
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in SAO?

- This is an SAO Fan-fic with elements of the Fate series.... - The MC can be a 'little' narcissistic Well God decided to reincarnate me.... Yes its one of those isekai stories........ Luckily he gave me 3 wishes! Since I didn't want to go to some random world where I could end up in a worse situation (*cough* *cough* death mage anyone?), I decided to go to an anime world! - I do not own any of the characters from the original work. - Any story elements from the original work are also not mine. - I do not own the cover either.

brady_123464 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

I AM BACK!!! New SAO Work Out!

Oh man, has it already been a year!?!?!? My bad, when the aliens came to my house, they said they would only take me for a couple weeks, but instead they froze my in carbonite for a nearly a whole year!!!! I mean it was so unexpected, when I came to I had no idea a year had already passed! Thus, nothing could be done, not my fault for being asleep for a whole year.


Alright, I wanted to write my crazy adventure part 2, but I didn't feel like spending an hour or 2 writing it, maybe next time (hopefully there won't be).

First off, I would like the thank any loyal readers who have stuck around over this crazy 2020 year. I was basically MIA after all, I wouldn't be surprised if u all thought I was done.

I guess I just go over quickly what happened, simply put, reality. As much as I would love to spend my days writing, watching anime, or reading manga and novels, I don't have the luxury of doing so. Well, at least to do all of them. Writing especially takes a lot of time, oh how I dreamed of simply putting everything I had on my mind onto a piece of paper and have someone else fill in the specifics. Sadly, I can't do that, if I did it would save me hours, but all I would have are summary like chapters, yawn. Point is, it takes a long time and it was time I simply did not have. I was at an important time in my life where I needed to devote my time to school and reality. Everything worked out fine and now I am glad I won't have to regret anything.

Moving on, I am certain u would rather like to know about my new work than my life. That being the case let's talk about that. Over this last year, I have had 2 ideas that I wanted to implement and create stories from. One was an SAO fanfic and another was an original story. As said previously, I did not have the time to sit down and write, thus could not even think about starting a story. However, I do now. Sadly however, I still don't have the time to balance 2 stories, especially when one is an original which would probably even take more time than a fanfic. That being the case, I had to decide on writing only one. In the end, I went with the SAO fanfic cuz, tbh I don't trust this website with my original story lol. I love the platform and how it make it easy for readers to read my work, but u just can't trust the people running it. Anyway, I felt it would be a shame not to write that story at all, thus I decided to combine it with my new SAO story. At first it was just suppose to be another OP protag with a nice fluffy harem, all having fun, but now it is all different. It is a much more serious work. Well at least compared to other stuff you might find on here. I don't plan on making it into a harem, if I do it won't be more than 2 additional women. And even then, if I decide to go that route, it would be more drama than anything else.

That is what you can expect from my new fanfic. I suppose I didn't really go into the plot at all. I'd rather have everyone just go in blind.


Here is the link to my new SAO fanfic ^. It is called "Ultimate Gamer in SAO"


Don't let the title fool you for it being some mid pleasure type read, I assure you this is good stuff. Though, I guess I am getting a little cocky for one who dropped his first fanfic after 15 chapters.

Anyway, it may be a little confusing at first, that is why I went ahead and uploaded 4 chapters all at once (I came prepared this time!). Based on the time it took to make these chapters, I will probably release 3-4 chapters a week.

Lastly, there is the situation with this novel. To be honest, I took this novel in the wrong direction from the start. It wasn't my intent to turn it into a comedy, yet somehow, that was how it turned out. I spent too much time in the childhood stages, initially I did so to create a solid foundation, I even had plans to have flashbacks later on to childhood showing things I didn't cover (mainly Asuna). Yet, I never got that far.

Aside from the childhood stage, there were also many unneeded elements in this fanfic. Mainly the existence of the system and magic. I made it to makes things easier, yet it seemed to limit me every single chapter.

The point is there were many issues that popped up while I wrote this. However, I was able to learned from those mistakes. In my new work, we enter SAO pretty quickly. Rather, I will probably have it so he dives in my next chapter (ch 5). Also there will be no system, and there will also be no crossovers. Well.... I did have the thought of using Genshin Impact to replace ALfheim, but not sure if I will go through with it or not. I am more worried about making it that far in the first place.

Um... I got a little off track there for a second, you may still be wondering about this fanfic in particular. As I had just said there were many problems with it which made it hard to continue. That being the case, if I ever decide to use this story, it would be a rewrite if anything, but I probably won't continue this story, sorry.

I believe that is all I have left to say, if you want to reach out and get to know me better or if you have any questions, you can go to my twitter account @brady123461.