
Past !! How its start ??


Anirudh will meet Tia at 5pm at T subway station. Tia have so much preparation to do like hair style and skin care. she never give proper attention to herself before this but today is very special day for her. she didn't wanna disappoint Anirudh.

she went beauty salon for hair and skin care. when she reached at home her father noticed something new in her. finally she showed some interest in her life she decided to go on outing, do makeup, improverd dressing sense . He thought finally she wants to change herself and start to live more lively. He love her daughter a lot he always told her to change herself like her other sister but Tia didn't followed him.

Tia is not a dumb kid she is very bright but from the childhood she always degraded by her both elder sister, they both were also very active and bright. her first elder sis Dia she first child in family so grand parents cherish her the most. Her second elder sister Kia is next she also loved by their parents . but for Tia's birth, her mom didn't want that child because she already have two kid and she didn't want any more child . Tia's father was on trip that time so she needs to wait for him to discuss weather he want that child or not . He was in navy and he always went on trips for six to nine month duration, now he came after 3 month. Tia's mother discuss about the child with her husband her husband know very well that it's always her responsibility to take care of children because he most of the time outside the country so her husband agreed to aborted that child. now she have only 1 week left for abortion after that she could not abort that child according to law.

one day before her operation her second daughter had very high fever. they took her to hospital and she diagnosed with pneumonia. she was so sick. only three year old child went through very painful process treatment it was so painful for parents also to watch their child in pain. Her daughter showed some improvement after fifth day on the seventh day she discharged from hospital.

Tia's mom almost forgot about her abortion due to hospitalisation, she had to meet her doctor in the same hospital so before leaving hospital she went to meet her doctor for next operation appointments.

Doctor analysed her health as well as child and also the time period of pregnancy and she noticed that the operation could not performed because its already over the period. she denied to abort the child. Tia's mom never want her . so she was like unwanted child in family like someone outsider. she didn't prepare anything for her, like she prepared for her both daughter before.

she didn't decorate room for her new child nor even bought something new for her. she has done proper photoshoot before and after pregnancy during her both pregnancy but for Tia their is not a even single pic of her after her birth only few photos of her when she was six months old on the occasion of her first elder sis birthday party .Tia always taken care by nanny because her mom always busy with her elder sister her like their launch , their homework etc.

She was facing everything even before her birth like abortion and even after never got any proper affection from their parents , so that's all lead to her that kind of very introvert nature.she never loved by someone, so when the matter of love came she wanna to give lots of love to someone and her someone is only Anirudh. She is not obsessed with him

But it all started when she took admission on the same school, she always teased by her classmates they always made laugh of her for her spectacle. One day when she on her way to back to home some boy followed her and started doing misbehave with her. she was trembling with fear and start crying. They tring to touch her improperly and suddenly Anirudh came , he was very famous in school and he know them all. He said in thearten tone to them " what you did this time if you all ever do this again, I'll report to principle as well as police, because I have some solid proof of your doing." he showed photos clicked by him in his mobile. everyone astonished to saw their photos of their wrong doing, they all apologised to Tia and Anirudh and left that place in rush.

It's their first meeting, that was the first time when Tia saw him and talked with him . "Hey, I'm Anirudh, I'm your classmate. " he said with a comfort smile. Tia who was constantly looking down , lift her eyes and said " I'm Tia "

Anirudh offered handshake , " nice to meet you" she hsndshaked with him.

after that meeting they never talked to each other but when ever they saw each other they gave smile to each other, but for Tia she always looking towards him always watched his every match. she didn't act like other girls in school but she also like him as same as other girls and wanna do every single thing to express her feeling for him, but she was helpless. she got blanked in front of him. she always jealous when she saw him to talked with other girls or having relationships with someone.

on the other side after the exams the new topper with astonished good Marks isTia . everyone suprised to know that she was actually brilliant in studied. now everyone wanna be her friend in her class. now she got invited in every parties and outing as well as friends gathering. everyone wants to be her good friend so they always try to her help in her every small thing but except Anirudh, He was same as usual always gave bright smile to her, which made her heart bounce. He never do anything which she could take as sign of his feeling towards her. he always gentle and nice with girls and same for her also. so she always thought it was just one sided love of her for him. she never attended any party or gathering of friends but when Anirudh invited her in his birth party she decided to went on that party.

she borrowed few dresses from elder sisters and try them all, did some makeup and tried her best to look pretty . when she arrived in his party, Anirudh standing with his friend near pool side. He is son of very famous doctor. He has very beautiful house with garden and pool inside. Other girl may be like him for his wealth. but for Tia he is his wealth.

he wore three piece royal blue suit which fits him perfectly with rose red silk handkerchief in pocket. it doesn't matter what he wore , in eyes of Tia he is always handsome.

He looked at her at waved with smile, asked for excused from his friend. he walked towards Tia, Tia's heart started bounce. she didn't wanna got blanked so she prepared herself to talk with him. " happy birthday " she wished him with smile and hand over the gift to him. " Thank you for attending party and for the gift" he said with his charm. came I'll introduce you to my parents" he showed her way, she nodded and followed him, " mom dad she is Tia my friend " he said to his parents they were perfect couple . "hello dear" his father replied, "hello sir, hello mam " she replied "please make yourself comfortable " Anirudh father said . she nodded. she had know some classmate so she comfortably attend that party.