
Partners- not for eternity, but physics.

I am panting by the time I reach the classroom where my physics class was held, because when I reached school , only 4 minutes were left for the bell. And now, only 15 seconds.

I quickly scan the room to check the available seats, and see that all the seats are for partners, that is, 2 people have to share one bench. My options were - 1) share a seat with the girl sitting in the first row, 2) go for the empty seat at the back, 3) go for the empty seat in the third row next to the window.

Honestly, I wanted to share the seat with the girl in the front row, but then I changed my mind and went to sit in the empty seat in the 3rd row. And this decision was based on 2 reasons. First one was that due to poor eyesight I was certain that I would not be able to see anything written on the board from back, and my glasses were in the car. Second reason was that if I sat with the girl in the front row, I might have to make friends with her, and I couldn't let that happen, because with Lola I wouldn't have any time to hangout, which is basically what you do with friends, and with all my secrets and lies, friendship was impossible.

So I sat in the empty seat in the 3rd row, from where I could see the whole classroom and observe what everyone was doing, who was leaving the classroom to do whatever, and who was entering the classroom. And that means that I also witnessed the grand entry of Kieran Wright and his friends. And when I say grand, it means like the one which heroes make in the movies and, well you get the idea.

Kieran entered the classroom with 4 other boys, which I guess were his friends and all of them were laughing. And I swear, the moment they entered, the whole classroom fell silent, with their laughter ringing clear in my ears. It was like I was in a trance, for I couldn't for the life of me tear my eyes away from him. Seeing him happy and laughing made my hear ache, because of what, I don't know. Yearning? Maybe...maybe not. Because for a second there, I almost regretted all the secrets and lies and the last 4 years, which meant almost regretting Lola. Keyword being almost, because the thought of Lola was like an arrow, piercing the trance like state I was in.

Shaking my head to try to get rid of my thoughts, I look up to see the teacher entering the classroom. I take out my physics book from my bag, and turn my head to check if anyone had occupied the benches in the back, when my eyes lock with a pair of bright green ones. I almost didn't want to look away, they were so beautiful, but the knowledge that they belonged to Kieran made my eyes widen slightly and my head to turn around to face the front of the classroom, breaking our eye contact because it was too much for me to bear, too overwhelming.


"So, as you all must have noticed, the seats here are meant to accommodate 2 students each. So I am going to pair you all up. These arrangements will remain for the whole year. And to avoid any misunderstandings later on, I am giving you today to talk and discuss how you are going to do your future projects and whatever. But remember, its only for today, from tomorrow no talking or indiscipline will be tolerated." Many students were groaning in protest while others looked like they were readying themselves for the ultimate torture.

As I looked around, I observed that the boys, I mean Kieran's group, were getting lots of female attention, because almost all the girls were casting longing glances in their direction, and the boys were looking like they were enjoying it all.

Kieran's gaze was sweeping over every girl looking at them, all the while that irritating-but-sexy-as-hell smirk was in place when his eyes locked with mine, and my heart was suddenly filled with a yearning so strong that it even breathing seemed like an impossible task. And I knew what that yearning was for, it was for all that I had lost, and everyone that I had lost, and strangely enough, I had a sudden urge to run somewhere away from, or better yet, run into his arms in hopes of finding some peace and solace.

Instead, I took a deep breathe to compose myself and turned around just as the teacher started calling out the names and pairing them up. Not particularly interested in all of that, I allowed myself to go through the book once when I heard Kieran's name being called. I didn't look up from my book, but my whole body tensed as I waited to know who Kieran was being paired with.

"Kieran and....Shaina." Hearing this, a heavy weight settled in my chest and I released a deep sigh, while squeals of excitement could be heard from a girl, who,I guess must be Shaina.

What did you think, that he would be paired with you? Huh. I thought. And I don't know why, but I turned around in Kieran's direction to see him smirking (again) while looking in her direction. And it hurt, goddamnit! Just then he looked in my direction and frowned, and my mind was filled with plans on how to murder a girl named Shaina.

"Wait! Hold on. No. Shaina, your partner is Sam, and Kieran, your partner is Maria. Yes. Yes." My eyes, that were locked with his, widened to their double size and I was positive that my jaw must be on the floor. My head turned back to the front when the teacher called my name," Yes Kieran, come and have a seat next to Maria. "

Seeing that Kieran had not yet moved from his seat, the teacher said, or more like ordered," Maria if you could please stand up and Kieran if you could move ahead and do us a favour then we would be able to proceed with the class."

Too stunned to do anything else, I stood up to indicate that yes, I was Maria. And then one confused face and many murderous faces turned towards me, while I wished desperately for the invisibility cloak that I did not have.

Once again Kieran was looking at me and smirking, when I was once again saved by the bell which rung at precisely that moment, signalling the end of the class.

I too shuffled out of the class, dreading the torture I had to face for one whole year and concluding once again that yes, fate was so not on my side today, and possibly for the whole year ahead.