
Chapter 2: The Goddess And Her Darling

Huh? Where am I? Is this the afterlife of this world?

I seem to be floating In a pure white void, unable to tell what is right and wrong or right or left or up and down. Oddly enough, I feel nostalgia for being here.

Hmm, I wonder why...

My vision is dyed white as slow diff throughout this white void while feeling uneasy, finding that my senses are returning to normal.

" So This is the afterlife... How lovely." I said.

Oh? So I can speak.

Likewise, my body Is still Intact. My head, arms, and legs.

Touching my face, I found it still there and the same as usual, the NPC and background character look.

Clothing-wise, I'm still wearing the same farm gray clothes the old couple has made me, well the former owner of this body, who has no talent In anything, except for farming and cooking.


It's probably been a good while since I've been here and I'm okay with my death In both worlds. Though It is strange I'm okay about all this, taking In my past. It's kind of like enlightenment of sorts.

...I see, after my two deaths I became more smarter... No, I guess I was smart from the start.


In all honesty, I just want to sleep, and sleep. A forever kind of sleep. The best kind.

I have become one with myself.










Okay, that's a fucking lie. I'm still mad, very fucking mad.

I'm just Sasuke over here, angry at everything.

" Hm?" Breaking from my inner dialog is a faint glow at the edge of my vision. A small light is approaching in my direction.

I'm not sure what It might be, but I know It's certainly dangerous and It certainly coming right at me.

Jumping back, I smiled seeing the lump of light landing on the spot where I was standing with a huge explosion, sending up a cloud of dust In the sky(?).

Furthermore, I'm 100% sure there was no soil on the ground, but for some reason, the white void has turned red with a strong explosion. I saw anything like that In both lives with my own eyes: In Real Life.

" Mhm~" Humming, my smile started becoming thin, very thin.

As the smock cleared, is a beautiful Goddess-like divine beauty young girl around my age.

" You're, Sora Kamiyama, right?" She asked me, with an otherworldly beautiful clear voice, that could even calm down the olden ones. A kind of voice everyone would love to hear every second of their lives. A voice that held bottomless love and care Inside It.

" Hai-Hai, I'm: Sora Kamiyama." I nodded with a smile on my face, a real one this time.

She's a Goddess, no doubt. Her long hair swayed with glitter. She seems to be wearing a lotus-shaped ornament.

She is definitely not your typical human on the side of the road with that beautiful hair that is shining with rainbow colors, that looks like a divine halo. She looks like a Goddess from Greek Mythology with her profound pale golden eyes and golden robe fluttering about.

' Eh? Did she disappear?' I thought, not seeing her.

However, I then realized that she didn't disappear but had jumped Into the sky, she then made a full turn In the air and dived to the ground.

" I AM SORRY!... I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand." She is now kneeling In front of me In a perfect Dogeza.

I'm now, somewhat taken aback. Because If such a heavenly beautiful girl suddenly performs a flying Dogeza, anyone would be surprised.

" No, I'm really sorry! What can I say to apologize? Should I slit my gut? Would that please you?"

" I have no fucking clue what's going on, but please don't commit seppuku."

" Yes, that's...I'm sorry. Let me explain the situation first." Saying such, she straightened her drape and brushed off her skirt.

" I'm so sorry. I'm sure you're confused by the sudden turn of events. I'm of the many Goddess of the Creator. I'm the Goddess that Is In charge of your old and new world. So please keep me In your prayers."

Nodding, I flashed her a smile, as my calm face soon took form.

God of both of my worlds? This tiny girl? If you look closely, you can see the is more cute than beautiful, standing at 5-5 to my 6-6 figure, looking like a cat standing in front of a Dragon.

" This was such a great blunder on my part... I don't even know how to apologize... I'm so-so very sorry you had to go through what you went through."

Smiling friendly, I crouched down before and started stroking her long rainbow universe-like hair.

" I understand, I do. But could you please explain from the beginning."


She started to tear up again as she looked up at me In profound confusion, as If she has done something wrong.

