
Chapter 1

Author's Notes on the Story:

Both: For those unaware, this fanfic is a crossover between two fanfics by Swiss (SwissChocolates) and Duke (DukeCheburek). The account this was published on is a shared account between the two meant solely for publishing this crossover.

Duke: For my part, I will be using characters from my Overlord fanfic; Lords of Ooal Gown combined with its rewrite; Advent of the New Gods. While characters for the most part will remain the same, the nature of this new series is somewhat comedic so I will take some creative liberties to make the story more interesting where I see it fit.

For those who are not familiar with my work or Overlord in general rest assured I will do my best to give enough explanation of characters and the setting to not make it an obligation to know the source material, although I surely would like for all of you to give the source story and it's rewrite a try if you have not done so before.

For those who have read Lords of Ooal Gown, the events of this story start at roughly chapter 40.

Swiss: I will be using characters from my (currently only active) Tensura/Youjo Senki fanfic; 'Saga of Slime and Devil'. I will also be taking some creative liberties with certain characters as well as the knowledge certain characters may have. Since this series is still being updated, whenever something changes with the characters in that fic they will most likely silently adapt with that additional knowledge and changes without any reference to it happening (similar to Isekai Quartet).

For those who haven't seen 'Saga of Slime and Devil' it may be a bit confusing. While I've done my best to make it understandable to those who haven't, there's only so much I can do, especially as the story gradually begins to diverge from the Tensura storyline. For those who haven't read it, it's a story in which Tanya is reincarnated as a Demon into the Tensura world, becoming de facto co-leader of Tempest with Rimuru.

For those who have read Saga of Slime and Devil, the events of this story start at roughly Volume 2 Chapter 3. (This does contain spoilers for anyone who hasn't read that chapter yet)

{X} {X} {X} {X} {X}

Boredom, it always came down to simple boredom. The rules of the game were simple; do not interfere with claimed timelines and realities, yet sometimes rules could be bent.

The girl, fifteen, maybe sixteen years old sat at the table in a cozy outdoor cafe with a large smoothie in one hand while messing with a transparent floating UI panel.

With shoulder-length red hair and purple eyes dressed in tight jeans and a leather jacket, she looked like a typical art student frequenting the place.

A waitress came by to replace the empty cupcake plate with a new one, putting the sweetly smelling treats right under the girl's nose, completely ignoring the panel.

"There you go, miss." The waitress said with a professional smile.

"Thank you. Can I get another one?" The girl shook the almost empty glass.

"Of course. Another whole milk cherry?"

"Yeah." She replied absent-mindedly.

There were a few interesting ideas she could execute but one particular one didn't leave her mind. A scenario she had seen in an anime. All she needed to do was to pick a few groups of characters and toss them into a world of her making.

"I could go with Ainz and…uuh I should pick one version of the young war criminal" Her excitement grew.

Just as she was about to decide upon which version to take, a man in a simple three-piece gray suit appeared on a seat opposite to her.

"I wasn't messing with anything!" She said defensively a tone louder than intended.

"Is that so?" The man asked, raising his brow.

The waitress returned with a smoothie and a cup of tea and put them down on the table. The man flashed her a smile and said. "Thank you."

"It's true. I would not mess with your plans." She puffed her cheeks as a child just caught with a hand in the cookie jar and not wanting to admit her misdeeds.

"Really now?" he asked with a hint of amusement and annoyance in his otherwise calm and rather dry tone.

"I wasn't! I just wanted to borrow a few characters, that's all."


The man's tone didn't change but the girl felt the need to look away and whistle.

"Artemel?" The man's tone shifted all so slightly, sounding more like a strict teacher.

She let out an involuntary shudder but met his gaze with a defiant stare.

"What!? I wasn't going to, ok! Especially with her present. Regoz, I'm serious, I wasn't going to mess with your stuff."

"I know."

"Then why the hell are you scaring me like this?"

"Because for a moment you thought of doing just that." He let out a chuckle and took a slow sip of tea savoring its gentle taste.

"I should have gone with another tutor." She grumbled.

"Rules are rules no matter the tutor you choose. But since we are on the same page, humor me and tell me what you have in mind."

"I'll just show you." She got up, with a single thought, materialized a fifty dollar bill in the waitress's pocket, and shifted their surroundings to an empty grassy field.

A moment later in front of them was a typical school building. Artemel and Regoz stood up with the chairs and table disappearing the moment they did so.

"School? An interesting choice. You sure want to make things messy."

"It will be fun."

"Two months before they figure you out," Regoz said with a subtle smirk.

"Hey, put some faith in me!" She stepped in front of Regoz and looked up with puffed cheeks and a wrinkled nose while holding her sides.

"Two months is me being generous. You won't be dealing with stupid people here."

"Fine. It's a bet. But don't you dare to mess with my stuff!"

"I don't have to. By the way, Tanya, really? Isn't she harassed enough by that little egomaniac?"

"What's one more timeline for her? After the fifth or sixth, it's all the same."

"Eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-one. I'm almost tempted to give her a fair deal, you know."

"You, giving a fair deal?" Artemel burst out laughing, but after a moment she stopped. "Wait, you're serious?"

"Partly. The things will resolve themselves over time. You can't break choice so easily and not expect retaliation."

