
This is not what i imagined of

After reaching the airport I felt like I will really make a comeback and achieve my dreams but little did I know life was planning something else for me. I was waiting for Mr. khana to come to pick up me but on the gate of the airport I couldn't see anyone waiting for me I thought he must be busy so he will come a bit late but waiting there for 3 hours made me make so angry i loosed my patience level and made a call to him

Me - hello khana uncle where are you I m waiting here for past three hours

khana uncle - Utkarsh didn't come to pick up you?

Me - uncle if he would be here I won't be calling you

Khana uncle - I guess he must be a little busy wait I will come to pick you

Me - uncle wait just send me the address where I m staying. I will come by cab

Khana uncle - no wait

Me - Uncle I m big now I will come by own don't need to worry just send me the address

Khana uncle - the address ******************* come safely i will be waiting at home

Me - okay uncle

(from behind a voice comes)

Aryan - hey come on let's go together

Me - what are u doing here

Aryan - I saw u waiting so waited along with you. as u are alone here for the first time so I thought I should wait until someone comes and pick up you. and I overheard your chat and I live around the corner from your house as we both are going to the same direction lets share the cab

Me - okay and thank you for waiting

Aryan - let's go

(in the cab)

Aryan - who is Utkarsh by the way

Me - he is the son of khana uncle. we use to be the best friend. I m so pissed right now I feel like killing him. how can someone make someone wait for hours?

Aryan - yes you are right? so what are your plans?

Me - I don't know I guess will arrange my room and see my new house

Aryan - okay we will reach in 5 min call your uncle

Me - oh okay (after dialling his number) hello uncle I will reach in 5 minutes

khana uncle - okay we are waiting for you and we have also prepaid your favourite meal

Me - are you trying to bribe me (in a funny voice ) don't worry I won't tell dad that I was waiting alone at the airport just keep my dessert ready

Khana uncle - you haven't changed a bit yaa I can see ur cab.

me - getting out of the car hi uncle how are you wow you live in a beautiful surrounding

Khana uncle - thank-you beta Ji you have grown up to be a beautiful woman

me - (blushing) where are aunty and Utkarsh

Khana uncle - wait I will call them first let give the cab their money

Me - no uncle someone's already in there the cab is going to drop him at his place

khana uncle - who is there.

(after looking in the car he gave a wired)

khana uncle - Aryan!

me - do you both know each other?

Aryan - got out of the car and gave a nodding look and yes we know all the neighbours around here

Khana uncle - yes he lives right around the corner

Aryan - so I guess I should get going Kaira did you take all your stuff

Me - oh shit! I forget I will just remove everything thank-you

Khana uncle - Aryan why don't you join us for lunch

Me - No I guess he must be tired after the early morning flight ( with a weird look trying to convenience that let him go )

Khana uncle - I don't think so he looks energetic

Aryan - okay if you ask then

Me - taking khana uncle at a side why did you invite him

Khana uncle - don't worry he is the nice and trustable guy we are like family

Me - okay Rajni aunty must be waiting inside I will go in

Khana uncle - come Aryan we will get inside

as I had four bags in my hand khana uncle took one and Aryan took the other two bag I insisted him not to take, then he said beautiful women should not carry heavy bags all of the sudden I remember the trip I use to go with Karthik he never picked any of my bags and always use to say angrily why did I bring so many bags as I was standing there and think Aryan said it's cold lets get inside all I could think about how wrongly Karthik treated me as I went inside Rajni aunty had this one plate on that she had flowers and a lamp this is how guest was welcomed in India all I did bow down and then Rajni aunty started to cruse Utkarsh in Hindi all I did was listening and then khana uncle came in and say I guess they all are hungry we should go and have lunch as I was going inside I heard Rajni aunty saying what Aryan is doing here Khana uncle just said it's a long story all she did stare me as I had something on my face so getting the courage I asked aunty why are you staring at me she said you look same as your mother I hope she was alive how beautiful you have become I just can't take my eyes off you all I did smile and suddenly some one came inside a tall handsome guy with tattoos all over his hand with a cold face and aunty said Utkarsh you are getting no food I asked is he Utkarsh? I couldn't believe because Utkarsh was a guy who used to smile a lot and I never thought that he will have such a drastic change after hearing that he went inside and banged his room door. a weird silence could be felt in the room to change the topic I said so where is the place I m going to stay khana uncle with a low voice we couldn't find a place in such short notice so we decided until we find a house you will stay with us in Utkarsh room and then I asked what about Utkarsh then Rajni aunty said we have a big couch he will sleep there and there's no use he stays out all night so there's no use of thinking about him after hearing that I felt that Utkarsh and Aunty were not in the good terms. all of the sudden Aryan said how about she lives with me? me and khana uncle both had weird looks in our eyes then Aryan said after mom and dad died the house is empty and it will also give me some income Khana uncle said but Aryan intercepted him and said I don't think Utkarsh is happy with the decision and this is like a win-win situation she wants a place to stay and I want a tenant then khana uncle said it Kaira is okay with it then after seeing Utkarsh face I directly said yes as I didn't want to make fights between the family. then khana uncle said and about your college, you and Utkarsh will be going to the same college and will be attending same classes all I was thinking I have a two-year gap how does Utkarsh have the same all I could do was think as it was not nice asking what happened so after lunch we all had nice talk and my dad called

me - hello

dad- did you forgot us?

me - no dad I was tired that the reason I was sleeping and now we had lunch so I was going to call you

dad - oh it's lunchtime over there we are having snacks your sister is going to stay here until you come home and brother in law is going to stay with us I said them not to stay but they forced and are keeping all the stuff

me - oh my god that's not nice

dad - why?

Me - now you will love Aisha di more than me.

dad - dad loves you more and will always love you

me - okay by dad I m shifting at the new house when I will get free I will call you

afterwards I and Aryan took my bags and as I was waiting for a taxi a car came and it was a black colour Mercedes-Benz all I could do was stare at the car coz it was same as I had back in India and suddenly Aryan said Kaira lets go home. I was shocked as he said let's go home all I could see how gentle and humble he was. as we went I could say he was rich then why did he want me like a tent? then we came to near a mansion it was a dream house car went inside the mansion after going there all I did was looked at Aryan with a shocking look and he gave me a beautiful smile