

What they thought was going to be just an adventurous walk through the woods, turned out to be something more.

Ainhoasv · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Eternal night

The dappled shade of the woodland trees had seemed so inviting. I could feel the silky smooth leaves brushing against my arms and hear the melodious chirping of the birds as I pranced ahead. I lifted my head and let the rays of warm, amber sunlight dance across my face. I could see small patches of the clear blue sky peering in through trees as tall as skyscrapers. I picked a small red berry from a bush and popped it into my mouth. I could immediately feel its sweet and tangy taste. The more we walked together, the more things we found along the way on our sudden journey of friendship. We were then surprised to find something unexpected. A house.

The abandoned house stood in a composed way as if it had chosen solitude for itself. The floors had been highly polished wood planks, individual planks lovingly placed and sanded to a smooth finish before the varnish was brushed on with fine bristles. The walls stood firm, the window frames strong, glass triple glazed and whole. All in all, it looked like a movie set, a place waiting for life to come. The only give-away was the odour, well, that and the dust. It was musty and dry, but nothing opening the doors and windows couldn't solve. A spring clean, some fresh flowers, perhaps the house would enjoy the luxury of company. We both look at each other in concern but also in an adventurous manner as if we both knew that it wasn't right to just enter an abandoned house so suddenly but yet we still wanted to go in. I bravely took a step forward. You held my hand tightly, I looked back at you smiling as if my eyes calmly said that it was going to be all right. Your eyes are so different in moments like these, softer than I knew eyes could be. You looked frighted yet still wanted to show me your inner bravery so you decided to take the lead and walked cautiously in front of me. Still, we held hands but this time our fingers intertwined and hands tightened. As soon as we entered the unknown, it strangely felt comforting in ways that I couldn't explain.

The house was welcoming from the open door to the wide hallway. The wooden floor was a blend of deep homely browns and the walls were white with small details of flowers of summer gardens meeting a bold brown baseboard. Every single detail of this house was nature's art, something that soothed right to the soul. There was a dining area with a light wooden table displayed right in the middle along with two wooden chairs. Surprisingly most of the furniture were pristine clean. There were no letters, no owners, no family portraits nor any sign of anyone anymore. There were four rooms in total, A kitchen with a dining area which was both attached as one whole room. A living room with a bookshelf and old dusty books displayed neatly, next to it a soft green sofa. A bathroom, including a toilet a sink and a bathtub and a bedroom with a king-sized bed with white bedsheets and fluffy pillows for decoration. Most of the rooms were empty and only had the necessary furniture.

It was getting dark and we were alone in the middle of the woods so we decided to stay the night. Tiredness made my eyes slowly close however I stayed awake. There was no light, thankfully you found a pack of candles under the bed and lit it up with my lighter. We individually scattered the lit candles all over the room, nowhere near any flammable objects. We cautiously layed down on the comfortable bed and instantly fell asleep. I woke up with your arms around me and your soft breathing touching my face. Your lips near mine, my heart rate increased rapidly. However, I didn't understand why at first but the more I looked at you and how peacefully you slept, your head resting on my chest I realised that my friendly feelings towards you were slowly becoming more than just that. I knew what I wanted you to do, I had been longing for your touch for a while now, and you were here, ready to fulfil all my sexual desires. My insides craved your touch desperately. Your eyes opened unexpectedly and deeply looked at mine. I gulped in desperation as I continued staring into those ocean eyes that made me forget bad memories and welcomed in good ones. I nervously kissed you and rushed back. I blushed shyly and was too frightened to look into your eyes. However, your moist, plump lips imprinted on my neck, and that's when I lost all rational thought. I was just consumed at the thought of you and me, showing our ever-growing love for each other. I was amazed at how one slight delicate touch of your seductive lips could hitch my breath so easily. As you tenderly kissed my neck, a wave of pure pleasure ran through my entire body. Your perfume intoxicated me. Urgently, you nibble your way gently up my neck to lips that causes an intense flavour of sweetness invading you entirely, the scenery disappears and we're both lost in this moment. We were both turned on, this then made me slip my experienced hand in my underwear. The second I touched my extremely sensitive clit, I twitch in pleasure. The humidity made it easier for me to proceed with my actions. The wetness I continuously produce by just rubbing my clit in circular motions is insane. I delicately transport my juice to my clit, acting as a lubricant. I slightly moan. that melodic sound invaded my ears, so angelic yet sexy as fuck. I open my folds with the slightest slide of my dominant fingers, revealing pink juicy fleshy meat. My desperation immediately increases as I keep thinking about my harsh kinky intentions on you. So demonically pleasing. I push two fingers in, pumping my way through. stretching my walls apart, making me whine. I beg for more in my head as you continue kissing me, biting my lower lip intensively. The deeper I thrust the louder my irresistible moans get. My stomach hurts inexplicably. My pussy tightens. My tender squishy thighs evenly covered with deliciously looking creamy cum. I cover my mouth with my left hand to try and contain my uncontrollable moans. I breathe heavily instead. Distracting myself from making too much noise. I cum... I slip my fingers out, you then licking them clean with your tongue swirling around every inch. "Ugh so sweet", you mumble. You wipe and scoop the excess thick liquid covering my entire flower and swallow it entirely as if it were your source of living. How did this come to this? I ask myself as you sit on my lap, grinding against my crotch. Right then, I knew that we weren't finished and this was just the beginning.