"For a pest like him sure, it will bite him in the ass and it will be glorious to watch. Oh, I should put a reminder to look it up later." A small notebook and pencil appeared in her hand. With her tongue out she diligently scribbled down a reminder and dismissed both objects with a puff of smoke.

"Have fun. I'll be watching your progress," Regoz said, fading away.

"Oh, I will be having a lot of fun." She giggled.

"Now as for the teams. Let's give them an illusion of choice." She smirked as two remotes with a single red button on each appeared in her hands.

"A God of Life and Death and a Demon of Destruction, it is time for your teams to come and play my game. Let's see how you fare in the challenging environment of school life."

With that both remotes disappeared, sent to trap the inviting participants of the grand game she was about to play with their fates.

{X} {X} {X} {X} {X}

Sunlight came through the large window at the end of the meeting hall, the chair positioned in front of it casting a shadow onto the table in front of it as a blue ball of slime sat upon it. Despite its cute appearance, this slime sat with the authority of a King, even if he lacked the mentality of one.

At the opposite position was a demon that radiated the same power as the slime on the opposite end. With hair and eyes black as night only contrasted by a crimson streak of hair and blood-red irises. The demon wore a black military uniform with red linings, a medal given as an award by a country that did not even exist in this world pinned to it as a memorial to her second life and her accomplishments therein. Around her neck was a golden necklace with three angelic wings circling around a large red jewel, creating a large contrast between the dark uniform outfit and the jewel.

These two were Tanya and Rimuru, both sharing the last name 'Tempest' which ruled as the de-facto royal family, granted authority over the forest by divine right of the Storm Dragon, Veldora who had disappeared a while prior when Rimuru ate him in a long and still ongoing attempt to free him.

Tanya, though looking to be roughly sixteen in age, had lived for well over several decades and through two lives already. To say she was more experienced than Rimuru in many fields was an understatement, but often what the demon lacked in, the slime tended to excel at. They were in many ways a perfect duo, a contrast of yin and yang working in harmony for the rapid growth of their nation. That contrast was not without its disputes, however. More and more often in the recent months the two had clashed over policy and ideals.

These clashes, at least for now, remained passive, professional, and generally friendly, even if it did tend to end in the aggravation of one or the other. Such was politics unfortunately, and while they didn't fully get along on certain aspects of things like the military and economy, they both still held a great respect for the other, even if said respect got sidelined every once in a while.

Also in the meeting room were several important figures in the Imperial Tempest Federation, and while some were missing from this meeting, it ultimately mattered little as this was merely a preceding meeting before a later final one could be organized with more representatives.

Of these figures was Field Marshal Benimaru, dressed in an elaborately-detailed red, white, and gold samurai outfit, his crimson eyes, hair, and facial markings marching his outfit. The black horns sticking out of his head gave away his race as a Kijin, making him among the strongest in the village, and Tanya's right hand man when it came down to military affairs.

Sitting next to Benimaru's right was Chief Inspector Hakurou. A much older looking Kijin with smaller white horns at the top of his head, also wearing a white coat which was much simpler to Benimaru's outfit. Despite his age, he still remained a formidable swordsman, even surpassing Benimaru in sheer skill. It was his wisdom that made him among the top advisors on the military, and it was his skill at teaching which earned him his role as the Chief Inspector.

Sitting across from Benimaru and to the left of Tanya was Battalion Commander Major Gabiru Eidech. Despite his technical low rank, his skill in combat and role as heir to Duke Kurt earned him a spot next to Tanya. He wore a black uniform with red detailings similar to Tanya's, though different in design, with his dark black scales hardly reflecting any light into the room around him. He also wore a jewel similar to Tanya's with two wings stretching out the sides rather than curving around. Despite his position here, Tanya didn't have the highest opinion of him, but saw his potential to grow. It was mostly out of respect for his father, however, that Tanya allowed him here to learn and grow as a leader.

Sitting to Gabiru's right was Otto, the Chief of Engineers for the Tempestian Army Corps of Engineers. The title was long, but his role was important. In the event of war, they would work quickly to build up needed infrastructure for things like tanks and other planned weaponry. His black hair and red eyes gave him an intimidating presence, and his firm german accent only seemed to add to this. He wore a near-identical uniform to Gabiru, though held more military decorations than Gabiru due to his higher rank.

Sitting to the right of Hakurou and to the left of Rimuru was Shuna, a beauty with pink hair and eyes with long white horns on her head. Her outfit was a white and red kimono, much resembling shrine priestess from Rimuru's and Tanya's original life in Japan. She held little official government position aside from 'Kijin Princess', however she had long acted as an unofficial advisor/aid to Rimuru, and if nothing else her connections to her brother Benimaru would be enough to justify her presence there.

Finally, across from Shuna and to Rimuru's right was Shion, a well-endowed kijin woman with one single black horn on her head. With purple hair and eyes and a large chest which no doubt appealed to the slime's questionable fantasies, she had effectively proclaimed herself as Rimuru's assistant the second she was recruited by him. Her outfit was a purple suit which barely covered anything in regards to her chest, a choice almost everyone could deduce was intentional.

