

After playing monopoly with aria and adding Raku to the equation, the game devolved to an unending nightmare, where I trap Aria in my property, Raku was trapped in Aria and, Me being trapped by Raku property. (Have you guys experience this hell, I have and it was a torture.)

So we decide to say it is a draw since I am tired, Aria said goodbye to me and Raku, both of us then went back to the room and was dragged by our beloved mother.

"So let's start with my eldest son, how is he Raku?"

"Nii-san crush me and the other in a game of tag, he act like an elder brother for the rest of us by treating us to lunch, and separated with my friend and continue play monopoly with Aria-nee, that's all."

"Moo there's no fun event."

"Ok then Arima what about Raku side?"

"He was holding hand with Chitoge, there's time where they exchange food at the dinner, and he made another appointment with her." I told her the compress version since it is endless, and in my mind I ask for my little brother forgiveness, since I saw him show an expression of being betrayed.

Hearing that our mother eyes started to and look towards Raku asking him to elaborate, seeing this I decide to walk over to my father and started to talk with him.

"So Dad where did you go with mom today?"

"I accompany her to meet with her friend, she said she want to introduced me to her friend husband."

"So how is he?"

"It was very surprising it seems that her friend is also someone from our side of the world, but the different is they are oversea."

"Ohh, so what did you two talk about?"

"There's nothing we just talk about our kids."

"Is that so." losing interest of the talk since Dad started to ramble about the fact he show off that he has 2 son.

After hearing him talk for 30 minute I decide to sleep.


The following day was spent staying inside the room without going outside.

Of course there Aria who is visiting the room and always pull me around to play and sometime would ask me to go outside to play with her.

Today I would do something different, but it seems I need to hurry up since I need to save help Raku from being, it seems Raku and Chitoge will go inside to play inside the forest without Tsugumi or anyone to watch over them, good thing I was there when they plan to do something dangerous.

I hurry up went to freshen my self up and choose to wear a easy to move cloth since I need to move fast and not being restrain by the kimono I use to wear.

After that I rush out of the inn and went to the Forest that they last visited.


After running there, I notice my breathing is very stable and light, the Physical Enhancement is very convenient since it also enhance my stamina, Speed, even my reaction speed was boost.

I then turn Thousand Form into an airsoft weapon, since it will be a problem if Dad asked the source of the weapon came from, since I never asked Ryu or anyone for a real gun before.

I then walk into the forest, I notice it will be more effective to turn thousand form it into a throwing knife so I change it while searching for Raku and Chitoge trace.

When I walk around suddenly I heard a scream of Chitoge, hearing this I increase my speed and run towards.

When I arrive I saw a wild boar standing in front of Chitoge and Raku who was injured and, seeing this I throw my dagger straight towards the head of the boar, since it was distracted the dagger pierce the boar on it's head, the boar immediately die, I then rushed to Raku position.


I heard a notification but I decide to ignore it for now.

"Chitoge, are you okay"

"Yes, but Raku is injured, what should I Oni-chan."

"You hurry up back and change your cloth first and deal with the small cut on your feet first, I will carry Raku with me to the hospital." I then Pick raku up and ask Chitoge to follow me into the city.

After escorting her into the city we both separated, I immediately run towards the hospital, carrying Raku on my back.

After I arrive there, I asked the doctor there to help take care of the injuries on Raku and called Dad and Mom.

"Hello, who is this?" Dad voice was heard from the telephone.

"Dad, this is Arima, I am in the hospital right now, Raku was injured when he played at the forest."

"Ok, I will be there with your Mom, wait there for a moment." the call was cut of immediately.

After 10 minutes I who was sitting in the waiting in the lobby saw the door of the hospital opened, Dad and Mom was looking worried the both of them saw me and rush towards me.

"Arima are you okay?" Mom immediately rush to my side.

"I am fine Mom, I already send Raku to be treated, I am waiting for the doctor to handle the injury on Raku." hearing that both of them seem to be relieve.

"Arima can you tell me what happen, the last time I saw, you were sleeping in the inn."

"I woke up from the bed like usual and I freshen my self up, then I remember that he was going to play in the woods, I was worried so I decide to find him and decide to follow them seeing that He hasn't return."

"Then how did he get injured?"

"I don't know the detail, Raku was injured when I got there, but there's a wild boar so I suspect he was injured when trying to run or protect his friend."

While both of us were talking a nurse came to us and told us that Raku was already tended to and was sent to the room, she asked her to follow us.

After entering the room I saw raku was still unconscious on the bed.

"Arima you and your mother stay here, I will do the paperwork and pay the bill, also I will need to hunt that boar."

"Dad I already kill the boar if you can just bring the boar meat, it will be a good revenge for Raku to eat the boar."

"Is that so, then I will tell my men to bring the wild boar meat, we will eat it after Raku woke up." he then went out of the room.

"Arima what about Raku friend?"

"I told her to go back first it seems she has small injuries, also change her clothes,."

"Then I hope she visit Raku."

Dad then came in and started to tell both of them that Raku will probably wake up soon so the three of us decide to stay there and wait until he wakes up, Dad also call his subordinate to bring us a takeout food to eat for lunch.


Thanks for the power stone:

_Mikoto_ Daoist8eolDf Jeremy_Ramos_6686 Nagaberapi7 awngchy2307 Izha_Bima BigBoiGoneWild B0BO_KABA the_one_5729 NAIWA_1 mamedh AutorZama Joebini_Roblete spoiler_guy71 Kadiax96 Presidente_Zapato Fkhri_Maulana Tatsuya_20 Rjay_Escote Danny_Doritos Jeremy_Ramos_6686 Komodo Zeross0x Manuel_Hernandez_4863 Othmar Monkey_D_BOB Imtired123 DGXAres fatkidxx Imtired123 BrianSetya Ansa725 xzero_HD Monkey_D_BOB kn1ght Bagus_Ainur rjrgoskie Narukami_4869 8TIME8 Al_Vein_Aindra maou23 the_one_5729 xzero_HD Lord_Rings DaoistKVRxYm 

A/N :

sorry for being late for the release, I finally have the time to breath from the work

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