
Isekai! Oh my god what am i doing here.. Kai' tale of wandering

" hi guys i'm Kai welcome to my youtube chanell.. just kiddin... f**king got stuck in another world " "which world you say.. tough nuts not telling ya." Kai woke up from his sloth enhanced stupor finding himself in a forest with a system. *No harem (maybe 2 women tops)

ThatGuy01 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Solo Survival.. I Can Do It Too ! chapter 3

"Hi guys it's ya boi bear grylls, Naa im kidding.." kai glamorously acted as if the one seagull he saw was a camera questioning if his sanity was depleting from him as he saw it flapping away after watching his faboulous act "heh you're just jealous". he muttered as his face lit up with a smile "Fuck.. finally some water", Kai guzzled down the water in his hands shaped like a bowl to get as much water possible.

'Dont get me wrong I like my boi Bear Grills but the thought of drinking my own piss to survive is pretty fucking daunting'

"I dont even got snake skin either i got..

whatever the fuck that dismantled crimescene is" Kai said looking down at the deskinned squirell and quickly retracting his gaze away to the fast flowing river that Kai found the rock in, which he broke in half with his mossy rock and sharpened it as if the mossy rock was a wet stone using the water as he shaped it into an oval edged makeshift knife.

[Ding!] [Aqquired Dismantling Rank F]

[Skill description: grants slight instinctive knowlege on how to remove fur/skin off animals and how to debone and scrap uneccesary remains]

'Fuck i could've used that earlier before making the floor around me look like a homocide case'.


"well at least i now know what to do with that carcass over there" he muttered to himself gazing intensely at the hairless rodent.

[Ding!] [Aqquired inspect Rank F].

[Skill description: its does as it says, currently gives slight information on the world around 'Host Kai']

'Hoooh the infamous inspect huh...'

'A bootleg appraisal if it even exists but this seems to run on knowlege I possess' Kai nodded sagely as he then looked at the rock he made testing the new skill out.

[Item description : A sharpened oval shaped rock used as a tool by Kai.] Rank E '). "Thats better than I thought." he said picking up his trusty tool and walking to his next meal.

*37 minuites later*

"Bloody hell that took effort" Kai exclaimed as sighed loudly "haaah". 'No the irony has not lost on me.. And i even managed to get blood everywhere on my clothes' as he entertained the thought that even the irony of his thoughts was matched with the blood that was filled with iron too.

"Well at least i've got one problem solved" he said unzipping the blood stained polar bear onsie Kai was sporting. "Dammit couldn't you have taken me midday, I would've worn something a bit better or suitable.." he grumbled shaking his head and then massaged his temples.

Later Kai up picked up the squirell meat and remains in his [inventory] and walked towards the river to bathe.

*4 hours later kai was laying on the trunk of a tree in his polar bear briefs with his onsie resting on a tree branch he was using to dry his clothes in the glow of the daylight.

"haaah this is the life" he said lazily as he took an apple out his [Inventory] * crunch crunch. 'I miss my Dad, ever since mom died he threw himself into work, working late nights at the clinic, while commendable, I never really got a chance to make memories with the man'

minuites passed as kai mutterred while sighing "well Mom, and now Dad, I have to move on, i'll try find my own happiness and this inner peace you guys used to speak about.". he said with new vigor and began to wear his slightly wet yet river washed onsie back on as it was starting to get chilly.

'Now I need to cook this meat' thinking to himself, placing the leaves on the ground and then rubbing two sticks next to each other in an attempt to kindle the leaves. 'It worked!'

'All those late night youtube videos watching those Indians make stuff and survive actually came in handy'

giving a light smile before placing the remaining sticks perpendicular against each other making a teepee shape and blowing benathe to kindle the dried leaves to stoke the fire.

The fire began to crackle and set the sticks ablaze, then Kai stuck two Y shaped in the ground with a barkless branch firmly inbetween the two and tied

with meat dangling in the air with a makeshift rope crafted from the bark from the branch it was currently tied to.

[item description: A make shift campfire by a newbie survivalist Kai used to smoke meat]

The embers continued to flicker and soon the mouth watering smoked squirell meat found its way into Kai's mouth dazling his tastebuds as he resisted he urge to moan 'damn,damn,damn, I didn't put any salt on this or any spices, is it that good or am I that hungry?'

"hmm how can food taste so... enticing its literally squirell.. though it is bigger than a chicken so what do I know?" he said shrugging after gorging his meal and placed the remaining third into his [inventory].

[ Ding! ] [Survive through the forest of [readacted] and [redacted] and gain a means of Shelter/Water and Food 3/3]

[mission Completed!]

▪︎'Host Kai' has gained Survivalist Rank F

[Ding!] [eliminated the chakra monster type: flying wind squirell and eat it. 2/2]

[MIssion Completed!]

▪︎'Host kai' has gained Cooking Rank F

[Ding!] [Unlock chakra!]

[Mission Completed!]

▪︎'Host Kai' has gained unlocked chakra circuits Rank G

'Damn that was an unexpected one how?' 'lets try inspect the mission?'

[Ding!] [Mission completed details: Due to 'Host Kai' eating a chakra monster type: 'Flying Wind Squirell',

'host Kai' has come into contact with chakra thus technically unlocking it in the process]


[Ding!] [implementing Chakra Circuits into 'Host Kai's' body 0%..34%...69%...73%...99%..100%... Complete!]

'I said for you to call me just 'Kai' not 'host' or 'host kai' ughh... whatever'. 'After that meal and this reward.. i'm starting to feel sleepy' *yawn "haaa". 'Host Kai' knew he was about to pass out so he gently started to lay down on his right side towards the campfire and closed his eyes to rest in the ambience of the fire heating up his body and drying his onsie