
ISEKAI: Leveling Service

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  • 198 Chs
  • 4.0
    17 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is ISEKAI: Leveling Service

Read ‘ISEKAI: Leveling Service’ Online for Free, written by the author ShovelingKnight, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, ADVENTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Chronicle Legacy is an MMORPG game that has a lot of players, it was the best game of the era with 9.1 stars according t...


Chronicle Legacy is an MMORPG game that has a lot of players, it was the best game of the era with 9.1 stars according to the reviewers. As it has the best graphics as well as the game-play mechanics. Still, there’s a reason why it only gets 9.1 stars. The missing 0.9 stars were regarding the leveling system of Chronicle Legacy. Why? Player was required to spend a lot of times just to level up their characters, there’s no booster pack to boost experience points at all. Yet there is another method for players to be able to level up their characters without wasting a huge amount of time in the game. The method was Leveling Service - It focuses on providing professional leveling to the player. ---------------------------------------------------------------- [MTL] [PG-17] [UPDATE SCHELDULE ON BOTTOM] *This was an MTL novel [Scheldule] 10 PM EST- Daily (One per day) [Mass Release] 100PS - 4 Chapter on Sunday

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Je deviens le patron bébé de la mafia

``` Devenir soudainement chef de la mafia dans un monde de superpouvoirs et n'avoir que 3 ans ?! Ainsley Sloan, une jeune passionnée d'anime de 20 ans, se retrouve soudainement dans le corps d'un bambin. Le père s'est enfui avec une femme, et la mère n'était qu'une mère porteuse. Les deux ont laissé derrière eux leur petite fille de 3 ans pour régner sur une famille mafieuse de taille moyenne ! Non, cela ne peut pas être ! Ainsley fut forcée d'embrasser la famille Sloan abandonnée et de les mener au sommet du dangereux monde mafieux, sinon elle mourrait. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas ! Avec le pouvoir de la chance ultime, l'aide de ses fidèles subordonnés, et la protection de ses chats devenus humains, Ainsley va repousser tous les ennemis sur son chemin ! Une rencontre tardive avec un certain système a même pavé un chemin fleuri pour elle. Avec son aide, Ainsley sera le meilleur chef de la mafia, et une exceptionnelle ! Quand les autres chefs de la mafia fument des cigarettes, Ain a un Pocky au chocolat coincé dans sa bouche. Quand d'autres chefs font tourner leur verre de vin rouge, Ain souffle sur sa tasse de lait chaud ! Quand d'autres chefs nettoient leur arme après un combat... Ain change sa couche. Regardez le bébé prendre le contrôle du monde mafieux avec son charme unique de bébé ! 7 ans plus tard. Un certain mini-boss rusé : "Ain, que dirais-tu de devenir ma fiancée ?" Le garçon, cinq ans plus âgé que le bambin, agitait une housse d'oreiller BL édition limitée comme pot-de-vin. Un certain système : gamin, accepte sa proposition ! Pique son argent ! Bordel vous deux. Fiancée mon cul !! Je n'ai que 10 ans ! PS : Si vous vous attendez à une FL badass et rapide, à des gifles et à des actes héroïques dans les 100 premiers chapitres, ce livre n'est peut-être pas à votre goût _____ Livres avec un cadre ancien/moderne : 1. La Femme du Prince Dragon est une Traductrice (terminé) 2. L'Office Boy du PDG est une Fille (terminé) Série protagoniste bébé : 1. Je Deviens le Patron Bébé de la Mafia (en cours) 2. Je Deviens Toujours un Bébé ! (transmigration rapide, en cours) Livre de jeu de simulation de rencontres : 1. Monsieur le PDG, Passe à Autre Chose ! (Abandonné à cause d'un problème de système ne permettant pas de mettre à jour plus de chapitres après avoir accidentellement changé le statut du livre en terminé) Suivez mon Instagram : @zehell2218 & @willhem_l Serveur Discord : https://discord.gg/axqNyHv ```

Zehell2218 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
150 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Step Into A New World


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  • Updating Stability
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[Author Review] I simply a clone of EXC... 1. MTL so it was bad. 2. Update? 3 times per week or daily... depends 3. Even the author doesn't have any idea. 4. Only the important character would have their art shown. 5. It's a game


Alright story, basically I have found the story very dull. There's nothing rly to it. Not something that I would recommend other to read it... This was my honest opinion so do not be mad at me.


Status: Chapter 67 Is it good? -Yup it is. And all those who wanted a fast-paced story would miss the fun I get. Is there a romance? -Love Elina and Yei. Just read it, okay? The story was kind of generic in the beginning, and it's not a bad thing for me as I was looking for familiar things rather than messed-up world background with loopholes. I already wrote a review but it was when I was at 30+? Forgot it. But even there, the story was progressing. The writing was good, even though the author was claiming it is bad since it was an MTL, don't believe him, it is not bad. His writing is even better than those who are at the ranking, to be honest. But not in exaggerating since I haven't read all novels on this platform, I just noticed that overrated trash novels can't be compared to this one. Now... I just expressed my emotion, let's jump into the downsides of the book. Plot Armor. -Well, his system is the freaking heck plot armor since the beginning. Dense MC. - Sometimes he/she gets clueless about things when in the first place, the world was just the same as the game. But I understand the MC since there are changes in the current era as it was supposed to be years have passed since his known era of the game. Nothing else. Will leave a review after another 30 chapters.


Like other reviewers have said the story is extremely bland. I don’t often give reviews, especially so early in the story, but this one really just feels like reading cardboard. The MTL quality is... ok, but not that good. Overall the story was not interesting enough to get me to overlook the quality. 2/10


Well I already love novels of this genre and didn't regret starting it. Since not many chapters are yet published it would be too soon to make a judgement, but it seems well going so far.


Really liked the story. No visible grammar mistakes to address and the pacing is pretty good. Of course I really enjoyed reading the chapters! The 'Email' writing thing was pretty interesting. Overall, a good experience. (p.s. the cover art is amazing too! :))


It has a good story and good character development. Also has strong world background. There are some spelling and grammatical errors but the story is still understandable.


A good premise with plenty of room to grow. The main character hasn't yet shown his/her individual character so far (chap 67). A little slow to get started so it would be good to build up a backlog of chapters.


Don't stop writing, you can do it. Don't stop expressing, or you'll dull the skill. Don't stop improving, writer fever makes us ill. Don't stop having fun, story must be told and seen.




Reveal spoiler


I personally thought that it was really good. You have amazing talent, and you've created a very intriguing world. your story seems well thought out and your main character is good too. Keep it up!


This is so good! Thanks for making my day with this novel! I really hope you never drop this and will stay here to read whenever! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


wow transmigration into a game! now that is something i have not read about before! what a wonderful intriguing concept that requires the author to master a game and at the same time writing how it will be inside the game. the idea is intricate, exciting, and new! I live for the joy of finding such novels! I loved it!


I read this till the end of the chapter. This was a great novel right here. No offense, they might some careless mistake but I love the way you write it.


It's good... Would I recommend it? Probably not. There are some mistake but I see the author was already well aware of that fact... and maybe the author was doing some fixing. For me, I will add this to my collection... just to see how it will turn out in the future.


putanginamo bebe chupain mo ako ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


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