
The one still lost in his past and those from the past who comes to save him.

Narrator POV:

(Although I expected it thanks to the information given by The Oldest Dream, his new appearance is truly surprising.) The hooded figure thought when she saw Mikhael enter the room.

She didn't need anything special to be able to recognize him, even if his appearance would change drastically, she would still be able to recognize him.

What surprised her was the extent of the changes in him. Trying not to get carried away by the joy of the reunion, so as not to draw his attention and surprise him, she observed his changes.

The first thing she saw was his physical appearance.

A thin body but with extremely defined muscles that peeked out between his movements.

His blood-red eyes were now sky blue. His soft long black hair was now a short, messy platinum- blonde hair.

His face looked different, it was no longer that androgynous face, but one with clearly masculine features that could seduce the hearts of women.

Along with his temperament, he was like a cold and calm moon mixed with a warm and passionate sun, which turned out to be contradictory but strangely perfect, a yin-yang incarnate.

It was certainly different, especially his behavior.

Calm but playful, insidious but kind, raised like the son of a high-class family but with the bestial behavior of a warrior breaking through his frontage at some times.

(Wait a minute!!!... Mikhael currently looks like he's only 18 years old and I'm 25 years old...) The figure imagined in the middle of her scattered thoughts a Mikhael saying something like "Onee-sama" to her with a nervous and shy face.

She had to hold her nose to prevent blood from coming out as she anxiously tried to return to her previous train of thought. People were already seeing her actions with raised eyebrows and she didn't want to ruin the surprise meeting.


And she saw an even more surprising change when she activated her enhanced skill to read fate.

One of the gifts of The Oldest Dream was to enhance that skill so that "her true potential came to the surface."

"The truth is that I don't understand how such a monster like you came out of that low-level world... but that innate skill of yours, together with the skill I gave you, will give you enough potential to keep up with him."

Therefore she could "read more things" in others and fate.

If Freya only could read the souls of others, The figure could read his soul to a limited extent thanks to her innate connection to fate.

That's why she froze for a few moments when she saw the sight that was Mikhael's soul right now.

A silver comet that had a golden trail of flames. That comet was traveling through a sky where there were millions of fixed stars through an invisible but indestructible network.

And that comet easily destroyed those cobwebs made of the threads of fate, which when were destroyed, stopped enveloping these stars.

Not only that, the comet, which was like a silver sun, carried stars with it as it deflected them from their original trajectories.

Making them orbit around him through a kind of strange "attraction" or "gravity".

And even more and more stars emerged from the destroyed threads of Fate. And they joined the comet's journey.

And those stars who did not do so, resumed their own journeys, with trajectories better than the original ones.

(So ​​it was indeed you... Mikhael. That phenomenon I saw in the day before yesterday night when the fate of this world was destroyed, that was the result of that comet impacting this world...)

Aurelia suppressed the urge to laugh out loud locally at the ecstasy she felt at seeing fate in such a state.

She was only able to control herself thanks to her skillful management of emotions which she honed in her years as leader of Rebellion.

(A love in which one feels again and again that one falls in love again, I was really blessed, eh, dear fate?~)

But she felt complicated seeing how he looked at Hestia. On the one hand, she undoubtedly felt jealousy that urged her to yell at him because she saw another woman with that look that belonged to her.

On the other hand, she knew how much she made him suffer in their previous life, The Oldest Dream briefly showed her what happened after her death and how Hestia achieved in less than a day what it took her months.

Even when the degree of damage in the heart of the Mikhael who met Hestia was even higher than when Aurelia met him.

Hestia was one of the main reasons why Mikhael was able to so gently accept the lost memories of him without being torn apart again by feeling all the emotions in those memories again.

Another reason, however, was the reason for that ease in Hestia's path, which was the help that she inadvertently got from Adam who was fixing the young man's mental state. After ten years, Adam even felt that he could dedicate himself if he wanted to that modern profession called... ah, yes, psychologist.

So Aurelia crushed that jealousy, determined to live for him and herself, not for fate, nor for the title of Athena that had so much weight over her life until her death on earth.

Therefore, she could look to the side and ignore some of Mikhael's "quirks" if she could still stand firmly at his side.


(I really still underestimated you, Son of Sisyphus, no, Mikhael of the Hestia Familia...) Finn looked at the young man appreciatively from the corner of his eye.

