
The Monstrosity

Disilphon, Orelia, the guards and Arion are turning their full concentration to the forest, where something seems to be staring at them. The yellow eyes are still glaring, but the animal, or whatever it is has not made any movement since. It seems to be waiting for the correct opportunity to make its appearance. Arion moves in front of the King and the princess to be able to protect them. Now he is standing between them and can intercept any movement it makes before it reaches the other ones. "As it is not coming out, maybe I should try to lure it out somehow?", Arion wonders and perceives in the same instant a medium sized stone next to him. He picks it up without stopping to stare at the eyes that are staring at him. Arion grips the stone pretty firmly and throws it directly at the eyes. One can even hear the impact of the stone on something, but as it entered the forest, it is impossible to say what it hit. On the noise though, the eyes begin to move and the trees that make the border to the forest begin to bend. Now that the movement of the creature has created a little spacing between the trees, some sunlight is shining onto it.

The creature seems to be covered in a monotone grayish fur. It has two smaller horns on the left and right of its skull, and a bigger horn in the middle pointing upwards. The creature moves closer towards them and leaving the forest completely. It is covered completely with the fur and has a big tail, with horn like spikes at the end, at least a dozen of them. The creature is now standing directly in front of them and seems to be taking a charging position. Because of that Arion prepares himself for the enemies attack. The creature is about two meters high and has a length of around three and a half meters. Arion is extremely sure it is even heavier than a full grown elephant, so he must use his powers to stop it. He instantly images him stopping the creature with his bare hands without him moving a single inch. Suddenly the creature charges, it is running pretty fast considering its size and weight. It is a lot faster than Arion initially thought, and he lifts both his arms in response to stop its movement. Orelia, the king and the guards instinctively move backwards fast, but not stopping to look what the creature is doing. Arion's eyes begin to flash in a bright red, but the others are unable to see it because they are behind him. Arion can slightly feel the earth shake beneath his feet with every stomp the creature makes. On the impact of Arion and the creature, a dust cloud is blown into the air hiding both of them inside for a brief moment. Arion reappears instantly at the end of the dust, as he was unable to stop its movement completely. But the movement was halted not too far behind the cloud. Orelia being a bit shocked by the fact that Arion was able to stop the giant creature with his bare hand, lets out a deep breath. Arion turns his head in their direction to check if they are safe, while his eyes continue to shine in a bright red color. This allows Orelia to see it for the first time. Now that Arion is convinced that the king and the princess are safe he initiates a counter attack. Just when he is about to start his counterattack, his mind has already visualised the first steps automatically. He seems to be able to use his powers on instinct without giving it too much time.

Arion pushes the creature with his full might, letting it slide at least fifty meters backwards. One can even believe to see the surprise on the reaction of the creatures face. The moment it regains its balance Arion has already leaped into the air and throws the sword, which was given to him by one of the guards. The sword moves so fast that it is nearly not even visible for Orelia and Disilphon, but it makes its direct way to the creatures head. The sword hits the creature right on the forehead, but due to its speed it did not come to a halt. It moves directly through its head ramming in the ground. Arion's companions still in shock of what has happened can only see the creature dazing at them and then sinking slowly to the ground. It lets out a last deep breath before stopping its movement completely.

Arion walks now back to the others and asks: "Does anyone of you know what exactly that was?". They just shake their heads in response, and Disilphon says: "No, I have never seen anything like this before, but I have heard of a monster described as a giant furry creature with a horns and a spiky tail. But it was said that they were extinct a long time ago.". Orelia now walks forward and steps directly in front if Arion, she moves her face extremely close to his staring directly at his eyes. "When you were fighting, your eyes were shining.", she says. Arion looks surprised and answers: "I don't know, it's not like I can see my own eyes, but it might be related to the fact the I am a half demon". "Hmmm . . .", Orelia responds and turns around, during the same time one the guards spits in front of his feet and gives Arion a disgusted look.