As if trying to out-do Shion's revealing chest, Milim Nava, one of the Ten Great Demons Lords with the title of 'Destroyer' wore basically nothing, only a basic outfit covering her chest and crotch area, though she often wore normal clothing when around the city. She wasn't technically part of Tempest at all, however since she was a demon lord who could destroy it in a matter of minutes, everyone was content with letting her stay so long as she behaved.

This meeting of Tempest's upper de-facto government was fairly routine, however that didn't change its importance. To Tanya at least, the country was set on the path towards becoming the economic and industrial center of the continent, and she had every intent to capitalize on that fact.

While Rimuru was far more conservative with how much he actually wanted to expand Tempest's 'modernization' as Tanya had put it, he wasn't in much position to stop her considering her skill in the economic department. While they had disagreements over the use and production of modern weapons of war like rifles and now tanks, Rimuru had willingly conceded to Tanya's production so long as they were used as a last resort.

While Rimuru was slow on accepting Tanya's modernized military, he was much more open to Tanya's ideas of a modernized economy. Plans like the magi-train had been discussed by the two semi-frequently for some time, however without much in the field of trading partners to build it to, there was no immediate rush to produce it.

This meeting was meant to discuss all of those plans and more. In particular, Tanya wanted to push her 'Three Plans', Modernization, Industrialization, and Militarization. All three had some start in some way, but none had yet to fully take off. In order for her plans to work, she needed cooperation amongst all of Tempest, and unfortunately for her that meant convincing Rimuru of the last plan of the three.

In truth, this meeting had been slightly stacked in Tanya's favor, partially to make it easier to convince Rimuru without objections, and partially because a total meeting of just about every major representative in Tempest could be organized once the King and Chancellor were on the same page.

The meeting was interrupted before it could even properly start as Shion asked, "Was that button always on the table?"

"A what?" Rimuru asked as everyone's attention was now brought to the center of the table, a single red button now sitting there, much to the confusion of everyone else. "Tanya, did you put that there?" Rimuru asked.

"I don't see why I would. Did anyone here just have a button on them? It wasn't there before…" Tanya looked around as nobody seemed to answer.

'Transcending Eye doesn't tell me anything about this button… If it were just some normal button I'd be able to use Transcending Eye and say 'yeah that's a button' but no, when I look at it with my skill, all I see is a black void as if I couldn't see anything about the button at all. Is it a bomb? A trap? Nobody would be so idiotic as to just press a button that appeared on a tabl-'

"I'll push it! Let's see what it does!" Gabiru practically leaped forwards, pushing the button on the table. The button made a doorbell noise as the room was silenced by Tanya's growing aura of anger and annoyance.

The others looked on as Otto, Benimaru, and Hakurou slowly began to inch away from Gabiru as the world around them distorted.

'I'm going to turn this god damned dinosaur into oil! At least then he can be useful as fuel!' Tanya internally shouted at herself as the world around them distorted away

{X} {X} {X} {X} {X}

The leaders of the Empire of Nazarick had gathered for another meeting. With the uncertainty of when the enemy could strike, all possible scenarios needed to be accounted for and addressed.

The main meeting hall of the imperial castle was bright, filled with the rays of the midday sun shining through the large arched windows. The polished varnish of the immense table reflected the light, almost requiring those present to have resistance against natural sunlight.

At the end of the table in the seat of honor sat Emperor Ainz Ooal Gown himself. As an undead of the highest order, he was dressed in a midnight black robe with purple linings. In the eye sockets of his bare skeletal face flickered two dark red flames. In his exposed ribcage sat an orb of the same dark red color shining ominously. Once just a regular salaryman he was now the God of Life and Death reigning over a massive empire as its God-Emperor.

Beside him sat his beloved wife Albedo, the Goddess of Love and Family. Once just an NPC in an online game she became the flesh and blood the same day he was reborn as the undead overlord. Dressed in a white, low-cut dress with a golden spiderweb necklace, Albedo was a woman with lustrous jet-black hair and what many would consider the face of perfect beauty. She had golden irises and vertically slit pupils; on her left and right temples are two thick horns protruding crookedly, and on her waist are a pair of black angel wings.

In her lap sat their daughter Splendora. Less than a year old she from the first day of her life looked about three years old. A splitting image of her mother she had the same hair, horn shape, and eyes with the only trait inherited from her father being the skeletal nature of her long wings.

Further away sat the right hand of Ainz, the Grand Inquisitor Ulbert Ooal Gown, the Demon God of Trickery. He was a humanoid gray goat, crowned with a pair of wickedly curved golden horns. He was dressed in a black suit and velvet cape, with a rose pinned on his left shoulder. Upon his head sat a tophat.

As the second in command of the entire empire, he was in charge of all intelligence-related matters. No important event in the empire or surrounding nations could pass without his notice.

Opposite him sat Buku Ooal Gown, the Grand Marshal of Nazarick, the Goddess of War. Although her natural form was that of a pinkish formless slime she was rarely seen in it, preferring to look like a stunningly beautiful elven woman with long golden hair and heterochromatic blue and green eyes. She was clad in black plate armor with red accents.

Ranked third in the empire, she was the supreme commander of Nazarick's armies. Known for her short temper and domineering personality few dared to get on her bad side.

Next to her sat her brother Pero Ooal Gown. A Four winged avian with golden armor. He was the assassin grandmaster and the God of Murder.