At first, he only saw him as an extremely talented rookie. Then he saw him as a young man of the next generation after knowing who his father was.

But now, seeing the blow he managed to deal to a high-ranking familia. He admitted that the young man not only had talent but a certain amount of wisdom.

He even felt some anticipation about what kind of deal he would offer them and what he would give as a bargaining chip.

While he listened to the leader of the criminal gang, who had not spoken even after torture, as he explained one-for-one all the crimes that both he and Ishtar committed.

(However, we will have to find out his connection with the Freya Familia, we cannot allow Freya to obtain a second Ottar. Although our relationship is not one of enemies, and we are even allies, one never knows what that goddess will do after the delicate balance of power was destroyed by the appearance of this young man.)

(With his relationship with Alfia, added to his influence on The Lazuli Group, he is an unexpected wild card that will stir the seemingly calm waters of Orario...)


Years and years of all kinds of crimes were now placed right above the head of Ishtar, who had an increasingly pale face and was desperately trying to think of how to get out of this situation.

Nick was slowly telling all about her, all while he looked at her with bloodshot eyes that only served to aggravate her anger.

She couldn't get out through the force of this thanks to the Loki familia who was there watching her like an eagle observing the possible movements of her prey.

But if she will use her charm...

(Charm?...right!!!, Charm!!!)

"Freya!!!" Ishtar screamed as she turned around with deep resentment on her face and gritted her teeth. "It was you!!!, The one who took my charm from that trash was you!!!. The one who guided Hestia's son to attack me, it was you!!!. Are you so afraid that I will knock you down from your throne?!?!"

"Ishtar," Freya spoke calmly as she looked at the upset goddess with disdain visible to everyone as she extended a finger in one direction.

"I never took action against you, I never saw it necessary, you better take a good look at who is in front of you, and who is sinking you into the mud from which you should never have gotten out."

Feeling even more anger at her words, Ishtar, whose mood was not very stable, unconsciously looked at where the hateful goddess's finger was pointing.

And she saw a young man looking at her with a faint smile refreshing like an oasis in the middle of the desert on his face but with the indifference of a cruel winter in his eyes.

At that moment, the illusion that the young man gave him of being Freya's pawn was destroyed by the goddess in question herself. And for the first time, she actually saw her opponent.

A handsome, extremely talented young man who came from a bloodline possibly blessed by spirits.

"I know!!!... Son of Hestia!!!, Why don't you join my Familia?" Ishtar practically screamed, while she was clearly not in her right mind, even her tense subordinates looked at her strangely.

"I can forgive these offenses, think about it!!!. With your talent and connections added to my power, we can take down Freya, I wouldn't even mind giving you the honor of sleeping with me!!!"

She earned several extremely unpleasant looks from many women in the room for what she said. And even Finn looked at her with a polite mix of strangeness and hidden disgust.

However, Ishtar was that kind of person, she had never had any real difficulties beyond matters related to Freya.

Without her powers, she was inwardly just an arrogant brat who never grew up, always believing that reality would go the way she wanted.

She could get what she wanted just by wishing for it thanks to her charm and how both men and gods desired her for that charm.

She was like an exotic canary that lived in a beautiful cage, singing for the enjoyment of the gods, and in return, they satisfied her every whim.

Unlike Freya, who noticed her own cage and hated it, longing for freedom and true feelings. Ishtar became drunk with that illusion of power, sinking into an abyss of desire from which she never emerged.

Same illusion of a seemingly perfect reality in which a crack arose thanks to the appearance of Freya. Who stole part of the attention she received. Hence the reason for Ishtar's one-sided hatred towards the one who almost woke her up from her unreal and ugly dream.

And the same illusion that the young man in front of her was completely destroying, while he seemed to insert a hand into that crack, enlarging it. Only to then violently shake his hand, destroying that crystal that separated Ishtar from reality.

["Resonance" skill is active]

And that hand inserted into the crack was the passive/active skill, that Mikhael actually activated for the first time. A connection formed between him and Ishtar. Mikhael wanted the goddess to clearly understand what he was going to tell her.

But he not only used resonance to connect him and Ishtar, but he created another connection between a "few" other people outside the guild.

"Goddess Ishtar, no, Ishtar, what are you?" Mikhael spoke amidst many bewildered looks at such a stupid question, including Ishtar.