" Mhm, okay, let explain the situation." Smiling cutely, she nodded more to herself than to me," This way."

With a flash of golden eyes, she offered me a table and chairs that had been set up here, somehow.


[**Unknown Amount Of Time Later**]


" And that's It." The Goddess said, looking Into my typical brown eyes, which is said to look bronze when the sun hits them, said by "my" late Guardians.

" So... let me get this straight: Due to trying to Master Origin Energy, you fucked up and a sliver of the Origin Energy hit me In my sleep In my old world: Killing me right then and there. And then due to embracement: You took my soul and put it into some mob character from an Isekai World." I said, sipping some good tea.

" Yeah..." She nodded with a dead look. However, seeing my drink the 'Tea', she asked tilting her head," You're still drinking that, even though I told you what is the 'Drink.'-"

" Eh? It's just your body fluids." I said In a carefree tone, drinking the 'tea' she has provided me at the beginning of the longest talk ever. However, to say the least, I enjoyed hearing her beautiful soothing voice, so I didn't lose anything.

" R-Really y-you don't c-care?" She asked me, tripping over her words, appearing next to me.

Stroking her beautiful hair once more, I smiled," Of course not. Why would I care?"

" Hehehe!" Probably not finding anything to say, she smiles beautifully.


Only after some more talking and chilling, did the Goddess say something:" Sora-kun, due to my mistakes, I'll let you pick three things on this list." As she said this, a holographic blue RPG game-like appeared before me, with white letters.

" List?" I asked, scanning through the 'List' of items and powers.

" Yeah... Sorry about that. Due to my low Rank as a young Goddess, I can't offer you wishes the Older Gods and Goddess would have." She said sadly, looking at the floor.

Already knowing what she wants, I chuckled and began caressing her hair," I don't mind. This is enough for someone like me."

" Hehehe!" I guess she likes(loves) to be... cared for, loved for even. What an odd Goddess I have found myself talking to.


After some time, I picked my 'wishes' through the list, a very small one, mind you:" (1)-Cosmic Fire Manipulation | (2)-Dark Magic | (3)-Fallen Angel Bloodline."

" C-C-Cosmic Fire Manipulation!? A-Are you sure!? B-Because even though that is the most powerful W-Wish I can grant, It is also the most d-deadliest out of all my wishes I can bestow upon y-you." She said with clear shock In her eyes, hearing my 'wishes'.

" I'm sure." I nodded, drinking some more of her 'tea'.

" Y-You a-are? R-Really??" The Goddess asked me, appearing In front of me, sitting on my lap, clapping my cheeks together In care and... love?...

...How odd...

" I'm One-Hundred percent, sure." I nodded once more and smiled at her, making her... blush?!

This is getting odder by the fucking second...

" UmU." As If making up her mind, she pulled up her hand and slit her wrist.

Then before I could even think about something, she grabbed my head soft and put my lips around her wrist.

[" Drink."] The Goddess said simply, throughout my head.

Blinking my eyes a few times, I started to drink her freezing golden cold blood that began flowing throughout my body, empowering me In a sense.

[" Now I can let you go~"] The Goddess said, now In a cheerful tone, ringing softly and lovingly In my head.

Pulling my lips from her now healed wrist, I asked the happy Goddess," What was that about?"

" Mhm? That?... Well, due to you stealing my Pure heart, I made you my one and only Apostle." She said as her eyes became blank, possessing boundless love and care for me.

Caressing my face, she smiled," And: My husband." She added, kissing my lips, In profound love.

Releasing my lips, her beautiful golden eyes flashed," Now go and show that World my Love for you."

As she said this, my eyes started wanting to shut, with me losing my consciousness.

'... In the name of the Gods: How did she fall for me? All I did was talk and be nice to her... It can't be that easy, right? Right!?' These were my thoughts, as my body started to fade away.

" Darling~ Please come visit me~!" My new Wife said, as my body fully disappeared, with only one thought:' How!?'
