
Isekai As a wand

In the bustling streets of Shibuya, Hinagawa's ordinary life takes an unexpected turn when a chance encounter with the enigmatic Nika leads to a fateful encounter with a runaway truck. As he faces the brink of death, a divine intervention by the goddess Celestia offers him a second chance at life—but with a twist. Reborn into a fantastical world of magic, Hinagawa discovers that his new form is not what he expected. Transformed into a sentient wand with the remarkable ability to shape-shift, he can only turn into a girl and a wand grapples with his newfound identity as a girl in this new world. Navigating the challenges of his reincarnated existence, Hinagawa must confront the shadows of his past while embracing the boundless potential of his future. With the guidance of Celestia and the unwavering support of newfound allies, she embarks on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, courageously defying societal norms and forging her own destiny in a realm teeming with magic, mystery, and the promise of redemption. Yet, as Hinagawa endeavors to unravel the mysteries of his past and carve out a place in this vibrant new world, he must confront the ultimate sacrifice he made to save Nika—a decision that will forever alter the course of his destiny. (Main character) Hinagawa (A.K.A. Hina) - Gender: Female - Age: Aliased as 10, though she is actually younger - Appearance: - Eyes: Sky blue - Hair: Sky blue with two pink flower hair clips on each side, and a matching pink hairpin - Clothing: Wears a navy blue dress with pink dress ties - Second Form: Magic Wand - Description: In her second form, Hina transforms into a magic wand with a pink body and a blue energy core. She can shift into this form with ease. Hinagawa, affectionately known as Hina, is a young girl whose true age is concealed by the alias of being ten years old, though she is, in reality, younger. She has enchanting sky blue eyes and matching sky blue hair adorned with two pink flower hair clips on each side and a matching pink hairpin. Her usual attire consists of a charming navy blue dress accented with pink ties, reflecting her youthful and vibrant personality. Hina possesses a unique ability to transform into a magic wand. In this second form, she takes on the appearance of a wand with a pink body and a blue energy core, a transformation she can accomplish effortlessly.

Gamer_Fantasy · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Ch 11: Village is raid by the elite infected orc

As Hina soared through the sky, feeling the tender embrace of the air around her, she couldn't help but take a moment to reflect on her ever-expanding skill tree. With a mental command, she summoned the visual representation of her skill tree before her eyes, a holographic display shimmering in the air.

Examining the contents of her skill tree, Hina's gaze lingered on the various skills she had acquired. Levitation, telekinesis, magic burst, and body morph—all were familiar to her now, abilities she had honed through practice and determination.

But it was the skills she had created herself using her knowledge of creation energy that intrigued her the most. The energy saber, the magic net, and the divine slash—all powerful abilities that she had crafted with her own hands. Yet, as she studied them, a warning flashed before her eyes, reminding her of the significant energy cost associated with their creation.

"Hmm, so that's why I couldn't finish off the infected orc in one blow," Hina mused to herself. "Creating those powerful spells must have drained more energy than I realized."

Recalling the events of her battle with the infected orc, Hina remembered how she had struggled to defeat it, despite her formidable abilities. It had taken all of her strength to unleash the divine slash, and even then, it had not been enough to vanquish the creature in a single blow.

"I remember creating the magic net to protect the village in the past," Hina said aloud, her voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "And using healing magic to aid the villagers. But I didn't realize just how much energy it would cost me in the long run."

The system's response echoed in her mind, informing her that her magic power would need time to recover fully from the strain of creating such powerful spells. Two weeks, it had said, before her energy reserves would be replenished.

"Got it," Hina replied, her determination renewed. "I'll be more mindful of my energy usage from now on. After all, I can't afford to be caught off guard again."

With a silent vow to herself, Hina continued her journey through the sky, her eyes alight with newfound purpose. For she knew that with each passing day, she was growing stronger, mastering her abilities, and inching ever closer to her destiny.

As Hina soared through the sky, enjoying the freedom of flight, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that washed over her. The once clear blue sky suddenly darkened, ominous clouds swirling overhead as if foretelling of impending danger. With lightning crackling ominously in the distance, Hina's instincts went on high alert.

