
Isak Larsen: The Grandson of Thor and The Son of Neptune

A son of Neptune born into a Norse heritage, so what happens when you put him in Camp Half-blood, only tragedy can happen especially when Mr D keeps getting splitting headaches ever since he appeared Haunted by the death of his Mother, now always ready for the next battle and now only a single reason to die What chaos will ensue? (This is a Percy Jackson Fan Fiction and this is the first of multiple Isak Larsen tales) (I will try and keep an upload rate at at least once a week, this book may eventually include lgbtq and if you feel uncomfortable with that is it okay if you do not spread hate towards those communities.)

Pain_Person33 · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

The kind man

Isak woke to sirens and screams, the car he slept in was on fire and a crowd of people had stopped by on the side of the road. They, likely, called  911 to get firefighters and maybe another force such as police or medical help but Isak knew he had to go now. For starters he had some sort of feeling that trouble would soon arrive and second of all, he had kind of robbed a store just yesterday. He pulled himself out of the car, his body aching from the day before, he stood up and saw a roughly 6 foot man come up to him from the crowd.

"Are you ok? Where are your parents? Why were you in a burning car?" The 6 foot brown beared man asked, he seemed troubled with the idea of a child in a burning car as most normal people would be.

"I-I'm f-fine, thanks-ks," Isak said quietly, he wasn't really good with the confrontation of this large, bald and bearded man "I-I ran away," this was an obvious lie he had never even met his Dad and his Mum was murdered "I needed some place to say during the night and found this left."

"Why did you run away?" The man asked with a concerned tone, he sounded honestly worried for Isak even though they were still standing right next to the burning car.

"I-I just wanted to be alone." Isak lied, Isak was slowly walking backwards as well, he wanted to leave before emergency services arrived.

"Kid, I know you're lying to me, I know you don't know me but police will soon arrive, if there's trouble at home ask them for help." The man said as if he had seen this happen before.

The bearded man was actually worried for Isak, Isak was alone, in a burning car, had lied about running away for the sake of it while having scars on his face and arm, at least that's what the man saw, what the man didn't see was a literal weapon tied to Isak's back. He worried for Isak, that is till Isak started sprinting, then the man tried to run after him but the man was unfit while Isak was agile, amazingly fit for a ten year old and had Demigod genes. The man lost the kid and would likely be forever worried, thinking the child had been abused or something, not knowing Isak was a Demigod who was also a small time criminal.

Isak kept on running into the woods for about fourty five minutes until he found the road once again and saw a sign. The young blonde Demigod saw a large red bridge just in front as well, he walked onto the bridge on the side, he saw cars driving past, every car was beeping there horns, all looking annoyed with the car next to them, in front of them and behind them.

Isak kept on walking across the bridge, he looked at the water to the right of him and had a slight flashback to when his Mum took him to a beach in England, this was back when he was around four, the year and month was the twenty eighth of October back in ninteen nintey six. (1996)

"Mum, why did we come here?" A grumpy four and a quater Isak asks as he kicked small rocks on the rock covered beach "these wocks are weally annoying!!" The grumpy Isak said while also messing up the words 'rocks' and 'really'

"Remember Isak, this is good for you to be near the ocean," A younger version of Nora spoke "one day, you'll control the seas." Isak's Mum smiled at him as the memory disappeared from Isak's view.