

Boy Don't you feel lonely said an old looking men with an caring voice, the boy who was sitting on a street looked up but did not say a word, hmm do you have any parents said the old looking men inquiring, but the boy remain quiet not saying a single word to the old men, my my why so quiet boy you don't have to be afraid I am a good guy, the old men kept looking at the boy trying to

decipher if the boy had any parents but after looking a bit more he decipher the boy had no parents or an home to go he wonder what to do with the boy for bit finally he came to an conclusionon what to do, poor boy looks you don't have an home or parents welp you won't be trouble if I adopt you and take care you, the boy who was all quiet suddenly was about to open his mouth to speak, will you really take care of me the boy said yes I will treat you like you were blood related and give you an home, the boy eyes begin to shine for the first time in his life, welp get of the street were going home , they walk for a bit till they reach an big house whith gates of gold , the boy was woah by the beautifully looking house and thought to himself if this was truly his new home, finally home said the old men happily, what you waiting for let's head in said the old men, the boy nodded in agreement they walk to doors and were welcome by a an young beautifull maid around the age of the boy, hello master how was your trip today, it was good the old men said smiling very nice to hear also one more thing who is this boy beside you the young maid said curiosity , ahh my my sorry sorry for not introducing you earlier this is my adopted son starting now he will be living with us and I hope you two get along, oh let me introduce myself I am one of Many maids of this house Amelia stone how about young master what's your name, never had one nobody ever gave me an name but I wish for you to give me an name, the maid looked to his master to see what he thought about it the master nodded in approval, aright hmm what will be an good name for you hold give an minute to look at you dark eyes , nice looking dark hair hmm your name will be JACK ,the boy eyes sparkle again from hearing someone actually give him an name for the first time , Jack that's an good name I like it said the jack happily, now that we finish introducing yourself can you take him to an room Amelia said the old men, sure thing master , the maid grab the boy hand and guided him to his room, the room was all furnished and really spacious with windows so the boy may glaze at the stars, this will be your room if you any question you can ask me anytime said the young maid no I don't have any thank you for taking to my room tho said the boy , dinner will be ready soon ima leave but I will come back to notfie you that dinner is ready so make sure you have an shower and I will bring you an change of clothes so you be ready said amelia , where is the shower the boy ask , it's outside your room to the left last door you won't miss it said amelia, thank you again for the help said the boy, no problem anything for young master, the maid left the room to do her other duties so the boy headed for the shower ... after a bit time of being in the shower he head back to his room to find his change of clothes the amelia must have bought to him he quickly put on his black pants with an black long sleeve shirt and his new shoes that were also black the boy thought to himself the family must really like the color black, what do I do now since I still have some time before dinner might as will GO EXPLORE.


can't say it will be Good but it is what it is

Nightseeker34creators' thoughts