Despite his grim line of work, he was considered the most easygoing and casual among the Lords. His reputation as a notorious womanizer with and large harem preceded him.

Further away sat Tabula Ooal Gown, The God of Knowledge. The grey-skinned brain eater with tentacles on his face was in charge of science and education. While once he was a typical member of his race and his head still looked rather typical his body was much more human looking with all kinds of augmentation added on top of it.

Considering his forgetful nature he was only present thanks to his diligent secretary, his wife Mariposa. Without her, Tabula would spend all his time in his laboratories surrounded by equally knowledge-obsessed assistants and forget about the outside world altogether.

The final figure present was Ankoro, a recently summoned guild member. She had just received her title as Goddess of Compassion and Protection, she doodled on a paper unsure what point was there for her to be present in this meeting. As a werewolf, both of her forms were that of an anthropomorphic wolf.

Unlike her much more domineering and confident friends she was a shy person who interacted with a small circle of people she felt comfortable with.

All of them, save for Albedo, were former humans who played a game called Yggdrasil and their current forms were the inhuman game avatars they chose. Only Buku had changed her looks to reflect more how she wanted to look. By what means their transportation to this world happened was still unclear but most were long adapted to their new divine existences.

Ulbert was the one to open the meeting. "Blue Planet's progress in the Elven Kingdom is proceeding well within the projected expectations. The rebellion group consisting of the mad elven king's former wives and children is getting more accepting of Planet's presence."

The kind elemental player had volunteered to help the race who he had become a protector of sorts during his arrival to the new world in one of the worst places imaginable; the Slane theocracy. During his exit from the human supremacist nation, he saved a few dozen elven slaves, earning their eternal adoration.

"What about the situation in Roble?" Ainz asked.

"The coastal attacks are increasing but the volunteers are managing just fine for now. Ankoro's new Apostle is doing great and has gathered her first followers." Buku reported, glancing at her shy friend who looked up from her drawing at the mention of her name.

"Lakyus is doing great but she needs more help."

"We will have to wait until the situation gets critical there and people beg for our help. The current religious establishment must fall first. Ulbert send- what is that red button?" Ainz suddenly brought everyone's attention to a strange object in front of him.

"Did you make it?" Albedo asked her daughter as she was the most obvious culprit of an item just appearing out of the tin air.

"No mama." The girl shook her head.

"My money is that it is that traveler doing some shady shit again," Ulbert said.

"In either case, we will put this object into isolation for Tabula to properly study it." Ainz was about to carefully put the small remote into the item box.

"Don't touch it! It may trigger some sort of reaction even without pressing the button." Tabula raised his voice.

"You suggest we just leave it on the table?" Ainz asked, stopping short of touching the strange object.

"Everyone, we are leaving this room and putting it in isolation. No one is touching that object until I can get some sort of reading!" Tabula jumped to his feet.

"Fine, we'll use the backup meeting hall for a while. Just don't blow up the castle." Ulbert said and rose to his feet as well.

"Aren't you overreacting?" Buku asked.

Splendora watched the adults argue about the strange button in silence. As a polite child, she knew she shouldn't interrupt them right now to tell her own ideas.

'Press it. Something very fun will happen.' A faint but very familiar girl's voice invaded her mind.

'I shouldn't. Mama and Papa will be angry.' She responded. This friend sometimes gave fun ideas for toys but this time she wasn't so sure if the suggestion was a good one. Mother and father could get mad at her.

'It will be fun, I promise. You'll get a big reward.'

The voice sounded so convincing. 'If Mama and Papa would be happy she definitely should press it.' While her parents' attention was elsewhere she pressed the button with the tip of her wing.

{X} {X} {X} {X} {X}

Tanya let out a long sigh which gradually turned into a groan, planting both of her hands in her face as the distortion finally faded. She didn't need to see her surroundings to know they weren't in Tempest anymore, simply sensing her surroundings told her that.

There was a different feel in the air, differences as big as the massive drop in magicules in the air to a slight change in air quality or the movement of air. Whatever the case may be, she instinctively knew this wasn't even the forest, for all she knew they could be on a completely different continent after Gabiru had pushed the button. She once more began to regret accepting his recruitment, internally wishing she had just thrown him back to his father and taken his sister instead.

Now there was only one question, if they weren't in tempest, then where are they?

Before Tanya bothered to look up from her mental anguish at Gabiru's incompetence, she heard Rimuru speak to him through [Thought Communication], { Tanya, this place looks like Japan doesn't it? }

Tanya looked confused as to what Rimuru might mean but immediately saw it. Rather than the medieval cities Tanya had stubbornly grown used to, this one had proper roads, lights, electricity, modern housing, everything that one would see in an actual city in a modern country like Japan or, to a lesser extent the Empire.

'Gabiru may be a moron but I'll be damned if he didn't luck me out here. If I knew there was a way back to a modern world I would've taken it sooner. But still, something feels off. It's a world that's actually in the modern era, sure, but I'm not so sure it's the same Japan I left in my first life.'

In front of the group was a schoolhouse which Tanya shrugged off as being a coincidence of where they happened to be brought. She tried to look around for flags or any indication of nationality but failed.

