
Isekai Project

Rough Draft Of My Book

Stygian_Styx · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Divine Claim

The massive doors creaked open with a dramatic flourish, revealing a grand hall filled with a pantheon of gods. Celestial light streamed through high windows, casting ethereal glows on the deities gathered. Each god exuded an aura of immense power and authority, their presence making the air feel electric.

Ann and Legath led me to a podium at the center of the hall. Whispers spread among the gods as they eyed me with a mixture of curiosity and interest. I felt a strange blend of awe and nervousness under their scrutinizing gazes.

"Silas Draven," a deep, resonant voice called, drawing everyone's attention to a tall, regal figure with golden hair and piercing blue eyes—Zeus, the King of the Gods. "You have been brought before us as a potential champion. The gods will now decide your fate."

Several gods stepped forward, each eager to claim me. Athena, with her wise and calculating eyes, spoke first. "His affinities with Light and Time make him an excellent candidate for my tutelage."

Poseidon, his presence like the ocean's might, countered, "He has chosen Space as one of his affinities. The depths of the seas hold secrets that only I can reveal to him."

Before any decisions could be made, the room's atmosphere suddenly shifted. The light dimmed, replaced by an eerie darkness that seemed to absorb all illumination. A chill swept through the hall, and the scent of earth and decay filled the air. Whispers of leaves rustling echoed around us, as if a forest had sprung to life within the grand hall.

Two figures emerged from the shadows, their presence commanding immediate respect and fear. One was a tall, imposing man with eyes like dark pits and a cloak that seemed woven from the night itself—Hades, the God of the Underworld. Beside him stood a beautiful woman, her aura both nurturing and formidable, surrounded by a cascade of autumn leaves—Persephone, Queen of the Underworld.

The gods fell silent, their attention riveted on the newcomers. Zeus's eyes widened slightly in surprise, and Athena and Poseidon stepped back.

"Hades? Persephone?" Zeus's voice held a mix of confusion and wariness. "You do not usually attend these gatherings."

Hades's deep voice reverberated through the hall. "We are here for a specific purpose. Silas Draven is not to be claimed by any of you."

Persephone's voice followed, melodic yet commanding. "He belongs to us. His prayers to Zagreus and the act of bringing Dionysus to his senses have earned our gratitude."

A soft light flickered next to them, revealing two more figures. One was a young man with an air of rebellious energy, eyes glinting with the promise of mischief—Zagreus, now revealed as an alter ego of Dionysus. The other was a spectral woman, her presence ethereal and haunting—Melinoë, Goddess of Ghosts and Nightmares.

Zagreus stepped forward, a grin playing on his lips. "Silas, your prayers to the old me helped resurrect aspects of my former self. For that, you have our eternal thanks."

Melinoë floated beside him, her voice a whisper that seemed to echo from the depths of the underworld. "As a token of our gratitude, we bestow upon you a gift."

The room darkened further, and shadows coalesced around me. I felt a strange sensation, as if my very soul was being infused with a new power. The shadows wrapped around my body, then dissipated, leaving me feeling both stronger and more connected to the darkness.


Gift Bestowed:

Shadow's Embrace: Grants the ability to manipulate shadows, summon shades, and travel through darkness.


The gods watched in silence, their faces a mixture of awe and envy. Hades and Persephone stepped back, their task complete.

Zeus, regaining his composure, nodded solemnly. "Very well. Silas Draven, you are now under the patronage of Hades and Persephone. May you serve them well."

Hades's eyes met mine, his gaze piercing. "You will find your path, young one. The underworld is vast, and its secrets are yours to uncover."

Persephone smiled gently. "And remember, Silas, you are never alone. We will guide you, and your strength will grow with our faith."

With that, the gods dispersed, leaving me standing in the grand hall, the weight of my new powers settling over me. My journey was just beginning, and the path ahead was shrouded in mystery and darkness.

As Ann and Legath led me out, I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement. The future was uncertain, but with the gifts and guidance of the gods, I was ready to face whatever came next.

As we exited the grand hall, the weight of my encounter with the gods still lingering in the air, Ann and Legath led me through the labyrinthine corridors of the divine realm. Their expressions were a mix of awe and bewilderment, occasionally shooting glances at me that carried a newfound respect.

Legath, unable to contain his amazement, finally spoke up. "Silas, do you even realize what just happened back there? Hades and Persephone showed up! And not just them—Zagreus and Melinoë too!"

Ann nodded, her usual composed demeanor cracked with excitement. "It's unheard of! Hades and his whole family rarely make appearances, and for them to claim you... And Zagreus! He's back because of you. You resurrected a god with your prayers!"

I felt a rush of pride and a bit of nervousness at their words. "I didn't really expect all this. I just prayed to the gods I felt connected to."

Legath clapped me on the back, a wide grin on his face. "Well, whatever you did, it worked. You've made quite an impression on the divine community. Trust me, this isn't something that happens every day—or even every millennium."

Ann's eyes sparkled with curiosity and admiration. "You have a unique connection to the gods, Silas. This could mean great things for your future."

We continued down the corridor until we reached a large chamber filled with a faint, otherworldly light. In the center stood a shimmering portal, its surface rippling like water. Runes and ancient symbols adorned the archway surrounding it, glowing softly with an ethereal energy.

"This," Ann explained, "is the World Selector Portal. It will transport you to the new world where your journey truly begins. Each world has its own challenges and opportunities, and this portal will find the one best suited for your abilities and destiny."

Legath stepped forward, gesturing to the portal. "All you need to do is step through, and your new life will begin. The portal will take into account your affinities, gifts, and the patronage of Hades and Persephone. You'll land in a place where you can grow and harness your powers."

Ann looked at me with a serious expression. "Remember, Silas, the gifts you received are powerful, but they come with great responsibility. Use them wisely and grow stronger. The gods will be watching over you."

I took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety. This was it—the moment that would set the course of my new life. I stepped forward, the portal's light reflecting in my eyes.

"Thank you, Ann. Thank you, Legath. I won't forget your guidance." I said, gratitude evident in my voice.

Legath gave me a thumbs-up. "Good luck, Silas. Make us proud."

Ann smiled warmly. "May the gods be with you, Silas."

With one last look at my guides, I stepped into the portal. The sensation was strange—like being enveloped in a warm, liquid embrace. Colors and shapes swirled around me, and I felt a gentle tugging sensation, as if the portal was scanning my very essence.


**World Selection Process Initiated:**

**Analyzing Host Affinities...**

**Analyzing Divine Patronage...**

**Analyzing Gifts and Abilities...**

**Optimal World Found: Initiating Transfer.**


The light intensified, and I felt myself being pulled forward. The swirling vortex of colors and light began to coalesce into a clear image. As the light dimmed, I found myself in darkness.