
Isak Larsen: The Grandson of Thor and The Son of Neptune

A son of Neptune born into a Norse heritage, so what happens when you put him in Camp Half-blood, only tragedy can happen especially when Mr D keeps getting splitting headaches ever since he appeared Haunted by the death of his Mother, now always ready for the next battle and now only a single reason to die What chaos will ensue? (This is a Percy Jackson Fan Fiction and this is the first of multiple Isak Larsen tales) (I will try and keep an upload rate at at least once a week, this book may eventually include lgbtq and if you feel uncomfortable with that is it okay if you do not spread hate towards those communities.)

Pain_Person33 · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Unexpected Event

Isak eventually got up and went back to the Wolf House, it had been at least half an hour since the lightning trident thing but he was still exhausted and he just wanted to sleep. When he got back the wolves were eating some sort of dead animal, they looked at him for a mere second before going back to their meal.

"You are back," Lupa said with killing intent in her eyes although Isak thinks that's just her normal stare now considering how much she's seen it "you may eat with my pack but tomorrow you will wake at the crack of dawn."

Isak only heard the "You may eat" part then immediately went over to the food to eat as much as he could in as little time as possible, he ripped of pieces of meat not caring how he looked which was fair enough considering he was eating with a pack of wolves who were definitely not bothered by how he looked while eating.

He grabbed another piece of meat, it was the size of a tennis ball but he still shoved it in his mouth, it tasted fantastic just like the burgers his Mum used to make, just the right amount on grease, the right amount of seasoning, it was perfect. The thought of his Mum still made him sad, she had died six days ago. He woke up the first time a day after, then trained before falling unconscious for two days. On the fourth day after he woke up for the second day, he fought five wolves and fell unconscious for a day. Today was the sixth day since his Mother's death and he still kept on remembering her murder, he was haunted by it.

After eating a full meal, also known as Isak stuffing food into his mouth every twenty seconds for about twelve minutes, Isak went onto a pile of leaves he had made his bed and tried to fall asleep. Unfortunately, he succeeded and fell into another nightmare.

Isak saw the events of his Mother's death all over again from the start of the day, he wasn't seeing through his own eyes but rather he was an astral projection looking at himself, he looked around and saw the day had just begun, his and his Mother's tents were sent up just next to a redwood forest, a small campfire with fully burnt logs from the night before.

"Morning Isak, did you sleep well?" Nora asked as physical Isak walked out the tent, he nodded while rubbing the sleep dust out of his eyes "well hope you are awake enough to eat a English breakfast." Hearing that Isak's head shot up.

"Bacon, sausage, mushrooms, baked beans, tomatoes, eggs and hash browns?" Not ghost Isak asked in reply as he ran over to the small set of barbecues they had.

"Yes Isak, remember we have a lot of training to do today before I take yoh to camp." Nora answered with a small smile unaware of what would later happen in that day.

They ate breakfast as physical Isak asked what training would be today, although not the best at anything, in fact quite bad at everything, Isak was always told to train in every weapon he had access to whether that be bow and arrow, axes, sword and sheild, knife, bo staff and of course spear. He was best with a spear, like his Mum.

They always took targets with them wherever they went, as well as all the weapons they had, his Mum had a special spear for her self while the rest where either fully or partially wood this spear was fully metal, it was iron or at least that's what Isak thought it was actually Bone Steel, a special type of metal used by the Norse.

They would almost never stay in one spot and Nora would always say that they were moving after a couple nights, this was their second morning here having already slept here twice they would have been likely to move today.

After breakfast everything went wrong, it started with a beast Physical Isak could not recognise appeared and his Mum got into a fight with it, it's face looked human but paired with it's lion body an scorpion tail you could tell it was at least a little different.

Nora pulled out her spear shoving it in it's chest, it tried to shoot her with it's tail that shot poisonous spikes but she dodged while pulling out her spear, she summoned lightning striking it down and ran over to Physical Isak.

"We need to go now!" She yelled at him while tugging at his arm, he followed, their car wasn't filled up with fuel as they usually do it before they leave but as they were rushing they didn't have enough time, everything they owned was in the car as well so they only had what they had on them, Isak slightly dressed having put on clothes before breakfast and his Mum only having her spear as well as her normal clothes, of course.