She turned to her group, confirming that everyone in the meeting room had been transferred with her. While she wanted to punish Gabiru for his idiocy, even if it seemed to ultimately benefit her, she decided to hold out on that until they were certain of their situation.

Almost immediately Tanya noticed something that caused her brief excitement at escaping the unmodern magical world that she was in before to disappear. There were others here.

More specifically, individuals which one would only ever see at those nerd conventions Tanya always thought people made too much fuss about. Unless this school was having one now, those weren't just cosplayers, they were monsters.

She attempted to use [Transcending Eye] to analyze them, but could only get a basic reading and most seemed like they intentionally fed false information. Her instinct immediately told her that this group was trying to appear weaker than they actually were.

Most of the thirteen figures were at least close if not surpassing her power while [Transcending Eye] tried to portray them as somewhere on Benimaru's level.

The first three that stood out were three elves. An adult woman and two children that, considering their similarities, were likely a mother and her two kids. 'Great an elf... Rimuru will lose all sense of reason around her. There is something off about her. Though considering this is a school, they're the most normal looking out of that group.'

Another attempt at using [Transcending Eye] revealed more about the woman. 'Slime!? Did she eat the mother of those children and now pretends to be her? That's kind of fucked up.'

Standing to the slime's right was a massive bug-like creature. Insectoids sort of existed, but does that mean that the oversized beatle that Rimuru named could end up like that?

The demon was something she could recognize at a glance, but of what family she couldn't tell. This one was dressed in a red suit with white stripes and was looking at her just as intently as she was observing them.

In front of the demon stood a bit shorter, slim, young vampire woman. If she had to guess about sixteen to twenty years old. She was dressed in a dark red victorian dress and stared back with a clear annoyance in her expression, seemingly from the bright sunlight.

The remaining were the most confusing and interesting to her. A succubus wasn't a race she had heard of, but she wouldn't be surprised it existed. What confused her more was that the child succubus held in her arms gave off no aura or any read whatsoever. If not for the fact that the child looked around curiously she would assume that it was some sort of lifelike doll.

'There is something wrong.' Once again she pushed the limits of [Transcending Eye] to leave nothing to empty speculation. Still there was nothing. By all means, she was just a regular human girl with weird-looking skeletal wings and horns.

There also was a female werewolf whose demeanor was the absolute opposite of what her fierce race would imply. She stood with her shoulders slumped down and looked around with a wary expression.

What truly concerned her was the other four. She couldn't tell anything from them at all, and ultimately that meant they were stronger than her. Of course, even without Transcending Eye she could make a good guess at their races.

The biggest of them was obviously an undead of some kind. She had heard of them existing, but she had never encountered any herself, so she knew not what they were like. Judging from his clothes and power, Tanya assumed he wasn't just some random undead but had at least some level of sentience if not outright intelligence.

For Rimuru and most of the others, the undead gave off a feeling he didn't want to experience; dread. 'Some sort of intimidation tactic. Or maybe it is natural for the undead to give such a feeling? Tanya seems unphased by it though.'

«Notice: It is a likely result of Tanya's [Mental Influence Nullification] she has mentioned previously»

'Ah, right. Wish I had something like that…'

Meanwhile Tanya had no clue on the second or third. One resembled a bird, but not in the way the Harpies of the south seemed to, though perhaps there was a race she didn't know about.

Rimuru bounced into his human form as while the other group was also made up of monsters, he knew from experience that for most, it was hard to accept the fact that a slime was actually in charge. Despite planning to try and take over diplomacy, Tanya gestures for him to stand down, { This isn't a group that I think being all cutesy-wootsy will work with. I also don't trust you to keep your cool around that Elf- }

{ Hey! } Rimuru retorted, interrupting Tanya.

{ Let me handle this one. It may come down to a show of force with these guys. Worst case scenario, we can maybe get Milim to fuck with them, but we should try to avoid a third Hiroshima in the form of the dragon child. }

{ Agreed. }

Out of the remaining two the one resembling a bipedal goat was the least surprising. He clearly was a demon of an unknown family but there wasn't much else besides that.

The last of the group was some sort of octopus creature. 'What sort of Lovecraftian shit is that? They sure are filling the diversity quota in spades.'

The creature seemed only half present and likely reading some sort of date others had no access to.

If there was one word of which Tanya would use to describe this group, it was 'threatening'. It wasn't a group she wanted to fuck around with, and it was one they needed to either avoid or befriend to the best of their ability. Aggravating them was not an option, she couldn't guarantee they'd make it out alive if they did.

Meanwhile, Ainz tried to figure out what just happened. A moment ago they were in a conference room and now stood in front of an unfamiliar building.

{ You know what this reminds me of? } Pero messaged his friend.

{ If you say a hentai game I'll use your balls for target practice. } Buku retorted, clearly annoyed that she instantly made the same connection.

They were standing in the most generic stock photo of a typical Japanese school far too often used in hentai games for the last hundred years.

{ Ha! You thought about the same thing. But seriously this looks like Earth, only not fucked up. }

{ The building in front of us is the least of our worries right now. } Ainz interrupted their banter.

{ Tabula, any idea what happened?} He immediately turned to the player who hopefully would have some answers.

