

"Adonis, you should take a rest now! Our company doesn't want to be blame for making you die from overworking!"said his manager

Adonis knew that he cannot work too much, but he loves his fans and music!

"Manager, don't worry! After this concert finish, I will take a rest! So don't be scared, I am so energetic! I think I can even fly!"joked Adonis

His manager sigh, Adonis is such a talented individual, his voice is so otherworldly! His talent in making music is first class! I wish he would take more rest! He hasn't been sleeping properly! This fool! He is truly a hopeless idiot!

Adonis knew that his manager was feeling worried about his condition. He knows that he shouldn't be overworking himself! But he is a workaholic! He loves his work too much!

Suddenly his phone ring, he picked up his phone.

"Adonis! I demand a grandchild! Give me a grandchild! Look Sia has a grandchild and she is rubbing it on my face! You are already 32 years old! Adonis when are you getting married?"asked his mother

Adonis sigh

"Mom! My beautiful, kindest, sweetest mom! I'm just 32 years old alright! Your son is so young and handsome! Many girls love him! Why are you in such a hurry? You can ask Liam to give you a grandchild, after all he is already 30 years old! He is getting too old! I'm still young!"said Adonis with confidence

"Adonis! Your flattery will get you nowhere, you are older than him! How can you be consider young? You said he is getting old, yet you are contradicting your own words. Adonis you are the eldest son! I want a grandchild!"said his mother

"Mom! What do you mean? How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not old alright! I am still young! Liam doesn't have fans like me! I'm so handsome, do you think that any girl will refuse me? Mom don't worry! I have not find the one yet! If I do meet my soulmate I will contact you! Love you mom! Muah! Goodbye my concert is starting!"said Adonis

His mother was feeling depressed but she knew that she can't force Adonis, it seems like she can only have her hope on Liam to give her a grandchild.

"Adonis, the concert is about to start! Get ready!"said his manager

Adonis make-up artist retouch his make up. Adonis saw his reflection in the mirror, he indeed looks so handsome! Mom should not be worried for him!

Adonis got onto the stage! He saw a sea of glow sticks! He felt so emotional, he truly feels like he can fly whenever he is in a concert! His fans mean so much to him! They have been through thick and thin with him! He feels truly fortunate to have wonderful fans like them! They even call themselves Aphrodite(Goddess of love) because of his name!

"My dear Aphrodite (Goddess of love)! I'm so grateful to you for supporting me! I wish you will have a good time! I will be singing 'My love' to you!"said Adonis with a deadly charming smile

"Baby you are my life,

baby you are my soul,

baby you are my other half,

I can't live without you anymore!


Fans all became so quiet, the song lines are so cheesy but still Adonis voice is supreme!!! His deep voice sounds so good! Fans began to cry! Adonis why are you so perfect? How can you sing these lyrics so sadly? You are making me so emotional!

The song ended, and then the music totally changed.

Adonis did a body wave! His whole body was so sexy! The abs peeking out from his shirt! He was sweating yet looked hot!

The fans started to scream!!!!!!!

"Adonis! Adonis! Adonis! Adonis!"-fans

"My hubby we love you!!!!"-fans

"My dear Aphrodite! Let me sing another song for you! This time I will be singing 'Passion'."announced Adonis

"This burning sensation!

This flamming passion!

I will keep on trying!

I won't give up my wings!

Let's soar to new heights!


Adonis voice was too enchanting! It could really make them pregnant just by hearing his voice!

Fans were having a nose bleed!!!

Before long, the concert ended

Adonis was very tired but he felt so good and happy! He wants to go on to the stage and continue performing! But, he knows that the concert has ended.

Adonis was in his dressing room, waiting for his manager to arrange him a car to go back to the hotel.

He felt like his eyes were getting heavy and fatigue kicked him. He felt so sleepy, before long he began to drift off.

At this moment he heard the door opening.

"Manager you are back."he said while yawning

The person didn't reply to him, he felt like something was off! Before he knew it, someone stab him straight to his heart.

Adonis fell down to the ground.

"You are mine!"said that person

Adonis couldn't see that person's face, everything was blurry, he realised now that this person could be a yandere sasaeng fan of his.

He wanted to live more, he wish he could produce more music, he really wish that his family will not be sad, I really hope they will be happy.

Adonis began to lose his consciousness.

"Master! Young Master! Why do you have to suffer? You are already suffering from mental illness! Madame would be so sad to see you in such a position."cried out a servant

Adonis felt his whole body so painful, he has heard what this person has said, what does he mean by young master? What happened?

His whole body was in so much pain! His head felt so overloaded with information, some of the memories did not belong to him.

The servant left the room.

Adonis opened his eyes. He looked so confused! This is not his room! This cannot happen to him!

Could this be the legendary transmigrated troupe! How did he end up here?

He saw his hands, they were so pale and small! He saw a bronze mirror and in that reflection showed a skinny young teenager, the teenager looked so beautiful! Too beautiful! Too feminine! He immediately went and checked his body!

He felt relieved! My little brother is still with me!

He felt a bad headache! His body temperature rose high.

He didn't ate anything at all! He was feeling so hungry!

That bad headache and fever lasted for a week.

He finally understands his situation.

Hi guys! I'm potato_is_life!(author) (・∀・)my username is like this because I feel like this is befitting my life in QUARANTINE!

Adonis, a former superstar is now transmigrated in another world! What sort of identity does he have? What sort of cheat will he have in this world?

(≧▽≦)Stay tuned to find out!

Thanks for reading my novel!

life_is_notpotatocreators' thoughts
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