They ran towards the woods but there were enemies blocking their path, Nora fought them, one was a giant scorpion and the other a mechanical bird. Nora charged at the scorpion cutting into it before channelling energy through herself making it disintegrate, she then leaped towards the bird.

The bird sent blades at her from it's wings, two in her right arm, one in her left leg and one in her left hand but she carried on, striking it down before lightning striking it. Nora's body started to look out of energy, she had used enough lightning to disintegrate three enemies while running and jumping around it was no surprise she was tired.

She took a hold of Physical Isak's hand leading him into the woods, for about twelve minutes they seemed into the clear until it all fell apart. Spirit Isak went to the next night vision, it showed his Mother dying again and again and again. Tears were pouring down Isak's face, snot falling down his face but then it just stopped, the vision had at least played thirty times every time just when his Mum died the Harpies started to chant.

"This is your fault. If you didn't exist none of this should of happened. You were too weak to defend her what do you think will happen when you need to fight again?" The Harpies chanted insults like that every time one less tear fell down Isak's face until his face just showed pure rage.

The vision changed again, it showed him watching the world be flooded, then it showed him laughing as all the water that had flooded the world boil and turn into steam. He saw one figure in the centre in front of him. It was a huge man that made Isak have only one thing in his head, this was the embodiment of destruction.

Then the vision once again changed, it changed to a female, most likely a Goddess that felt homely, a confusing fealing for Isak as he only felt it once before when he was back in England. The Goddess waved to him and he woke up, feeling almost rage or pain just sadness but a sense of belonging like he would soon, maybe a couple months soon but still soon find his purpose in life.

He got up and went to the pond, he felt surprisingly calm, which as you may know is never good for a Demigod, he went to the opening in the forest getting ready to train, he knew Lupa would be here soon considering she asked him to be up at the crack of dawn and it was slightly before the sun would rise, to be honest Isak had no clue how he was full of energy being awake this early, maybe it was the early night because even for Isak this was early.

Isak started to train by trying to throw the trident and reach where it would landed while it was still in the air, this was actually just for fun but if anyone asked what he was doing he would class it as training, after about fifteen minutes he heard growling from behind him, he turned round thinking it was just some more wolves going to fight him for training. What he didn't expect was a pack of demon dogs that he saw with the golden lion just these were about fifty percent bigger.

Larsen instantly knew they were deadly, it was also a pack of eight. He knew it was unlikely he could take them all in a fight and something told him these were just the first line of attack against him, there was something bigger behind them.

He ran at them like a maniac, he stabbed one through the head, pulled out his spear and stabbing it in it's stomach. One down, seven to go. He turned round to see three leaping at him, he spun his spear from one side to the other knocking them all away. Another charged at him from the front, he was about to knock it away as he was knocked down to the ground by two large ones, their weight it self would kill him in about a minute but he knew they wouldn't let him last that long without biting his head off.

A howl loud enough to make the devil hounds to try to run away was heard, they only tried to run for a second though before they had the incredible idea to try and kill Isak with them, that was a certain plan Isak didn't like to be part of so he lifted himself up, throwing his trident through the head of one of the seven left. Two down, six to go. Then Isak ran towards the hound he had killed, he lifted up his spear and charged at another until he was clawed in the back.

This was all happening in seconds, Isak hadn't realised maybe this wasn't a super harsh test, maybe these were real beasts not just going for the kill but wanting to torture him as well. Not even when he saw Lupa start attacking the Hounds as well. Not when they clawed at his chest making blood fall all down his body when they could've attacked lighter without trying to kill him. He didn't have any of these thoughts, not a single one.

"Jeez, why did they put me up against these guys, I feel like I'm about to die." Isak thought when he would've likely died had their been a single one left alive but no, during the fight he had killed four, Lupa's wolves killing the other four as Lupa cams back with the head of a golden lion. For a second he had forgot his nightmares and killed the hounds as if it had been the only chance of getting his Mum back.

"Isak, it has become too dangerous for you here you must leave at once." Lupa said glaring at him for what Isak had thought was no reason.

"Wait, you're telling me that wasn't a test?" Isak asked in a highly exhausted voice, his body bloodied with cuts "I think I'm going to sleep now."

His body fell, his once highly energetic body reduced to a bloodied body beaten so bad his body forced itself to sleep, the wolves dragged the body by the legs throwing him in the pond.

"Let him leave when he wakes," Lupa said to her wolves in a stern voice "it'll be time he goes to camp."