{ Reality shift I think. Maybe pocket dimension. There is nothing specific I can get a read on. The rules of this place seem…strange. Give me a few minutes. }

The situation was getting more bizarre. The recent talk with the traveler did cross Ainz's mind but that entity was clearly interested in him and Nazarick beating the Great Old One.

As he looked around he noticed a group of creatures staring at him and his friends intently.

Almost on instinct, he cast appraisal to assess their threat level. Most of the group turned out to be of little consequence not even reaching level seventy by the old standards, save for three individuals. First was the black-haired crimson-eyed demon who was on the level of a floor guardian or a level 100 player.

'Hmm, she could pose some threat depending on her abilities.'

Second was a pink-haired girl, looking about thirteen to fourteen years old who was way above that, likely at least rivaling him. She seemed the most carefree of the group and just looked around like a tourist at an attraction.

'Hmm, level 150? It is about the same as mine but there are too many unknowns to know for sure. If she has the same immunities as us, then she could pose an immense danger. If this girl makes a move I'll try [Time Stop] and [Maximize Grasp Heart.] This unknown environment could put us at a massive disadvantage.'

And then there was a slime shaped like a girl in her mid to late teens. By itself, this slime seemed weaker than the previous two but upon inspection, the appraisal spell glitched out and showed that there was some hidden power deep beneath outpacing even the pink-haired girl.

{ Do not engage. Three individuals in that group are dangerous. The black-haired girl in front is a minor threat, the pink-haired girl is on my level, and that slime that looks like a girl can not be read properly. } Ainz said.

{ Nope, boy. That is a trap. } Pero interjected.

{ He looks at me dreamy. My, he is cute as fuck. I have an outfit just his size in my inventory. } Buku licked her lips.

{ Can you two be serious for a moment!? }

{ Sorry you are right. What is the plan glorious leader? } Buku immediately snapped out of her lustful mood and assumed a more business-like demeanor.

'That was weird, why did my mind go straight to checking out that cute... What the hell is going on with my head? Concentrate! We are in a potential combat situation.' Buku grew confused. By all means, the last thing she needed to think about was someone's attractiveness.

{ We should talk with them. By the looks, they are just as confused as us. Maybe also transported here against their will. }

{ Alright, I'll handle it. } Ulbert said, beginning to walk towards the group.

{ Don't blast them to smithereens… Yet. } Ainz replied.

Tanya looked at the approaching demon and spoke to Rimuru, { I'll handle him. He's one of the stronger ones, I can handle myself for long enough but be prepared to run if he turns hostile. }

{ Have fun! Don't blow anything up! } Rimuru said with a smile.

"Benimaru, make sure he doesn't sneak off to talk to that slime woman." Tanya says verbally as she begins to walk towards the approaching demon,

"Understood, Ma'am." Benimaru responds as Rimuru looks around frantically.

"Slime?! Huh? Where?"

"It's best if you don't know. I don't want any slime on slime action with you two. Who knows how slimes get at it…" Tanya mutters as she leaves the group.

Eventually the two stopped a few feet across from each other, Tanya looking up at Ulbert and Ulbert looking down at Tanya. The tension was palpable as they both stood there staring for a few moments in silence.

Tanya was first to break the silence, offering a respectful salute with her right hand as the other moved behind her back, "I am Tanya Tempest, Demon Lord, Chancellor of the Imperial Tempest Federation and the Grand Marshal of the Tempestian Army." Tanya lowered her arm as she continued, "If you don't mind me jumping to conclusions, it seems you're in a similar situation as we are. That being, I assume this isn't your homeland."

Ulbert responded with a light bow taking off his tophat for a moment, "Grand Inquisitor of the Empire of Nazarick Ulbert Ooal Gown. Indeed, it seems we have ended up in similar circumstances. Would you have any idea who could have caused this?"

"Would you guys have happened to push a button before you arrived here? An…" Tanya fakes a cough, "Incompetent subordinate of mine decided to push it before we could assess what it does. Were you brought here in a similar fashion?"

"Yes. The same circumstance. We took our eyes away from the princess and she, as a small child, obviously pressed the big red button. But I am more curious about the culprit of the whole event. Would you know about beings known as travelers perchance?" Ulbert asked.

There was something particular about this demon. The look of a young girl would be easy to explain considering that she likely tried to look less threatening in the current circumstance, but her aura was unlike any demon he had encountered.

"I can't say I'm particularly familiar with the concept, though it may ultimately come down to a difference in names, could you elaborate?" To Tanya, this demon was… confusing. For one it seemed different to other demons like Noir or even herself, rather than not knowing his family, it seemed like he just didn't have one, at least not in the same way Tanya did.

"We've had an encounter with one. Even demons fear them. Usually play around for who knows what reason. In short, pricks with too much power and too much free time."

Ulbert observed the young-looking demon carefully. She obviously was a high-tier one but it was impossible to tell of her type. As someone who understood the hierarchy she likely could be intimidated but that could come later.

"I've dealt with someone like that before, no clue if he's one of these 'travelers' you mentioned, but he seemed to be stopped relatively easily, so I'm not sure if he's quite as intimidating as to scare off demons. He only ever seemed to control worlds where humans didn't have enough power to offer any resistance." Tanya replied, grumbling to herself over Being X. The possibility was there for him to be one of these 'travelers', but he felt more like he'd be a Demon Lord or something with the ability to travel across worlds. Someone who could mess with the human population, but not much else.

