
Is Our Friendship Over?

Geeta (Ge) and Riya (Ri) are two bestfriends.  They have known each other for almost 5 years. They both are two secondary school students who go to the same college but of different streams. Ge is a crazy kind of person who loves to enjoy life and cherish her friends and family. Ri is a shy type of person. She only opens up to her closed ones. But she is an active member of her college and a lot smart from Ge. This story is an incident from both of their lives that changed their life to a very extent! Can they save their 5 years friendship from ruining a small fight?

Darksidetm · Teen
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Is our friend enemy?

It's the end of October, Slowly you will feel cold in the air as it announces the arrival of winter. And guess what the next month is the birthday of Ge. This line filled excitement in the heart of Ri as she was planning to do something awesome and special for her birthday.

So Ri was planning to give something extraordinary to her but she couldn't figure out what could that be. Minutes passed, hours passed, days passed but she is still in the confusion of what to give. But one day in the late evening after finishing her work from school to her way home she saw something extraordinary exhibited inside a store that bring a different kind of light in her eyes. She rushed into the store screaming the salesman about the thing, told to wrap it into a beautiful gift. Paid the owner and rushed home.

After reaching home she kept that thing wrapped into a beautiful gift onto the study table smiling with inner happiness. She then tries to calm her excitement and hopes that Ge will like this. She got up and started studying but inside she is still eagerly waiting for Ge's birthday. Ge's birthday was around the corner of the week and Ri was getting enthusiastic day by day about the gift that she bought for Ge's birthday.

There was a mutual friend named Kirti. She always hated these two and wanted to break their friendship by telling every secret about Ge to Ge's father. And also to put the blame on Ri for spreading those secrets.

All characters in this story are fiction. This story is taken from a real-life incident but it's twisted and turned by the writer to add spice in the story. Even if you know the story or the real people from this please don't spread hate or give them your fucking tips about their life.

Thank You!

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