
Is this still Brazil?

how can my country become like this? I could have gone to an anime right? but since I'm here I'm going to enjoy it, and make the circus catch fire, after all, madness is like gravity just needs a little push, I don't know why I like this clown so much hahaha direitos autorais da imagem de hotspot

HenriqueB2_0 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

good mood

{Author's note: I'm sorry for the spelling errors, and there was a part of the script missing because the translator ate words and I didn't even see it, but I took the opportunity to give it a makeover, you can notice the improvement in the writing, I'm happy, that although the script was chewed up by the translator, no one gave a negative comment, thank you very much guys}

Herick calmed down, took out his valuable belongings, of sentimental value, and arranged them in the best drawer, the rest was clothes, he threw the bag away.

He jumped onto the big bed, face first, and started to stretch, and finally rolled onto his back with a smile.

He looked at the ceiling for a while and then thought:

(System how many fishing chances do I have?)



Eight in total, but I assure you they are good things.


(Will it depend on luck?)


Yes entirely up to the luck of the host.


{Herick: Hey author, my brother, friend, partner, how's my luck going?}

{Author: I'm in a good mood}

{Herick: what a good thing}

{Storyteller: ...}

Herick gave an excited smile and started rubbing his hands with emotion, as if he was going to spend a large amount of money, and thought:

(You know system, I've never felt luckier, you can use all eight one at a time for that dramatic stop)


_______________________________________________ Congratulations Host, used a rare fishing opportunity and caught an ant underwear, really lucky, there was so much bad and good...


Herick was red with anger and shouted:

"Son of a bitch! If I find you, author, I'll give you a hug, because if I don't, I'll die, but if it weren't for that, I'd hit your chin, cuckold guy, is that your good mood? What guy with a distorted mind would think of shit like that!"

{Author: it was the narrator's intervention, I wouldn't think of trying to force my reader, under no circumstances to think of an ant in his underwear, hahahaha}

{Narrator: I know.}

{Reader: Have you anything against men?}

{Author: if it's not me, or my family's just a basic problem, you can even form friendships, but it's uncomfortable}

{Reader: Wow, what problem would that be? It's very serious?"

{Author: it's a big problem, being born a man for me is already a potential enemy, the problem with men, besides the ones I've already sited, who are in the exception, is the fact that they are men.}

{Reader: ...}

{Storyteller: ...}

{Herick ...}

{Women: ♡♡♡}

(Shit system, use the others at once make me please, avoid headache)



Ok host, but it's not my fault, I really don't want to make fun of you, because I'm a very serious system, focused on my tasks.



Herick was already on the edge of the bed, with the scariest face he had when he killed the soldier.

(System, beware, if one day you materialize, I'll beat your ass, motherfucker, use that shit right away!)


You will probably get hit, ok using the remaining seven chances.


_______________________________________________ Congratulations Host, you have won a book containing all the knowledge of wars, from the previous world.


{Chinese Readers: Art of War! Art of War!}

_______________________________________________ Congratulations Host, you gained mastery in pharmacy, and alchemy that involves the production of medicines, being able to even invent recipes with the help of the system and appropriate time.


(Is there a Chinese writing a book about a Brazilian?)

{Chinese readers: I'll file you a lawsuit...}

{Author: Come to where I live and say that in front of me, good luck if you make it back hahahhahah.

You're very wrong if you think you're going to be in "America", that's Brazil, if you want to understand how it works, I recommend some car movies, one of which takes place here}

{Chinese readers: hey, I already watched it, it doesn't have to be like that, the process was a joke.}

{Author: you come back in one piece, after coming to where, the broth thickens in Brazil was also a joke.}

{Women: Wow what a man}

{Herick: let the plot continue please?}

{Narrator: Thank you}

_______________________________________________ Congratulations Host, you gained mastery in planting, knowing and being able to plant any plant.


After the fourth fishing, Herick was already happy, lying on the bed, if anyone was watching this scene they would think he had some mental problems, after so much grimace, getting angry out of nowhere, and then calm, and then happy and relaxed.

_______________________________________________ Congratulations Host, really lucky, won an item that is equipped but is invisible, and you can't even feel it, and an equipment but it will work as a title in games, it's really interesting.

The name is Solomon's Notebook.


(System show me its properties please, and it has nothing to do with evil spirits, right?)

_______________________________________________You can rest assured Host, it has nothing to do. I will show the properties:

Solomon's notebook:

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

As the wisest man, son of King David, with the most prosperous kingdom at the time, Solomon was a man who had many qualities, only one flaw.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +200% Improvement in the learning of your subjects.

+150% Increase in troop morale.

-250% Morale in the enemy troop.

+130% Communication skill, in case the listeners are women +160%

Own debuff, the owner of this notebook has to have a strong will, not to be influenced by women, the wiser the man, the faster a smart woman, ends his life.


Herick was happy until he read the Debuff.

He stopped thinking for a moment and then started asking the system:

(Is this as serious as it sounds? Isn't this a bad joke?)



The system is a serious system, no jokes with such serious things, which compromise the rationality of the host, your luck is that your active souls, give you resistance, this is almost nil, they will not have any power over you, but in return, your thoughts about women become more "hot", so good luck not to end up like the owner of the book.


"That's a good joy, isn't it? It goes by fast..."

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