Reacting swiftly, she deftly maneuvered through the air, dodging each bolt of lightning that lanced down from the darkened sky. But her heart sank as the final bolt struck the nearby village below, sending tremors of fear through the quiet town.

Before Hina could fully comprehend the situation, a sinister presence emerged from the ground below. It was the elite orc monster, but there was something different about it this time—it seemed to be infused with a dark, corrupt energy, much like the infected orc she had faced before.

"Huh, this is the enemy I fought last time," Hina muttered to herself, her mind racing as she assessed the situation. The village was in grave danger, and she knew she had to act fast to protect its inhabitants from the malevolent creature below.

As the orc loomed menacingly over the terrified villagers, their cries of fear echoed through the air, mingling with the desperate sobs of children clinging to their loved ones. The corrupted creature wasted no time, its malevolent gaze fixated on its prey as it began to drain the life force from the helpless villagers, leaving them weak and feeble.

But Hina refused to stand idly by and watch as innocent lives were snuffed out by the orc's vile actions. With a determined expression, she summoned her magic, weaving it into a powerful net that crackled with energy. With a swift motion, she cast the net, ensnaring the orc in its electrified embrace.

But the creature merely laughed, its twisted grin mocking Hina's efforts as it effortlessly broke free from the magical bonds. Undeterred, Hina summoned all her strength, conjuring chains of pure magic to restrain the orc's movements. With a mighty swing, she hurled the creature away from the village, sending it crashing into the rocky terrain with a deafening impact.

To her dismay, the orc emerged from the rubble unscathed, its laughter ringing out like a sinister echo. "What is this trickery, child?" it sneered, its eyes gleaming with malice. "Your feeble attempts to restrain me are in vain. I am unstoppable!"

Hina gritted her teeth, her determination unshaken even in the face of such daunting odds. With a steely resolve, she prepared to face the corrupted orc head-on, knowing that the battle ahead would be her greatest challenge yet.

As Hina hurtled toward the ground with the speed of a falling star, her fists clenched with determination, she prepared to unleash her most powerful attack yet. But as she descended, a sudden realization dawned upon her—something was amiss.

With a thunderous crash, Hina struck the earth, her fists aimed squarely at the corrupted orc below. Yet, to her astonishment, her blow was met with a barrier of dark energy—a cursed shield conjured by the orc, infused with the malevolent power of the demon lord.

The impact reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves rippling across the battlefield. Hina staggered backward, her eyes widening in disbelief as she beheld the formidable shield that now stood between her and her target.

The infected orc cackled triumphantly, its twisted grin stretching across its grotesque face. "You dare challenge me, mortal?" it taunted, its voice dripping with malice. "With the power bestowed upon me by the demon lord himself, your feeble attacks are nothing but a mere annoyance!"

Undeterred, Hina narrowed her eyes, her determination burning brighter than ever. Though the odds seemed stacked against her, she refused to back down. With a defiant shout, she prepared to face the corrupted orc and its cursed shield head-on, knowing that victory would require all of her strength and cunning.

As the infected orc summoned forth a sword radiant as the sun itself, Hina braced herself for the impending clash. With a mighty swing, the orc brought down its blade, aiming to cleave through Hina's defenses and strike her down.

Reacting swiftly, Hina conjured multiple barriers of magical energy, each shimmering with ethereal light. But as the orc's blow landed, the barriers began to crack and fracture, unable to withstand the sheer force of the attack.

Warning messages flashed across Hina's mind, indicating that her magical energy was running dangerously low. Yet, undeterred, she continued to channel her power, desperately trying to hold back the onslaught.

With a deafening roar, the barriers shattered like glass, unable to withstand the relentless assault. Hina was sent hurtling backward, her body crashing against the unforgiving surface of the mountain.

Pain surged through her, the sensation foreign yet agonizingly real. As she struggled to regain her footing, she felt a warm trickle of blood seeping from a wound on her hand, the numbness spreading slowly through her limbs.

"I underestimated the power of this infected orc," Hina admitted to herself, her voice tinged with determination. "But now it wields a shield imbued with the dark energy of the demon lord."

Though battered and bruised, Hina refused to yield. With a steely resolve, she prepared to face her adversary once more, knowing that the battle ahead would be her greatest challenge yet.