
Issei infamous second son

Issei is accused of killing the council of magic, being innocent, no one believes him since some guards claim to have seen him. Rias and his entourage felt betrayed by Issei. They all decide including Sirzechs Lucifer to banish him. Issei is banished and the last thing he says is, I will fight for you, surprising Issei, Issei was banished Draig his partner sealed two years passed and Issei would return not with Draig but with another gift and he would discover who was behind the murder of the council and why they had seen him and the truth would be revealed. The dimensions begin to collide and it will be decided who will win as two sides of the same coin.

multiversoissei · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: my feelings never change

We see Issei asleep and in his dream we can only see complete darkness.

Issei: what is this where I am!

Free me! free me! if you don't, I'll force you to do it!

Issei: Who are you and why do I have this feeling of longing ?

Who am I! I'm just me!

Issei: I don't understand what exactly are you looking for?

What I'm looking for is the same as what you're looking for. What I long for the most is the same as what you long for.

Issei: And that is?


That would paralyze Issei completely.

Issei: no that can't be

You'll see...

Issei: *wakes up* no ! *sighs heavily* he gently lies back down on the bed (what did that dream mean, since I became a driver I haven't had nightmares and now they appear for no reason, I don't like it). he... *looks to the sides* he ...

Issei is seen surrounded by naked girls including fetch.

Issei: Oppai (breasts) all over the place when they came into my room.


3 hours earlier

Akeno: now let's hope that issei kun goes to sleep.

Fecth: no way, I wanted to sleep alone with him and stick my whole body to him.

Asia: You can't do that fetch san issei belongs to everyone.

Koneko: It looks like issei san is asleep.

Rias: come on

Xenovia: Yes *takes off her clothes*.

End of flashback

Issei: mmm akeno san *blushes*.

Akeno: ara ara issei kun how does my body feel?

Issei: it feels great ! ( missed this )

Rias: akeno what do you think you're doing?

Issei: *shocked* president !!!!

Rias: *shrinks* she puts on an intense crimson aura.

Rias: *darkened* she puts on an intense crimson aura.

Issei: come on girls, calm down both of you, I'm going to take a bath, I'll see you later.

Rias: Issei...

Akeno: Rias, do you think Issei hates us?

Rias: huh

Akeno: *lowers his head* we didn't trust him we betrayed him, we attacked him maybe he hates us and doesn't want to see us.

In the bathroom, Issei is seen rinsing his head.

Issei: what was that dream, I wish draig was here, he always cheered me up and encouraged me, he was a good companion. But now I have more serious matters, black is on the loose, he is equal to me in power and appearance, but in heart we are different, I know that, I will protect everyone, even if I have to act differently.

2 hours later

Issei is seen meeting with the faction leaders.

Issei: Well it looks like it's time for me to go back to Kuo, we don't know what else to bring me black, we'd better get back as soon as possible.

Sirzechs: Alright, we'll stay here, we have to regroup everything and repair the damage that black did, Rias, have your fetch and your family go with Issei.

Issei: I won't need to go alone.

Everyone was shocked by what Issei said.

Azazel: What are you talking about? You're going up against black and the DUP, you just need help!

Issei: I'll be fine, I don't need any help, this is my business, not yours.

He expressed a cold tone with his words.

Serafall: He attacked us and the underworld is also our business.

Issei: Ok, but stay out of my way, Azazel, take me back to Kuo!

Azazel: ok let's go.

In kuo, rias and his entourage could be seen together with fetch and issei appearing through a portal.

Rias: Now what will you do, Issei?

Issei: I'll go get black

Rias: please issei let us help you.

Issei: You won't just get in the way.

All the girls including fetch started to shed tears and rias could be seen approaching issei with tears.

Rias: *slaps him*

Issei: *paralyzed* president

Rias: if I'm a nuisance then I'll leave!

A red-haired girl is seen running through the city.

Issei: but what did I do I was acting like that to protect them I didn't want to hurt them or put them in danger.

They are all surprised by what Issei said.

Fetch: You're an idiot. You don't understand that we all love you and want to fight with you.

Akeno: It's not your decision to put us in danger, it's ours.

Asia: Issei San, we would fight for you again and again.

Xenovia: You are our friend

Azazel: You can try to push us away but you won't succeed, we will help you even if you don't want to.

Irina: Yes, that's a fact

Issei: I'm sorry

Fetch: Don't apologize to us, you have to apologize to her.

Issei: Yes it's true, I'll go look for her *neon scroll*.

Issei is seen scrolling through the city.

Issei: where are you president!

at that instant he remembered a place where he went with her in the past.

Issei: it will be that place ...

A red-haired girl is seen on a hill looking at a beautiful lake and some big mountains in the distance and behind her a brown-haired boy.

A red-haired girl is seen on a hill looking at a beautiful lake and some big mountains in the distance and behind her still brown.

Issei: this time I have to call her by her name ... Rias !

Rias: *turns quickly* issei ...

Issei: I'm sorry, I wanted to protect you, I didn't want black or the DUP to hurt you, that's why I acted this way.

Rias: tell me issei you hate me, i didn't trust your word and i attacked you, you must hate me inside, it's not my fault you were away for two years.

Issei: *approaches her* it's the opposite, I've always loved you, even when you didn't believe me I was willing to fight for you and you know why, because I love you and I never stopped thinking about you.

tears of happiness would come out of her eyes and she would look at issei with a smile.

Issei: hey, president, i said something weird.

Rias: *smiles* on the contrary you said something that made me very happy issei i want you to call me rias from now on you can look at issei.

Issei: okay.

Rias: *smiles* I also have a present for you.

Issei: huh

Rias: *kisses him*

Rias: we'll always be together issei

Rias: we'll always be together issei

Issei: yes rias


black : they found it

Augustine: yes

black: finally hahaha get ready issei you're going to see how i get an immeasurable power from the first driver that ever existed

Next chapter: black's real target