
Is It Wrong to Watch Romantic Comedy Live at the Scene

Mc was suddenly reborn and become the brother of Raku Ichijo, follow along his story where he play around in the world where Romcom anime is combine, will he become just like his little brother who is involved with many unusual event or will he cruise his life and find love without being involved in a Romcom situation Disclaimer : the cover book is not made by me 3 Chapter per weak

Empyream · Anime & Comics
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Tenku Plateau I

both of us were almost late if not for Ryu and the others started making noise early in the morning when they were partying.

raku and I rush to the bathroom seeing it was 6 in the morning, having one hour of time for preparingvbefore the car that will take us to the airport came.

"the both of you were almost late."

"sorry both of us were playing and forget about the time."

"well it's fine since we are going to fly on a private plane."

"let's go."

the three of us then hop on the car and ready to go on the road.

"so Dad where are we going to stay at the place, and is there any interesting place to visit?" I asked him since I don't know the location very well, since it was only describe in the flash back of the Anime and Manga.

"the view on the plateu is great, and there's a nice hot spring there where we can visit."

"what about the food there, is there any interesting stuff around?"

"I don't know you should asked the local there." Dad can only shrug his head.

Raku then suddenly chimed in.

"Nii-san you probably will stay on the hotel right for the whole holiday right?"

"if there's nothing interesting there I will probaly stay at the hotel." while nodding at my litte brother word, it seems he already know me pretty well.

hearing that Raku decide to ask me to accompany him to see the view on the Plateu and play with him outside. 

"Nii-san why don't we search the whole town first before visiting the Plateu?"

"sure why not, but I think it would be more fun to visit the resort that our family build or the amusement park."

"Nii-san you really like the sea aren't you?"

"not really I just like the view there.'

Dad was being silent hearing both of our conversation.

"since both of you have plan to play aroun the town there, I will let Ken follow you and give you guys some pocket money, maybe you guys will find friends there." he then looked towards me and said. "especially you Arima, don't just play video game, you only went out if it was training time with Ryu."

"ok ok I will listen to you, I will try to spend more time outside."

"ok then expect a huge allowance from me."

along the journey I took out some of the snack I packed and offer them to Raku and took out my Gameboy, playing it trying to pass the time, seeing my action Dad can only sigh, worried that I would become a NEET without friends or Girlfriend.

"don't worry Dad, Nii-san may not look like it, but he is quite popular at school, many of the girls try to approach him."

"is that so it seems I can relax a bit."

while both of them talking a took out another pack of chips from the bag and open it.

"now I am worried there's no girl that will want to stay as his girlfriend for long."

Raku only nodded at his comment.


the three of us then went on board to the private plane.

we arrive there at late noon, we were pick up by one of Dad subordinate that was sent there ahead, and was drop off at a traditional hotel, even though it was called traditional but it was very luxurious since there's a private hot spring and a huge room there.

"so dad is this inn one of our property?" I look towards my dad.

"nope, I heard the owner also run a small cram school 1 hour away from tokyo with train, on top a mountain." hearing Dad words I feel like I know the place.

"well I also have a few business dealing with him, but not directly." hearing his words I become even more surprised as expected of the famous Shuei Gumi, the network is very deep.

"ok then kids let me help you put the bag, you guys explore the place, Ryo here will accompany you guys." he then took out two envelope, that look's quite thick and heavy.

both of us then open it, seeing the inside was filled with 5k cash paper, at least there's a total of 250k inside each envelope.

"Dad what do you expect us to do with this kind of money?" Raku then voice his concern, as expected of the sane person in the family beside me.

"allowance for one day, if you don't have enough come back to me, I will give you more." and as expected the big boss of a clan shook it of like it was a small amount of money, I then grab Raku on the shoulder and he look back towards me, seeing I shake my head. "lil bro, just accept it, use it wisely, if you are smart, act like me, use it wisely and save the rest tomorrow we will ask for more, with that we can save money for college or if there's something we want."

"Nii-san is that alright?"

"listen Raku, we were born in a very wealthy family, the logic of the rich is very different from the rest, money to our family is a tool to keep our health and power, so use the privilege we have as much as we can."

'Nii-san I still don't understand?"

"if you think this money is too much for you, you can donate it by buying food for the poor or give some to the orphanage."

"then what about you big bro?, what will you do with them money?"

"remember every time Dad or Mom gave us money, I only use some of it and asked Ryu to open up a bank account for me, every new year I asked him to buy meat and drinks for the uncle at home to eat and drink, I even invest on Amanashi san shop."

"did you mean the uncle who taught me how to make cake and cook?"

"Yeah, he want to stop being a Yakuza and open a shop, I think he has potential, and I invest in him, after all Dad gave us a lot of allowance and I can't use it up, what did you do with yours Raku?"

"I treat a few of my friends some snack and candy?"

I was worried hearing that from him, thinking he was being used by his friend because he has money i decide to ask him some question.

"are they a close friend from the beginning or were they around you after being treated using your allowance?, and were they frequently asking you to treat you?"

"a few of them like Shu were very close to me, the rest came after seeing that I treat Shu for some snacks."

"then you are better be careful of them taking advantage of you."

both of us were walking through the corridor of the hotel while we were talking, I then saw a middle age couple with a girl around Raku and my age.

the girl look towards me and raku and ran towards us.

seeing this the parents noticed something and look at the both of us.

"you two would you like to play with me?"