
Isbor Of Kurajir

"It was the voice wasn't it? It spoke to you again. I hear it some times,I feel it all the time I believe it is a guide to a path we do not know, or maybe a path we fear to take or have taken and it failed us. You are silent, what I speak does it not make sense to you? You sit there feeling pitiful as I speak of the silent stories, The truth hidden in the crevice of the words coming from my mouth. It was the voice wasn't it!? Speak to me I plead so this tsunamic curiosity for which the voice truly is may die down". -------- After the town Kurajir gets wiped from existence on the grounds of practicing alchemy, it only survivor Isbor gets a gift. A gift he calls Abaramcheë, The Voice. He sets out to understand what this voice truly was but little did he know he was on an adventure that would change the purpose of him breathing.

Praise_Nyuell · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

Tables and Chairs

The sound of footfalls compassed the area and its surroundings as it approached from the long hallway, the guards on duty trembled with fear at the sound of this particular footstep and those who were brave enough but shaken tried evidently to stand their grounds as guards. Others caught in the hallway had no other choice but to bow their head as though they were about to pray and hope above all else that nothing would go wrong. 

Well, that prayer was too soon.

He was called Number 3, Mmbenesuwe. He was the one most feared among the number, no one knew his name because everyone was too scared to know and they all called him by his number at the Table of Four and the number's name representation. 

No one knew the names of the figures behind the Table of Four, all they knew was that four citizens were selected by the Light Divine to help restore the balance in the world, at least that was what they were led to believe. 

Their age and identity to them was stripped off,

There was nowhere it was found however one looked. And people did look. 

All they know is that a few were called on that day and only four emerged worthy, whoever they were, had died with whatever process they had gone through.

And whoever knew them had them erased from their memories. Or so the rumors carry, the walls are thin here everything leaked and nothing got solved. Except for the book.


Here is the story behind it, a little of it I think;

In the time when magic was seen as a gift and not a curse, in the time when one could be free and not be shackled. In Fuu exusoto's present time Kurajir, four brothers of the tribe had found a book they believed was a gift from tmeka usete, the mother of magic. 

 In this book, they witnessed it in continuous writing of what looked like the daily activities of human life, and by Ausus it was writing as they were reading. 

They took the book and read it every day from the beginning and even unto the present of their time. When they had concluded, they pondered within themselves upon every word they read and decided it would be uplifting if they read this record to the whole of Fuu exusoto.

 To their delight, it was insightful for all.

This book, emebungpuo was then broken down into five sub-pieces after the big read to the whole of the tribe men and women of Fuu exusoto, and the sub-piece was called Dubuyo, and in it, bore the mark of divine hands placed upon mankind.

Dubuyo fuléva, Dubuyo archidéáka, Dubuyo ulaména, Dubuyo weretiyéma and, Dubuyo ogunarayaléfa. 

With these sub-pieces, the Fuu exusotonian hid emebungpuo from the world, and as their saying goes, "Chu sabe rúluso achiva alogo emedi suk sok etirè" 

Which is translated as "A being of too much-acquired knowledge is a dangerous being who would eventually want more and more"

Emebungpuo was brought into Fuu exusoto present time Kurajir with peace and knowledge brand new but its departure left the tribe in a state of extreme massacre and almost extinction. 

Many rumors have it that in this book the identity of The Table of Four was somewhat revealed and they couldn't have it dwelling in the lands of commoners, to get this book of revelation back, they began with the ban of sorcery as a first step, which later led to the entire man slaughter of the Kurajiri tribe. 

Some who read the book in secret say its wisdom hath no bound and its teachings were plentiful. Some curious minds who wandered further into the depths of the books found a chapter of insight. The chapter says and I rephrase for my little mind has no grasp of the power within the pages.

 "Dusk arrived at the celebration of a married couple, who had just themselves wed at noon. And while the flames burned bright and the glasses crashed together in a loud cheer, 

There came a light from the sky, it burned so bright it turned the night to day with its glow and left no space for the night crawlers to creep. Many were astonished by this display and stared at the light magnificent as it came for them, little did they know such beauty was the last thing they would behold their eyes on.

For some, it was an honor they didn't deem themselves worthy of and for some, they wished it never had happened at all.

The light crashed into them and with a fiery furnace, it cleared the area of whatever life it had held dear. To this day nothing seemed to own life where the sky flame had kissed the earth. It was called ewe talale wé translated as "Our lives were taken without worth"

But of all who gathered, only four emerged from the ashes to plunge terror on mankind, they were reborn... anew".

And there it ended, leaving all who came across it to ponder. Even I ponder and also you my dear reader. But we have trailed far enough, back to the footfall.


By now the one called Number 3 was seen at the end of the hall headed to the wide door at the very end, with anger in his every step.

He pushed the door ajar and shouted "Have you in your mind lost it?!"