"I see. So you have not met one. Sounds like a low-tier God to me." Ulbert remarked, assuming a more casual demeanor.

'She is not saying anything specific. I need to trigger some sort of reaction from her to make this demon reveal information.'

"Mind telling more about this Being X? It seems strange that an entity would use such a silly name to describe itself."

"Oh I have no idea what his name is. I never bothered to ask him. The first and second worlds that I came from was where Being X supposedly was the 'god' of. Started spewing some bullshit when I died and tried to send me to a world at war with some magic. When I died there something else brought me to a world with a whole lot of magic and it seems that he got fucked trying to stop that."

"That's it? My buddies and I can pull souls and put them in bodies. I'm half sure even someone who isn't a God can do that." Ulbert chuckled.

Tanya shrugged, "There's a few human nations that can do that just fine as well. Sure it takes quite a few mages and a good bit of time, but there was a Demon Lord who did it entirely on his own. I'm sure I could probably pull it off if I learned the ritual. Of course, Rimuru would greatly object to it."

'You seem confident. Let's see how easily you are provoked.' Tanya clearly was ignoring the fact that he was more powerful and more than likely could take her out with a powerful enough blast before her more powerful friends managed to intervene.

As the walking catastrophe, he was rather confident in his near unrivaled destructive capabilities only outpaced by Ainz. Even Tabula for all his immense magical power and knowledge would be an unlikely victor in one battle with him.

"You don't seem powerful enough to pull it off on your own." Ulbert dropped a bait to see if the demon would react.

Of course, Ainz likely would be pissed if he caused a fight but some small showoff wouldn't hurt. If it came to the worst he could easily back off and apologize. Considering how wary the opposing group was they likely were not eager to enter a full-on fight.

Tanya had dealt with the politics of being a salaryman and more so being a military officer enough to know what he was trying to do, though she was more than happy to oblige, making sure they knew she could see through such bluffs as she did so, "If its a show of force you want, I'm more than happy to give you one."

'If they want a show of force, I'll give them one. I'll show that I won't be pushed around so easily.'

Tanya's eyes began to glow as the red jewel around her neck glowed a bright golden color. In the span of a few seconds her aura seemed to jump from roughly Level 100 to Level 110. It still wasn't enough to guarantee a win against any of them, but based on her fighting skill she may have actually had a chance, if incredibly small, to win a one on one fight with one of them. That was assuming she had the same skills and spells as Yggdrasil players.

'Not bad. Not bad at all. Let's see how you handle me.'

Ulbert responded by unleashing all his aura and specifically targeted the weakest members of Tanya's group knowing that none of his friends or floor guardians would be bothered by this demon's display of power.

'Let's see what your priorities are.' He offered her a taunting smirk.

Surprisingly, almost all of the others stood their ground. Even Gabiru, for all of his incompetence, was able to hold a straight face like he did against Eiga and Ranga. Whether that was just his over-inflated ego or actual confidence Tanya couldn't tell.

Tanya meanwhile snapped her fingers, a barrier appearing around them as well as in numerous small orbs surrounding them, most large enough to see the material stored inside like small grains of dust floating around.

"Tell me, Ulbert, have you heard of the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction? Inside each of these orbs is enough material to set off a nuclear blast equivalent to 100 megatons of TNT, or the largest nuclear bomb ever designed by humanity! Actually… I suppose you wouldn't understand that… Whatever, all you need to know is that if you try anything, this entire city will be reduced to dust."

Of all of the people with Tanya, the only one who actually seemed to be in fear was Rimuru as he heard [Great Sage] talk to him in his mind.

«Notice: Conflict between these two individuals will most likely result in the complete and total annihilation of all life on this continent. Depending on the nature of this world, it is possible for destruction to reach a global scale»

Ulbert took a step in her direction as his smile grew more maniacal with a cackling he asked. "You think we are afraid of a nuke? Sure 100 megatons sound impressive if you want to clear out areas of grunts, but it's nothing I would worry about little girl!"

He took a step forward in her direction about to start casting his most powerful ability; grand catastrophe. His instincts immediately told him that she would be able to detect what sort of damage a fully unrestricted spell would do.

Tanya smirked, lowering her rifle and aiming it at him, magical energy surging in a rainbow of colors, numerous magical circles appearing perpendicular to the rifle, numerous more of various sizes appearing just beyond the barrel. In terms of sheer magical power the attack seemed to be on-par with a Super-Tier spell, all of that concentrated into a single bullet could do some serious damage, but likely wasn't enough to kill. Just being able to do serious damage was rather impressive for how much magic she had.

"Tell me what is your kill count with a single blow? Is the little reborn demon ready to blow up this continent to test if it would harm us? You will lose some of your friends in the conflict."

Ulbert's demeanor grew more maniacal with each almost synchronized heartbeat of two demons. He took another step forward as the numerous magical circles started to rotate around him. The magical damage her damage could do likely would hurt like hell but some pain was a small price to pay for a show.

The auras of the two demons clashed more and more as the sky itself reacted to their displays of power drawing in black clouds.

