards Ophis, a mocking smile on his face.

"What's the matter, Ophis? Not enjoying my 'noise and showmanship' now?"

The Ancient Serpent simply cleans herself calmly, her unchanged gaze fixed on the alternate Issei.

Will Ophis be able to maintain her patience after this tremendous display of bad taste by the young man?

As the comical scene unfolds, Rias Gremory and her nobility observe the situation with varied expressions.

Rias covers her nose, her face contorted in disgust.

"Ise, you perverted idiot! What do you think you're doing?"

Akeno, on the other hand, laughs discreetly, masking her own discomfort.

"Ufufu, it seems our beloved Ise-kun is really outdoing himself in his pranks."

Koneko grumbles in irritation, her eyes narrow in disapproval.

"Such a shame, senpai. This is really disgusting."

Sona Sitri and her nobility also witness the scene with airs of superiority.

Sona adjusts her glasses, her expression serious.

"Hyoudou Issei, this is a shame for all demons. I hope you learn to behave properly."

Tsubaki shakes her head in disdain, her nose upturned.

"How lacking in class. I didn't expect any less from someone like him."

Saji, on the other hand, can't contain his mocking laughter.

"Haha, look at this! Hyoudou is really taking the opportunity to make a mess!"

And in an alternate line, an even more extravagant Rias Gremory watches the scene with a mischievous smile.

"Ufufu, that's so typical of my dear Ise-kun! He always knows how to make things more fun."

Will this gas explosion from Issei shake the composure of the faction leaders? And how will Ophis react to this comical provocation?

The alternate Issei continues to gaze at Ophis with a mocking smile, clearly enjoying teasing her.

"Well, Ophis, you need to learn to let loose a bit. It's not like you're some kind of... Fragile object," he says, with a suggestive tone.

Ddraig lets out a sigh, shaking his head slightly. "Issei, I think you should be careful. You're playing with fire here."

But the alternate Issei ignores Ddraig's warning, shrugging. "Ah, Ddraig, you know I love a good challenge. And Ophis here seems to be... Quite intense."

He looks significantly at Ophis, his expression full of malice.

Ophis narrows her eyes, her aura intensifying even more. "You are provoking me, Sekiryuutei. Do you not think this could have... Unpleasant consequences?"

The alternate Issei laughs, seemingly unfazed. "Consequences, huh? Well, I always liked playing with fire. Who knows, maybe I can melt a bit of the ice that surrounds you, Ophis?"

Ddraig scoffs, exasperated. "Issei, I think you should stop testing Ophis's patience. You might end up getting burned by it."

But the alternate Issei just smiles, his gaze fixed on Ophis. "Ah, Ddraig, you know I love a good challenge. And Ophis here seems to be... Well, let's say she has a certain... Charm, doesn't she?"

Ophis lets out a low growl, her aura expanding even more. "Enough of the jokes, Sekiryuutei. You are testing my patience beyond the limit."

The alternate Issei approaches Ophis, his smile widening. "And what if I say that's exactly what I want, Ophis? After all, you can be so... Irresistible when you're angry."

Ddraig closes his eyes, resigned. "Issei, you're digging your own grave. I suggest you start preparing for the consequences."

The alternate Issei continues to provoke Ophis, his mocking smile still on his face.

"And what if I say that's exactly what I want, Ophis? After all, you can be so... Irresistible when you're angry."

Ddraig closes his eyes, resigned. "Issei, you're digging your own grave. I suggest you start preparing for the consequences."

Then, the great red dragon opens his eyes and looks at Ophis, a slight hint of mockery in his tone.

"Look, Ophis, it seems like Issei here is really interested in you. Who would have thought, huh? Maybe you should feel... Flattered?" Ddraig says, with a slightly playful tone.

Ophis narrows her eyes, her aura intensifying even more. "Do you dare to mock me as well, Celestial Dragon? You two are treading on dangerous ground."

Ddraig laughs, seemingly not intimidated. "Oh, Ophis, you need to relax a bit. After all, Issei here seems to be quite... Enthusiastic about your company."

Then, the red dragon turns to Issei, in a more serious tone. "But seriously, Issei, I think you should consider using some protection. You don't want to get burned, do you?"

The alternate Issei laughs, looking amused by the situation. "Protection, Ddraig? Do you think I'll need that? Maybe I actually want to get burned a little, if it's with Ophis."

Ophis lets out a low growl, her aura practically palpable. "Enough of the jokes, Sekiryuutei. You are testing my patience beyond the limit."

Ddraig sighs, shaking his head. "Issei, you're really digging your own grave. You might want to start preparing for the consequences."

The alternate Issei just smiles, seemingly confident. "Ah, Ddraig, don't worry. I know exactly what I'm doing."

Alright, let's add the presence of the normal alternate Ddraig observing the scene between alternate Issei and Ophis, with a UFC narrator's comment:

As the battle between alternate Issei and Ophis unfolds, an unexpected observer emerges in the field of view - the alternate Ddraig, holding a large bucket of popcorn and watching the scene with an amused look.

"Oooh, this is gonna be good!" He exclaims, his eyes shining with anticipation. "You don't want to miss this, folks!"

His tone resembles that of an excited UFC event narrator as he settles in to watch the confrontation.

Ophis, still furious, unleashes another powerful punch towards alternate Issei. But once again, the demon youth emerges unscathed, laughing at Ophis' attempt.

"Ah, Ophis, you never learn, do you?" He says, his mocking smile still on his face. "That kind of attack won't work on me."

The alternate Ddraig shakes his head, putting a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"Look at this, folks! The alternate Issei is really taunting Ophis. Does he know what he's doing?" He comments, his voice full of excitement.

Ophis narrows her eyes, her frustration evident. Clearly, she did not expect her opponent to be so resilient.

The scene unfolds, with alternate Ddraig providing the excited narration worthy of a sports event, as he watches the alternate Issei and Ophis confrontation unfold.

Alternate Issei continues to dodge Ophis' attacks, mocking her while making exaggerated movements.

"Geez, Ophis, do you really think you're going to hit me with those pathetic attacks?" He taunts, shaking his head in disdain. "I expected more from you, you know?"

Ophis growls in frustration, gathering more and more dark energy in her hands. She unleashes a powerful blast, but alternate Issei vanishes in a puff of smoke, reappearing on the other side of the battlefield.

"Haha, your shot was too weak, Ophis!" Alternate Issei taunts, twirling a finger in his ear in a sign of boredom. "Can you at least try to hit me this time?"

Alternate Ddraig watches it all with a huge smile, his voice full of excitement.

"Look at this, folks! The alternate Issei is making fun of Ophis, just like Lucifer did with his famous 'creu creu' in Hazbin Hotel. Will she manage to hit him this time?"

Ophis narrows her eyes, her frustration visible. She prepares for another devastating attack, but before she can act, alternate Issei vanishes again in a puff of smoke, reappearing behind her.

"Yay, hunting time!" He exclaims, with a mischievous smile. "Come here, Ophis, I'll give you a lesson!"

Alternate Issei chases Ophis around the arena, with the opponent desperate to escape. The scene turns into a typical Looney Tunes cartoon, with alternate Issei always managing to reach her at the last moment.

"Until the next chapter, folks!" Alternate Ddraig bids farewell, laughing. "This fight is getting more and more epic and worthy of a Looney Tunes animation!"

And so the scene ends, with alternate Issei teasing Ophis in a way reminiscent of Lucifer's performance in Hazbin Hotel, while the battle unfolds in a deliciously Looney Tunes style.

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