
Isbor Of Kurajir

"It was the voice wasn't it? It spoke to you again. I hear it some times,I feel it all the time I believe it is a guide to a path we do not know, or maybe a path we fear to take or have taken and it failed us. You are silent, what I speak does it not make sense to you? You sit there feeling pitiful as I speak of the silent stories, The truth hidden in the crevice of the words coming from my mouth. It was the voice wasn't it!? Speak to me I plead so this tsunamic curiosity for which the voice truly is may die down". -------- After the town Kurajir gets wiped from existence on the grounds of practicing alchemy, it only survivor Isbor gets a gift. A gift he calls Abaramcheë, The Voice. He sets out to understand what this voice truly was but little did he know he was on an adventure that would change the purpose of him breathing.

Praise_Nyuell · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Two


What was it trying to tell me?

What was the message that lies in this city that dreads every stranger?

Again, lightning tendrils move through my arm to the red brojack. I stifled a groan that slowly turned into a chuckle,

My life wasn't even mine again.

With each heavy step I took towards the gate of Dudumikuk I inhaled and exhaled shaking trying so hard to convince myself that I had magic now and needed not to fear.

Not to fear?

I questioned myself.

I didn't even know how to use this thing; it was like a switch on its own coming on whenever it wanted and then leaving me spent and gasping for breath.

Magic my ass

I spat in front of me and stepped on it moving on.

It was one of the rituals conducted by my people that we used to adhere to. It meant when our soul is troubled by a path we are about to embark on and in need of comfort we should water our right footpath with whatever was available so the journey won't be to our graves as we will be guarded by our ancestor's undead army.

Some people believed in it

But I rarely or never believed in the doctrine of my people.

Spitting on the sand and stepping on it as they call it Kampenï, watering the path was done out of anger rather than a belief in a working miracle. Or a guide so my legs won't run into my no return.



It was my second day here at Dudumikuk, I was surprised I was still alive.

I had no confrontation yet.

So, I threaded slowly but more conscious and aware of my surroundings, I made my way towards where I laid my head to rest.

The assassins at the en route to Sicj knew my name.

They knew my identity.


It was supposed that all Kurajirs were dead so how come?

I had no time to sleep on this thought.


Maybe I refused to look at what fear I may see. So, I decided to focus on why The Voice brought me to Dudumikuk, and what was his plans when he said those things to me.

~ meant guardian.

| Pathway

~ guardian again

^•• All seeing

∆ house

π enlightenment

How did this make sense? Guardian pathway guardian all seeing house enlightenment just how? While fusing on what he was trying to say and why I was there, I thought of his words again.

Wait a minute,

What if it was the guide through a pathway of the all-seeing house for enlightenment? I smiled sheepishly, it just had to be it. The all-seeing house? In Dudumikuk? Again, lightning tendrils moved from my arm to the red brojack and I heard the word Ermkuri, which meant the unseeing hand. Why did I hear this word?

"Ooooo mecru sam bur" I exclaimed in Manaci the official language of Mëne, it meant I see. The words from the voice and that of the tendrils were leading me to the same place.

But... How was I to find it? The unseeing hand Ermkuri and ~|~^••∆π had...

Oh no, I thought. Dudumikuk has a city named Cuaola, the capital, where I stood. What was this...?

I went down to the innkeeper's check-in desk and asked "I would like to get a map of Dudumikuk please."


"Oh Ausus" I exclaimed the second time today in the name of the god all Knowing. "It can't be". I ran out of my room.


Now here I was, standing in front of a book house, a library they call it with a statue of Cuss Anduri famous in all Mëne for his con manliness pointing south of where I stood to the mountain of Azhehiriri goddess of wisdom. "You sneaky old snake" I hissed at The Voice. This house was the house of enlightenment, what was in that mountain?