
Chapter 1: Prologue

It was a miserable, rainy day in the town that Riley lived, as the sounds of traffic and rain shook the windows of his room. Riley lay on his bed with has hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling as he contemplated his life. He had no aspirations in life and nothing that motivated him to get off his ass and do something. He had always been pretty average in life. Average at school, average at sports and even had an average height and body type. Nothing in his life made him feel like he was unique or special. Riley just didn't feel like he belonged anywhere.

As he was lost in his thoughts, Riley's mind drifted off to sleep. It was the most refreshing nap he had ever had in his life. So good that when he woke, he stretched his limbs in satisfaction. When he opened his eyes however, he noticed he was not in his bed anymore. Riley looked up to see nothing but the colour white. Immediately he sat up and looked around to try and figure out where he was, all he could see was simply white nothingness.

"Am I blind?" Riley asked himself. "If I was then I wouldn't be able to see my own body… am I just dreaming then? Is this lucid dreaming?"

Riley focused his mind to change his surroundings but nothing happened.

"I feel like this feels way too real to be a dream. Does this mean I'm dead?… no surely not. This must be a prank, and all of this is just an illusion.. yep that's it."

After unsuccessfully trying to make sense of what was happening and where he was, Riley decided to do the only thing he could think of doing, which was to walk in a straight line. If it really was a prank and he was just in a big room, he would hit a wall and then somehow break his way out.

Riley looked around to find a direction to walk, realised that choosing a direction was pointless, and began to walk.

Riley had walked for at least an hour. By this time he knew it was not a prank as it was physically impossible to make a room this big and this… white. The only other thing he could think of was that he was dead, and that this was some kind of afterlife. But surely he wouldn't spend an eternity just walking around in nothingness. Right?

Riley suddenly noticed a bright white light above him. He strained his eyes to look at it, as if looking directly into the sun. The light slowly made its way down to the ground he was standing on. Then as the light began to dim, he saw the silhouette of a figure. It was a woman.

As the light dissipated, Riley found himself staring at a beautiful woman, about 5'6" and draped in slightly translucent white cloth. He found his eyes drawn to her voluptuous breasts, following her cleavage down to her pink nipples which he could just see, poking through the light cloth. He was entranced by her beauty. Long, curly blonde hair, bright blue eyes that seemed to pierce his soul and a gentle and comforting smile that warmed his heart. Riley's eyes couldn't help but explore this woman's whole body. He followed her long hair down her slender waist to her hips where her ass poked out the sides of her curvaceous body. Before he could examine her anymore, Riley was brought back to reality by a soothing, cheerful voice of the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Hello, my child. I am the goddess that brought you here. I can only apologise for the confusion you must be feeling right now."

Riley paused for a bit as his mind was flooded with questions.

"Hi.. sorry. Who are you? Where is this? Am I dead?"

"All I can tell you about me is that I am a goddess. Hopefully we can deepen our relationship at another time, but for now this is all I can divulge. About your other questions, yes I am sorry to say that you are in fact deceased. You died in your sleep from a cardiac arrest. I have retrieved your soul and brought you here to this void between planes. If you wish to move on I will be happy to allow you to do so… however I hope you will hear what I have to say first."

The goddess smiled brightly after this remark, to which Riley could not refuse. This was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, let alone had a conversation with. How could he possibly refuse to hear her out.

Riley felt that he should be more emotional after hearing that he had just died. But something made him excited about the prospect of change. A new life. A new chance to be anything other than just average.

"S..ure. I can hear you out" he said nervously.

The goddess smiled "Thank you my child. I am charged with with the care of a universe very different to yours. In the world I hope to send you, all matter is linked together by a force called mana, from which all life is sustained."

"Wait.. sorry. Like magic and stuff?" Riley asked surprisingly.

"Indeed" the goddess exclaimed. "Mana is an energy that exists in all life. Sentient creatures are able to manipulate the mana within them to perform magic, as well as a number of other uses."

"Right. And you're gonna send me to a world of swords and magic? Just like from all those novels and mangas?"

Riley was thinking that this has to be a prank now. For something like this to actually happen to him is ridiculous. He looked around again for any hidden cameras.

"What is the matter my child? You don't believe me?" The goddess asked.

"Well it's pretty hard to believe." Riley answered. "I mean, this stuff already happens in made up stories and things."

"Ah yes. And where do you think those stories came from?" The goddess smirked.

Riley was stunned. So this has actually happened to people before and now it's happening to him.

"So do you need me to slay a demon lord or something for you?" Riley asked.

"My only request is that you live your new life to the fullest." She smiled brightly.

"… I see. But why choose me for this then?" He asked.

"A very humble question my child. Without saying too much, I will say that your soul was worthy of transmigration to this world. You possess qualities which many from your world do not."

Riley could only smile shyly at this remark by a goddess. He never once in his life noticed anything about him that was different.

"I'm afraid our time together is limited for now. I must press you for your decision. Would you like to move on to the afterlife? Or take up my offer for a new life?"

Riley hesitated. This was the biggest decision he would ever make in his life. But he didn't know what the afterlife would mean. Could it mean there was a heaven and a hell? Because he wasn't sure if he would go to heaven. What about the world this goddess was talking about. Sure there's magic there, but what if his new life is shit and he just ends up dying early from god knows what.

Before he could make a decision the goddess interrupted his thoughts.

"If you choose to come to my universe, I will be able to grant you my blessing and bestow upon you certain advantages that will enable you to live a full life."

The thought of not dying instantly in this new world was very appealing. Who wouldn't want to use magic? Riley also thought that if he did not take up the goddess's offer, he would never be able to see her again, which he definitely did not want to do.

"Let's do it then!" Riley said enthusiastically.

Immediately the goddess squealed in happiness and embraced him, pressing his face into her bountiful cleavage. The feeling was bliss, as Riley placed his hands on her soft hips. After a few heavenly seconds, the goddess released his head and placed her hands on the back of his neck as if she was about to kiss him. Riley could feel her perky nipples brush against his chest and couldn't help but blush in this situation. His downstairs also had a certain reaction which the goddess had not seemed to have noticed.

"I am overjoyed at your response my child!" she said as she beamed up at him.

He was not much taller than her, but enough so that she looked upwards into his eyes. Riley continued to blush as this behaviour is not what he was expecting from her, but he was definitely not complaining.

"We do not have much time. When I grant you my blessing, you will become my disciple. This will mean that I can communicate with you in my realm. I will also provide you with a new body so that you will be able to manipulate mana as use the system. Don't worry, I will make your new body to the liking of a woman." She winked at Riley seductively.

Before he could respond, the goddess's lips pressed against his own as she kissed him passionately. He could feel her soft mounds press firmly against his chest and the warmth of her crotch rub his cock which was now bursting to get out of his pants. As Riley's mind melted away in the sensation of kissing this beautiful goddess, his consciousness faded away.

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