I grip onto your thighs and flip you around. My hand found its way at the base of your neck, favouring the tug of the skin, muscles and bones outlines beneath the surface. My fingers spread across the expanses of your neck, petting the strained, muscle domestically. My fingernails dug into your skin and you felt the restriction of air affect your lungs. I knew you were enjoying this as much as I was. I exerted more pressure on your jugular with my dominant hand while the other was teasing your clit in circular motions. I then lowered myself and kissed your lips once again before swaying my way down to your womanhood, slowly removing your trousers along with your underwear with my teeth. My warm breath began rousing over your skin, you couldn't help but clench around nothingness at the level of arousal you were experiencing. I licked a wet stripe along your moistened slit. My tongue was dancing in my mouth after finally acquiring a taste of your delectable nectar. The pad of my thumb again circled your sensitive nub. My tongue was the one promptly to devote its undivided attention to your bundle of nerves. You struggled to stifle a moan as you felt my finger slip inside your hole. You shut your eyes tightly as I twirl my fingers inside you. I inserted another digit and it got you tossing your head back in pleasure. Your eyes reeled at the back of your head as my tongue swirled around your clit while I was still actively pumping my fingers inside you. I was prideful of how you became putty under my ministrations. I bit my lip as I saw you laying down half-naked, submissive and loving how I was the one in charge of the situation. I loved the way you looked at me with such desperation and eagerness. I stood up and undressed slowly yet seductively in front of you while I proceeded to pleasure you. I throw my clothes onto the floor carelessly and place my body in a scissor position.

You spread your legs for me to lay between them. I could vaguely feel the outline of your compact pink pussy lips kissing mine as our hips touched. Slowly and gently we continue to rock against each other. I swang my hips back and forth, rubbing our private parts vigorously. The friction created by our skins clapping together was completely new to me, it felt like you had two hearts — one in your chest and one in your clit. Both pounded so hard that you thought it would explode. Tingling sensation travelled down my spine, making me arch my back in satisfaction. Your soft hands worshipped my bubble butt as I ground your hips against mine. Our pussy lips were so slick and juicy that they slid over each other like we were kissing with our mouths. Rubbing my clit on yours was the greatest feeling. I heard you cum and felt how you shuddered against me as more juice slid out of your core. We shifted our position around a little just to find out if there was any possible way to make it feel any better than it already did. I lay between your long slender legs, we both lay on our backs with our flowers stuck together, we even tried doing it on all fours – but it ended up with you pretty much just kneeling between my thighs, rubbing your beautifully shaved and smooth cunt on mine. Our tits bounced as we ground and moaned uncontrollably in the dark. A sliver of moonlight spilt into the room, illuminating what was once darkness. It's soft shimmering glow held another purpose, it gave us a direction in what would otherwise be a maze of impenetrable blackness. Along with the candles that gave far less illumination than the meanest of electrical light bulbs. However, it was enough natural light to see the entirety of you. Your silky smooth body, your golden hair which layed on a cloudy like surface that people call 'pillow', softly curling along the ends, your eyes and the emotion in them was deep, yet they carried the warmth and life of the sunlit surface. They had a thousand hues of blue and a small touch of green radiating in softly swooping arcs. Your pupils enlarged and directly looked at me and how my messy hair was as waves of pure earth, softly reflecting the light of the moon; each strand moving freely as you cooperate with my every thrust. My mouth salivating at the sight of such beauty laying right in front of me. There is nothing more bewitching than your naked form. Without lingerie, your breasts sit lower, more natural, less close together, each so perfect and moulded to your curvy form, they were so warm, so responsive to the touch. Our nipples hardened as we were both were so near to our high. I drool and end up spitting on our extremities for extra lubrication. I lower myself slightly and harshly suck on your lower lip. Your kisses change, deeper, more sensual and your eyes appear to shine bright. Our moans escalated, I gripped tightly onto your feminine back, roughly tugging as a rush of pleasure rushed down in the form of a bomb. A bomb which exploded and tightened inside my lower abdomen. The leakage flowing down like a cascade of fluid came along with a sweet aroma which invaded my nostrils. Our faces were sweaty with a tint of redness on our puffy cheeks. I fell by your side in exhaustion. Your wild eyes looked at me hungrily and wiggled your way down embedding your face in between my thick thighs. Your tongue licking open my folds along with the wetness that covered it. Like thick white custard. I shake in amusement, fisting your hair into my experienced hand. My clit pulsating against your tongue. I moaned as I felt your mouth licking and sucking away at my sensitive spot. Teasing me. I euphorically moaned, seeing how pretty your mouth looked while you were stretching my walls with your tongue. You purred at my praise, the vibrations of your light erotic murmurs made me shake in ecstasy. This memorable night seemed infinite.