'Keep stalling, dipshit see where it gets you. I designed this spell to take down Being X, it'll sure as hell take down an egomaniac that calls himself a god like him.' Each second more energy was funneled into the rifle, more power building up as each second that passed increased the power. Whether or not it could get to the point of actually killing him was unlikely, but stalling was likely only going to increase his own pain.

"You wanted me to show my power, so I'll show you that I won't be pushed around."

"How about I show how little your threat means? Take that shot and I-"

The world suddenly stopped becoming grey.

"Ulbert that's enough. This standoff does not benefit us." Ainz scolded his reckless peer. " You have few seconds to figu-"

The demon was the only one who was not affected. From the looks of things, she was pissed. Her rifle aimed now towards Ainz, "So it's you then… Hiding behind the mask of an undead… Being X!"

"Being X? You seem to have battled someone from Yggdrasil if you have time stop immunity but it was a rather common spell. I suggest you cancel that magic and we keep this civil." Ainz raised his hand in preparation to cast [Grasp Heart].

She seemed too pissed off at Ainz for some reason to back down so easily, "I always thought you were more connected to Christian mythology than Norse mythology. I should've known you're the one who dragged me back to Japan so you could go back to tormenting me."

"You seem to mistake me for someone else. I would prefer to avoid conflict but I won't warn you again. Do you think you have a chance against all of us while your friends are frozen in time?"

Tanya sighed, lowering the rifle, though not dispelling the spell until Ulbert did the same to his, "You're too negotiable to be Being X. No way in hell Being X would understand what a negotiation is. I'll lower my spell if goat-face over there lowers his."

"Ulbert." Ainz nodded, lowering his own hand. The time stop would end any second so he could not engage in long debates in case Tanya's group was prepared to take action the moment the spell ended.

Ulbert canceled both the Grand Catastrophe and his aura, taking a step back. "Your turn."

Tanya pointed her rifle to the sky, firing it into the air as a massive powerful beam shot up, completely dispersing the dark clouds that had formed above with the sheer magical power it held inside of it. "Once that much power's built up the only solution would be to shoot it at Rimuru who's frozen or shoot it into the sky. Sorry if it looked like I was doing anything else."

"It's fine." Ainz said just as the Time Stop ran out and the world regained its natural color.

"I apologize for my friend's provocation."

"It only makes sense to probe any potential enemy for how much power they have. I can't entirely blame you. I hope you'll understand that I needed to show that we can't be so easily pushed around. You may win a fight with me, but I won't make it easy, and that one," Tanya pointed towards Milim near the back, "probably wouldn't take it too well. Actually on the contrary, she would take it too well, she loves fighting."

"Then for now let's not test out what a clash between our groups would look like. I for one would prefer to make sense of the current circumstance first."

Rimuru was frantically contemplating on how to avert armageddon, however collapsed into slime form with a sigh after the situation was defused. Rimuru slowly inched over in slime form and muttered, "Sorry about her, I'm starting to think she finds sexual enjoyment in explosives-"

"Unless you want to be on the receiving end of that attack I just shot into the sky, I suggest you retract that last statement, Rimuru." Tanya interrupted.

"I-I mean finds enjoyment in modern uuh… military tactics… or something… Regardless, I'm Rimuru Tempest, King of the Imperial Tempest Federation. I'm not a bad slime!"

Ainz tilted his head, 'Did he just say that? And he calls himself a King? Maybe he is trying to diffuse a situation with a bad joke. I'll just let it pass for now.'

"I am Ainz Ooal Gown, The Emperor of the Empire of Nazarick. Let's agree on a ceasefire for now and avoid further provocations. I'm sure neither side would gain anything from conflict at this moment."

Ainz extended his hand expecting the slime to assume the previous human form and shake it.

Rimuru bounced up and into a human form, shaking Ainz's hand with a nervous smile on his face, still not completely calmed down from the mass extinction event Tanya nearly caused.

"I will say, I can't say I've heard of a 'Nazarick' before unfortunately." Rimuru says, a bit confused as he tries to remember all the names of important countries. Still, the only 'Empires' weren't called Nazarick.

"I would not expect you to know Nazarick. We have been on quite a few worlds and not all knew of us." Ainz as usual played up their mythos just in case. By how nervous Rimuru was it was easy to guess he had become a ruler relatively recently if he even was the actual ruler of Tempest.

'Maybe it is a ruse. He comes off as too naive but keeps a mad dog like Tanya by his side. I will have to be careful around him.'

{ No more further provocations. We know far too little about this world to start a reckless conflict, not to mention cooperation may be useful. With all of us here Blue Planet is the only one left in Nazarick. } He addressed all of his team.

{ Got it boss. She did take it like a champ. I like this girl. } Ulbert said.

Suddenly the heads of all the newcomers turned as footsteps were heard coming from the school. Approaching them were two men dressed up neatly into suits.

'Okay, what the hell is he doing here?' both Tanya, Rimuru, Ainz and Buku all asked themselves mentally.

Approaching them was both Gazel Dwargo in the front and Gazef Stronof standing a bit off to the side and behind him. The sight of either of them in suits rather than armor was somewhat jarring, especially in this context.

Nevertheless Gazel stepped forwards and announced, "Attention students! Class is about to begin!"

Next chapter