
Isekai Template Story

One fateful day, Akira Celestia, a high school student, found himself abruptly summoned as a hero to another world along with his entire class. Unlike many protagonists, Akira's life prior to this event was far from tumultuous; he was not mistreated, and he was not a loner. On the contrary, his parents adored him, and he was in a loving relationship with his girlfriend. However, upon entering the new realm, Akira discovered that everything he encountered adhered to clichéd templates. Despite God's proclamation that he could not bestow any gifts upon him, Akira mysteriously acquired the most potent powers compared to his peers. Cast out of the castle, he garnered the concern of the most beautiful girl, while a handsome hero-type harbored disdain towards him. Akira's parents continued their lives in Japan, and his love for reading manga and novels fueled his distaste for clichéd scenarios. Determined to break free from the narrative constraints surrounding him, Akira resolved to forge his own path, defying the established templates. Embark on this journey to witness how our exceptionally empowered protagonist navigates and challenges the clichéd norms of the world he now inhabits. This story follows a structured template, deviating from narratives with mysterious plots or character development from weakness to strength.

True_Novelist · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Future Plans

I opened my eyes and looked around to check if anything is wrong or not.

I am waking up lonely for second time. Look like I was addicted to Mizu.

Today is the day when I will receive my upgraded Guild card and about Mizu, I modified memory of Guild Master and some other people. I also find out that Mizu has a strong artifact that can manipulate Casuality. This was also the reason that those who didn't have strong impression of her on themselves with forget about her.

The reason behind is very simple from the coordinates that I found at the end of spatial fabric it pinpoints toward the direction of Demonic Kingdom or to be more precise Capital City of Demonic Kingdom.

To tell the truth I was hoping that she will return yesterday but look like it was my delusion.

After that I cleaned myself and had a light breakfast and headed to the direction of guild.

(Author Note: My dear reader it's not heat breaking arc but believe me it will be more fun. Main character personality is not that strong, and he can't control his power and on top of it he thinks that it is some type of comic not real world. Don't worry I have already planned everything, and Mizu will there in harem.)

After reaching the guild I mentioned my business at the reception counter and was quickly led to the GuildMaster office.

Bellard was already sitting at his desk in the office.

"I was waiting for you Akira. This is your new card…as before, please shed a few drops of blood here. Oh, and let me take your old card off you."

The card Bellard gave me was a shiny gold color. The rank B card was silver in color.

I let a few drops of blood on the card, as I was told, to lock its ownership, then gave Bellard the old card.

"Thank you and about the payment for the materials and beast that you have given to us is large sum so I stored them in your card, and you can redeem them if any branch of adventure guild in future."

"Ok, now I have my card and money then I am off.:

I was ready to leave the office and be on my way, but I was stopped in my track.

"Wait a moment."

"What is it?"

"Can you tell me what you plan to do now?"

"I am planning to cross the border and head to the neighboring kingdom, precisely its capital city."

"I see, I think that place maybe good for your future because adventurer in that kingdom is strong and you may find some of S Ranked adventurer present there which are highest Rank guild can offer.

After leaving his office I said goodbye to receptionist.

Maybe if I am with Mizu the I would have taken escort request, but I made some major changes in my plan.

My first plan is during my travel I need to master my skills. 

I am currently not using all my skills at their full potential. Like World Library can be used as log function for specific area. I also need to master my combat and don't want to rely on my brute strength.

My second plan is to take control of any country. Yes, and I know I can do it easily.

I just have to sneak into castle and enslave ruler of the country and next country which is quite prosperous is good target. With that not only I can get support of nation, but I would be having a lot of wealth and some people who will work under me so that I can give them some miscellaneous tasks to them.

After all my end goal is to return to my former world. But first I need to raise my level and do some good deed to catch eye of people so that in future I can easily manipulate masses.

The best course of action I can think of is to destroy some big group of bandits or big organization that are causing problem in the country.

After passing the exit gate, I once again looked at this city. Something inside me is saying that I should wait in this city for few days, and I can reunite with her.

After closing my eye, I ran away from the city and a teardrop fell on the ground.

I know that I am crying like a child but know the truth behind this because there had been zero setback in my entire life. I get what I wanted, and everyone loved me.

Of course, I will feel sadness after getting my first set back, but I will do my best to bounce back.

(Unknown Point of View)

"Akira is crying."

"He is in pain."

"Because of a bitch. I really want to kill you. Tsk."

"I really wanted to go where he is now, but mother-in-law forbids any interference from us."

Said a beautiful girl of age around 18 sitting on a bed in the room which is filled with the innumerable pictures of Akira and lot of things related to Akira.

The girl golden hair was disheveled, and tears were falling from her eyes, but her beauty didn't seem to be bit faded.

"Akira, I wish I would have been with you on that day."

"My shitty father is to be blamed behind this problem."

"Akira I really miss you. My life without is rally dull, Hehehe what a façade I who can play with anyone's fate is thinking that something fateful happens to me."

"I still remember that day on which you were summoned to another World. It has been five whole day means that more than 120 hours which is around 7200 minutes, and it is 432,000 second."

"Even it is 432,000 second without Akira, I felt like millions of year have passed. No even in million years of my life I didn't felt this much loneliness."

"I don't care what you do my Dear, but you should return as soon as possible or else maybe I will lock you in a room with me and force you to spend time with me by counting one second as one year."