
Chapter 1: All Great Tales Have A Start Even If It's A Bad One


I hate... No, I absolutely despise weak people. This is not just including weakness of the body, this is the weakness of the mind, body, and overall lack of skill.

Going on social media I see posts of people who I know claiming to have 'PTSD' even though I know they grew up in the most stable safe home. Imagine that person storming the beach of Normandy, you want to talk about real PTSD. How fucking weak-minded do you have to be, imagine that person in any real situation where you could get PTSD.

I love the excuses too. I absolutely fucking love them. People tell me " I don't have time to get good grades," " I don't have time to work out," " I can never get enough sleep." I have a full ride to school, by just being me and not getting help from anyone or using my background to get what I want. Hell, my background won't help with anything at all, except Alcohol and drugs.

Growing up, I was the most introverted person in my family. I grew up with a lot of problems(mostly family problems), I was very scared of everything, and I tried to void out my pain and emotions. I tried to hide from the world, even with a living nightmare constantly around me and inside my head. I remember at age 7, being terrified of going outside, as I didn't want some random person trying to kidnap me.

Most of the time, I would sit in my own in my room and I wouldn't talk to Anyone, I wouldn't even talk to my own parents, they ruined me. I grew up with no friends, I grew up with no support, I was my own parent and I taught myself how to live, it wasn't healthy, but I was the only one there for myself when no one else was.

Weak... That's a word I heard the most from my family, they loathed me, disdained me, dubbing me the mistake of their lives, even when they died getting beers&drugs at the corner store from a drive-by, they still followed me and never let go, hanging onto my legs for dear life.

But you know what? I'm not weak, i'm not weak at all. I've gone through so many mental battles, and I've gone through so many things I wouldn't want anyone else to go through. I grew up with no family, no support, and no myself.

After all these battles, I found myself unrecognizable and wrong, I'm not Me anymore, I'm just someone else that looks like me. These battles changed what made me: Me. Or how a late friend of mine once said: You are just your True Self, the self Everyone locks away from the world.

Also called your authentic self, real self, or original self, your true self is the most honest aspect of who you are. In other words, your true self is the most authentic version of you – all masks, affectations, and pretensions aside. Your true self is you when you're at your most open, vulnerable, and carefree.

I'm at heart and soul a very selfish person whose priorities will always be myself. A very cold and very meticulous person, who can be cruel and does not care about the lives of others, as those others aren't Me.

" * Cough!*" Throwing up a pool of dark blood, I laughed, a kind of laughter that fills the very air In overwhelming bitter and cold emotions.

" And yet I have become the very person I the hate the most." I laughed harder at that, throwing up more dark, almost black blood.

I have died once. And upon dying In my sleep, I woke In the typical Isekai world with the Demon King and Magic and Swords.

Of course, I was thinking what cheats I got... But rather than becoming overpowered, I was nothing more than cannon fiber, an NPC you'll see once and never again after that.

I was reborn Into a farm Orphan boy with brown hair and brown eyes, while also possessing some fat on me. The farm boy was a normal person who got picked up by an old farming couple, who just died a few days back.

" Kukuku!" Kicking my stomach is a little green thing with big yellow eyes and no clothes.

Yes, a goblin. I dying to a fucking Goblin! FUCK!!!

" Fat-Stupid-Human." The goblin spat out looking at me. Behind the goblin are a few more holding stone medieval weapons and animal skin for clothing.

" You little-!"


Slapping me with a stone club, most of my teeth flew out and my eyes started bleeding.

" No-Touch." It said, smiling ear to ear.

" F-F-Fuck You!" I yelled, swinging at It once more.

Hell, If I'm dying I'm taking one you fuckers with me!


So I thought... But an arrow pushing through my head said otherwise.

" Fuck..." Was my last word, greeting death once more...
