
Is She A Bad Girl?

静雅 静Soo mi, who was betrayed by her friend got thrown out of her house because of some accusations and got kidnapped. She married the man who saved her but later he just vanished. At that night a system appeared which changed her life completely. From there she was forced to start her journey to take revenge for herself and for her parents with those four handsome boys by her side who would be accompanying her in this journey. Would she be able to take her revenge? Would she be able to change herself from a innocent girl to a bad girl? See the struggles of that girl in her journey..... Volume 1 : Standing again after falling down. Volume 2 : The Missions Volume 3 : Contracted marriage with the devil Volume 4 : Transformation into ............. ----------------(----------)------------------ Join my discord where there will be spoilers /general chat about any thing /and many other resources: https://discord.gg/vw3VeGJw Instagram: @zoa_liz

ZOA · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
90 Chs

Level 1 Unlocked

"Stop looking at me like that and GET UP!"

With out wasting a minute more, Soo mi got up from the floor. 

As soon as she got up from the floor, her body started to hurt more. She wiped off the dust from her pants and started to walk besides Hyun Ki now. 

As Hyun Ki told her she went and had a long warm bath before finally coming out. True to Hyun Ki's words, only a little food was left for Soo mi. All the rest of the food was eaten by those beast like boys over there. 

Soo mi still didn't say any thing to any one and quietly ate whatever food she found there. After some time she was done eating. She got up from the sofa and was just about to leave from there with the promise that she won't be late again. 

'These beasts will eat any thing they get. I should be careful next time and come eat early other wise I won't be getting any thing to eat later on.'

Soo mi turned around and was just about to leave from there when she heard Chin Hwa's voice and she again stopped in her tracks. 

"Wait a minute!" 

"Huh? Yes?" 

"Where do you think you are going?" Soo mi raised her thin eye brow. 

"Back to my room?" 

"So who will wash these utensils?" 

She was again looking at his eyes, trying to find what exactly he meant. 

"I don't know?" 

She didn't want to be rude with him and get into more trouble but on the other hand she didn't know how to reply to Chin Hwa's questions so in return she said this as a question. 

"Stop playing like these. Pick up these utensils and go wash them." 

"But... But I am...… tired." 

"Does it look like I even care a little about it?" 

He said cookily and Soo mi again looked at him with disbelief. 'How can he be this cruel?' 

"Stop cursing me in your little brain. Pick these up and go wash them!" Chin Hwa told her while gritting his teeth. 

Soo mi sighed and bent down as she started to pick up the plates one by one. 

Her eyes held tears which she was trying her best not to let them fall down. 

With numb hands she took those utensils to the little area beside the sitting area which they call as kitchen. The house was small yet comfortable but those boys definitely gave killer vibes and Soo mi wasn't able to settle there. 

She took those plates there and started to wash them quietly. 

While washing those plates she didn't even realize when a tear fell rolling down from her cheeks. She quickly wiped it away with the back of her hands hoping that no one would see her weak side now. 

She didn't want anyone to see those teased of hers and think that she was being weak even when she was being weak. 

Soo mi took her time and finally went over to her room after washing those utensils. 

She was nearly on the verge of falling down and passing out there but she tried her best to not feel down. 

"Ahhhh I feel like I will just break any minute." She said as she laid down on the bed. 

"I should check my stats now! After this much training I am sure they would have increased. I wasn't able to get how many they increased during the training." 

She touched the wrist and applied a little pressure to her vein. 

As soon as she did that, the screen appeared in front of her on her arm again. 

>>>>>>>> [ STATS ] <<<<<<<<

Power: 300 / 300

EXP required for next level: 300

Attack: 21 / 21

Defence: 21 / 21

Speed: 21 / 21

>>>>>>>> [ LEVELS ] <<<<<<<<

Level 1 [ Unlocked ] 

[ (Tap to show details) ] 


"Oh my God! Level one has been unlocked. I should tell this to the boys too." Soo mi said in excitement and got up from the bed. 

All the pain was gone for her. She was just too excited now and forgot about all her pain and all the anger she had for those boys for doing all that with her...…