
Is This The End.

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Anime_Hub_7699 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 6: Doubts and Desires

Chapter 6: Doubts and Desires

Varian Shadowhunter, now an esteemed member of the Hunters Guild, grappled with a growing sense of doubt and uncertainty. Despite his dedication to preserving balance, he couldn't shake the memories of his painful past in Isolara. He wondered if he could truly trust this world, which had brought him so much suffering and torment.

The thought of seeking more information about Isolara and its mysteries crossed his mind. He considered approaching True End, the enigmatic being that had

guided him on this path. Perhaps True End held the key to unlocking the secrets that could unravel the very fabric of Isolara.

Simultaneously, Varian faced a more immediate concern—he was running low on gold. The life of a hunter demanded resources for equipment, travel, and sustenance. As he contemplated his financial situation, a funny idea took root in his mind—he considered joining the ranks of assassins to secure the wealth he needed.

Varian weighed the options, torn between his desire for knowledge about Isolara and the need to address his financial struggles. He knew that becoming an assassin would take him down a dark path, potentially jeopardizing his quest for balance.

In a moment of clarity, Varian decided to seek counsel from Elara Windblade, the guildmaster, whom he respected deeply. Elara had shown wisdom and understanding throughout his training, and he trusted her judgment.

Approaching Elara, Varian candidly discussed his doubts and financial concerns, struggling to find a balance between his desire for knowledge and the necessities of life. Elara listened attentively, recognizing the internal conflict within Varian.

"Balance is about making choices that align with your convictions," Elara advised. "Trust is earned through your actions and the bonds you form. I believe in you, Varian. If you seek knowledge, do so with integrity and purpose. If you need financial stability, explore opportunities that align with your values."

Grateful for her guidance, Varian chose to pursue an alternative path. Instead of joining the assassins, he sought out bounties and contracts that were in line with the guild's principles. This way, he could secure funds while upholding his commitment to preserving the balance.

He continued to grapple with his trust in Isolara, knowing that true understanding would require patience and perseverance. The path of a hunter was fraught with challenges, and Varian remained resolute in his pursuit of equilibrium, determined to uncover the truth about the world that had shaped him.

Time passed swiftly for Varian Shadowhunter, and as a decade went by, he noticed a peculiar aspect of his existence—he remained as youthful and unchanged as when he first encountered True End. The realization struck him like a lightning bolt, filling him with both awe and confusion.

He had aged only a decade, yet he felt no different physically. Varian pondered the implications of this phenomenon, wondering if the ruin on his face and the pact with True End were somehow responsible for halting his aging process.

Determined to understand this enigma, Varian decided to seek out True End for answers. He set off on a journey to the secluded realm where he had met the being, hoping to unravel the mysteries that surrounded his perpetual youth.

Upon reaching the realm, True End materialized before him, its presence as enigmatic as ever.

"You've noticed the lack of aging," while laughing True End asked. "It is a consequence of our pact—a symbol of the bond and the path you tread."

Varian nodded, trying to grasp the significance of this revelation. "Does this mean I have an extended lifespan?"

"Your existence is tied to the balance you strive to uphold," True End explained. "As long as you walk the path, you shall remain unchanged by the passage of time."

Varian contemplated the implications of his perpetual youth, recognizing the burden and the opportunity it presented. He had been gifted with time—time to seek understanding, time to protect Isolara, and time to potentially find a solution to the woes that had plagued him in the past.

Grateful for this revelation, Varian expressed his gratitude. "Thank you for this gift, and for your guidance on my journey. I will continue to honor our pact and work towards the balance."

True End nodded, acknowledging Varian's commitment. "The journey is yours to walk. May you find the equilibrium you seek, Varian Shadowhunter."

With those words, True End faded back into the shadows, leaving Varian with a newfound determination. The burden of time had been lifted, allowing him to focus on his mission and the mysteries that lay ahead. Varian, the perpetual youth, embraced his destiny, knowing that he had all the time in the world to fulfill his purpose and protect Isolara.

:D, let's see what happens after this shall we~

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