
Isbor Of Kurajir

"It was the voice wasn't it? It spoke to you again. I hear it some times,I feel it all the time I believe it is a guide to a path we do not know, or maybe a path we fear to take or have taken and it failed us. You are silent, what I speak does it not make sense to you? You sit there feeling pitiful as I speak of the silent stories, The truth hidden in the crevice of the words coming from my mouth. It was the voice wasn't it!? Speak to me I plead so this tsunamic curiosity for which the voice truly is may die down". -------- After the town Kurajir gets wiped from existence on the grounds of practicing alchemy, it only survivor Isbor gets a gift. A gift he calls Abaramcheë, The Voice. He sets out to understand what this voice truly was but little did he know he was on an adventure that would change the purpose of him breathing.

Praise_Nyuell · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Six

The words of coal

"Your words were like coal on my skin. Why put me in such torture?"

I asked Norri after he had released me from his burning words of coal entangled by the wind. He indeed was the Abaramcheë, the one I had been searching for.

"I needed to feel the genuine cry of pain from whosoever I called to" Norii answered.

"I never cry."

"But you did groan in pain."

"Why did you choose me?"

"I did not, I am blind. I just sent Mounduku and it chose you".


I was confused, and as I asked, I heard Vire and Ïsale giggle.

"What you call the Abaramcheë, the voice is known as Mounduku, the seeking wind. The finder. And it found you."

"It spoke to me."

"It was a form of transferring communication, I sent, you received" Norii continued. "I created a pattern and you followed; it is what I do."

"Did you give me magic too?"

"I do not give anything to anyone, you just needed a key to unlock who you were, and I gave it to you gladly."

"You sure did" Vire chipped in.

"Was wondering when you would step in" I immediately added.

She tutted slowly but loudly.


"So, what's the plan now, at this table of four?" I asked when we were done. Norii sinking the preaching words of a miracle working man that I am to me which I was sick of hearing and Ïsale's endless slurping and Vire oh Ausus Vire I needed to get her off my head.

"Are you scared?"

In my head, I had wept. "No, I'm not, please and please stay out of my head!!!"

"Well..." She put in slyly.



Echoes of screams and gnawing of teethes.

Raindrops falling loudly yet being able to be mute.


Echoes, babies slaughtered, mothers wailing.

Husbands stabbed to death, sons watching in fear knowing their time was near.


Echoes of footfalls amidst muted loud rains. Its realistic tendencies made me question what this was for I lay there in the mud, breathing hard to bring forth while a heavy weight laid on me.

And pangs of pain ricocheting through my brain's walls.

Footfalls ends abruptly, I saw the leg and I moved my gaze upward until-

"Isbor wake up."

My eyes snapped open to the cry of Vire, she was not alone. Ïsale and Norii were also there. It wasn't real then; it was a vision- or a dream. My whole body was soaked like I had been in the rain.

"What happened to you?" Ïsale asked leaning forward like he was studying me, a specimen.

"I had a dream" I answered but Norii's sharp contrast annulled it.

"You had a vision" he corrected "didn't you?"

Looking at all three of them directly in the eye even when I knew Norii had no sight I nodded " I had a vision."

"What was it about?" Ïsale asked.

Calmly I returned to "the massacre of Kurajir"

It began with Vire, and then they all fell in... Gasping like they had witnessed something of a phantom.

"What... Why?... Why the surprise?"

"No one has been able to see or hear what happened on that day," Vire said quaveringly

"And it makes you scared that I did?" I asked, nonetheless.

"No," Norii calmly replied. "She is not scared of you; she is scared for you and what may come."

"Tell us what you saw I pray in the cave of imponu" Ïsale utters wanting eagerly to hear what I had to say.

I told them what I heard and saw and as I did so, I observed how each of them took it in, with their emotions or as soulless as Norii did.

"Soul travelling" Norii blurted out when I was done relating the dream.

"Is that even possible?" Vire asked.

"It is, but it hasn't in a long while."

Ïsale looked at me carefully, I don't know what those big black eyes of his were accessing but I knew one thing, I didn't like it.

"What is soul travelling?"

"What you did, you didn't have a vision or a dream, your soul travelled through an astral plane to the time before the present and future."

I looked at them confused and somehow disappointed. My name is Isbor of Kurajir yet I doubt it is who I am.