
Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

After submitting an anime adaptation of the comic "Edge Walker", Lin Qingshan embarked on the road of otherworldly manga. And then it was... "Not good! It's the Cybermen! Quickly call the Mobile Uprising Team!" "Run! He's a comic book character!" "That's great! I'm beginning to understand everything!" "No, who told him to draw comics?" "Use the Fist of Hell on him!" "He's mentally ill, isn't he, drawing the plot like that?" "The mental state is good! Get out of the hospital!" "You're going there too!" "Hahaha! Master Dao, I'm a success!" ...... The Edge Walker, Chainsaw Man, Fire Punch, Attack on Titan, Dao Immortal Weird... Lin Qingshan is on the road to insanity, meanwhile, comic book fans unanimously agree that Lin Qingshan is the psychopath! Link where taken : 69shu.pro/book/57140.htm Support me buymeacoffee.com/punhosdefogo

PunhosdeFogo · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: You can't go home until you've had enough to eat.


Lin Qingshan opened his eyes and stroked his stomach, "It seems that relying on hunger as a method to get home really doesn't work, so hungry... Looks like you still have to eat a full meal before you can think of a way to cross back!"

He looked out of the window, it was already early morning when the light in the sky was getting hazy, but he didn't oversleep, instead he woke up early...

He was woken up by hunger.

"So, Lao Deng System, is the mall out of food yet?" He shouted with a big smile.

The system panel once again unfolded before his eyes and also helped him to open the mall very cleverly.

The things in the system's mall are mainly divided into two main categories of skills and physical items, but the things in the mall aren't something you want to have, nor do you have everything, but they may or may not be there.

How to put it?

The system will automatically update the system mall once a month, and Lin Qingshan can take the initiative to choose to update it once for free, each time updating twenty types of "merchandise", which can be removed depending purely on face, but mostly on the tendency to create, the ability to learn.

For example, the master-level skill Mathematical Crown, which exchanges the skill, can allow you to directly embody the contemporary Henri Poincaré.

This skill Lin Qingshan had eliminated, but 990,000 points were needed to redeem it, so he was really looking forward to it.

He must also have understood that the master level skill is basically more than 100,000 points, but also according to the value of different focuses, the corresponding points needed are also different.

Mathematics, the brightest pearl in the crown of human wisdom, was naturally worth a lot.

Even the painting kaleidoscope is a powerful skill with a minimum original price of 100,000 points, but the system novice's gift package belongs to him and is given to him directly for nothing.

What's more, these physical items are hardly ever upgraded.

For example, Lin Qingshan previously exchanged "clonazepam tablets", which are from the system mall, outside the exchange, otherwise how could he casually obtain this type of prescription drug.

In terms of physical items, the system has almost every type of item it might have in the real world.

Control drugs, graphics cards, food, cell phones, luxury cars... and so on, Lin Qingshan saw, last month, also took out Long Jiang's pig's feet rice, the value is not expensive, 1 point per copy, his newbie gift package to give 10,000 points, probably can buy 10,000 copies.

But unfortunately, this month's automatic update gave him away.

At the time, he didn't care, after all, he was trying to see if he could starve to death.

But that would be miserable, especially since there was no food in the newly updated items either.

Lin Qingshan simply used the Upgrade Mall function directly, and the mall scrolled as twenty new items appeared.

At that point, he carefully made his way through the mall, ignoring these abilities, and looked directly at the back of the mall, where only eight real items had been taken this time.

These items were "Controlled Substance - Prochlorperazine Tablets", "Artistic Ornamental Knife - Damascus Knife" and "Longtu Pocket X60 8G Edition Foldable Cell Phone", "INVISION Jr. RTX 690i Graphics Card", "Anxin Brand Fragrant Shampoo and Shower Gel Set", "Ordinary Glasses", "Hongxing Brand 1302D Iridium Fountain Pen", "Shenli Classic Men's Canvas Shoes".

"Holy shit! Surprisingly, there's no food!" Lin Qingshan emptied his mouth and said, "That's not much use to me either, but..."

He lowered his head and looked at his bare feet, snorting: "I'm meeting Miss Editor today, so these shoes can be salvaged..."

It wasn't that he didn't really have shoes, when he crossed over to this body, the original owner was wearing a pair of shoes, only he wore them later.

However, Lin Qingshan bought a pair of cartoon slippers later, only he didn't like wearing them and his range of movement was already extremely limited.

You could even say that, if it hadn't been for Ito Ayumi calling him yesterday, he wouldn't even have left this rented house, continuing to draw in his room.

"Then let's change into canvas shoes." Lin Qingshan directly spent 10 points.

[Points: 250→240]

A pair of canvas shoes that perfectly matched the size of his feet appeared in front of him out of nowhere.

"Right, let's take a shower in the public restroom before we go." Lin Qingshan hummed before changing the shampoo and shower gel in the mall again.

[Points: 240→236]

The shampoo and shower gel also appeared in front of him out of nowhere.


The editorial department of the Comic World Culture Company.

Early in the morning, one after the other, the editors of Manga World Comics clocked in, one after the other, and then went to their workstations to start the day's work.

Yang Dahai was startled when he saw Ito Ayumi, who was a little depressed: "Ayumi, did you work late at the company last night?"

Ito Ayumi shook her head and said, "I just worked overtime at the company for a while and left the company at 10 o'clock."

Yang Dahai opened his mouth, working overtime until 10 o'clock, but also for a while, that's simply taking your life to work overtime.

However, it is said that the Japanese region is like that, it has a unique overtime culture, it said that it respects regional characteristics, but Yang Dahai thinks that these regional characteristics are not necessary.

Even so, he said, "Ayumi... you've just arrived at the company, you can relax a bit."

"It's mainly because I'm going to sign a contract with Qingshan-sensei later, at noon, which is why I did a bit of overtime last night." Ito Ayumi explained.

"Qingshan-sensei?" Yang Dahai paled for a moment.

"That's the teacher who is the original author of Edgewalker." Ito Ayumi said.

"So it's that manga...," Yang Dahai realized.

Honestly speaking, although 'Edge Walker' as a whole wasn't bad, especially the author's drawing skills could be seen as quite strong, the drawing style was still very mature, and the details of a manga were such that it could simply be considered an anime production.

But Yang Dahai hasn't paid much attention to this yet, after all, the setting of "Edge Walker" is a bit of a sword to get off the edge, although it's very good and innovative, he unconsciously doesn't see it with a good eye.

The most important thing is that this was the work of a novice.

A newcomer's first work usually has a lot of problems, and it's hard for it to be a success.

However, "Edge Walker" still has some potential, at least Yang Dahai's assessment is that this "Edge Walker" can fully compete for this year's Republic Comics best newcomer award.

Ito Ayumi was also a newcomer, so it was only fair to let her bring this newcomer with a mature drawing style under her umbrella.

The Comic World Culture Company is already a leading company in the Republic of Comics, and new authors to sign a contract don't need the editor-in-chief to leave, the company has a reasonable process, and Ito Ayumi, according to the process, signs the contract on the line.

"So, Ayumi, you will deal with this new professor's contract first, remember to bring back his original manuscript as a backup, to avoid possible plagiarism in the future." Yang Dahai gave a final order.

"Okay, senior." Ito Ayumi replied in a good mood.

She then took the contract documents and went straight downstairs to the restaurant where she had an appointment.

(End of this chapter)