
Isekai Template Story

One fateful day, Akira Celestia, a high school student, found himself abruptly summoned as a hero to another world along with his entire class. Unlike many protagonists, Akira's life prior to this event was far from tumultuous; he was not mistreated, and he was not a loner. On the contrary, his parents adored him, and he was in a loving relationship with his girlfriend. However, upon entering the new realm, Akira discovered that everything he encountered adhered to clichéd templates. Despite God's proclamation that he could not bestow any gifts upon him, Akira mysteriously acquired the most potent powers compared to his peers. Cast out of the castle, he garnered the concern of the most beautiful girl, while a handsome hero-type harbored disdain towards him. Akira's parents continued their lives in Japan, and his love for reading manga and novels fueled his distaste for clichéd scenarios. Determined to break free from the narrative constraints surrounding him, Akira resolved to forge his own path, defying the established templates. Embark on this journey to witness how our exceptionally empowered protagonist navigates and challenges the clichéd norms of the world he now inhabits. This story follows a structured template, deviating from narratives with mysterious plots or character development from weakness to strength.

True_Novelist · Fantasy
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40 Chs

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After reaching to the Demon King Castle Levi approached the Demon King along with Mizu.

He was sitting in his study room when he heard the door of his room opening and saw his wife and daughter together.

"Look life my little Mizu came out of her room."

He spoke with a loving voice. Those who know true horror of this entity will be shocked by seeing him how he is talking with someone, but the pair of mother and daughter didn't react because it was normal for then seeing the mighty demon king act like that.

Mizu didn't answer him but looked toward her mother with a hopeful gaze.

"Dear, I need your help in something."

He was not fool, so he instantly understood that it was her daughter request made through her mother.

He chuckled inside and an old memory resurfaces in his mind when his little brother asked him to become arbiter while negotiating with their mother.

"What does my dear daughter want from me?"