"I don't mean something as superficial as 'goddess of beauty'. I mean your person without your charm ability. I mean the essence of your personality, your real self."

"For example." Mikhael pointed to Hestia, who was next to him, causing her to jump slightly on the sofa in surprise. "Hestia is a literary girl who easily gives in to her desires while she secretly wants a romance like one of those books she loves to read while she locks herself away at home for large amounts of time."

Moving his finger from the direction of the blushing goddess, who angrily puffed out her cheeks and pinched him in retribution for exposing her in front of so many people, to another directuon. Mikhael pointed to Freya, who was looking at him expectantly with a raised eyebrow.

"Freya-sama may look like how she is, but that's only part of her, leaving aside the 'proud queen', there is just a lonely girl looking for a soulmate who can understand her, while longing for freedom and real feelings."

Amidst the expectant or alert glances, Freya broke the firm impression that many had of her by seeing her blush deeply and how she turned her face with shyness and false anger, while inside, "she" only writhed with joy as she rolled around in her mind.

(Even though it took me years to half-read Freya-sama, did this boy really read it completely in just one day?) Ottar thought in surprise, knowing how satisfied the goddess was with what Mikhael said.

(Really...he likes to show off as always.) Aurelia inwardly laughed as she watched the adorable young man take advantage of his knowledge.

And being surprised by Freya, she had only seen the main Danmachi anime, so it seemed like she had gotten a spoiler inadvertently.

And Mikhael turned his finger towards Loki's anticipatory face, who realized that he was reading them like open books.

"Loki-sama is "chaos", neither good nor bad, simply "chaotic", yet even chaos dreams of having her own Familia."

Loki's eyes widened in surprise, she didn't expect him to see through her. It gave her chills of excitement for the bold mortal who dared to read the gods and say it out loud.

"Therefore she is like a careless, wisecracking older sister who secretly cares deeply for every person in her familia. Possibly even feeling deep sadness at not sharing a last drink with those who are gone."

And she froze in shock at the last thing, feeling something she thought she no longer had, as she seemed to be naked under the young man's gaze and that was only increased by the annoyingly warm or doubtful glances of her Familia, that was shame.

"Or as a last example, Hermes-sama..." Mikhael discreetly diverted his gaze to a corner of the room where he felt something strange and he guessed what exactly it was.

"On one hand he is a man who deeply enjoys the greatest works. An extreme pragmatist who works for the "common good" while letting himself be carried away by what amuses him..."

"...Or perhaps on the other hand he is just a playful uncle who is a bad influence on his nephews and would even do something like take them to secretly spy on a group of women bathing?"

(...It seems that a visit to the purifying baths of the goddesses with Mikhael is mandatory, HAHAHAHAH .) Hermes laughed out loud internally as he saw the spectacle the young man promised him, eagerly awaiting the promised ending.

While Asfi nudged him to stay still while they used magic items to be invisible.

(But to think that he would notice us, only Ottar, Finn, Aiz Wallenstein and that strange person covered in a cloak looked at us... possibly discovering our presence.) Asfi thought with a little sweat while feeling a headache having to continue the whims of her god.

"Without your divine powers what exactly is "Ishtar"? Are you Ishtar because you are a goddess of beauty or are you a goddess of beauty because you are ishtar?" Mikhael asked the goddess that was clearly shaken by his words thanks to his skill, but she still didn't seem to say anything.

"Do you know why most people find Freya-sama more attractive than you?" Mikhael said and Ishtar involuntarily began to listen attentively about the question that she never managed to understand even after thousands of years.

"She is more beautiful or attractive than you, not only because of better external beauty or charm, but also because she has her own inner beauty."

"You do not have any real and own characteristics, added to your simple nature, that is why the gods feel more attracted by her who generates an impulse in others to want to conquer her"

Cracks spread across the glass that did not allow her to see reality, the cage carefully built by the gods was destroyed little by little.

All while Ishtar tried to convince herself that she should not let the words of a mortal, a disgusting ant, affect her, a magnificent goddess.

But what he said was the truth, a characteristic of the gods in this world was their extreme difficulty in changing and growing. That is why many remained the same, stagnant and immutable throughout their existence. And that is why they were so fascinated by the lower world that was in constant and continuous change.

But while Ishtar did not have that divine power of herself to regulate her emotions and thoughts and act "rationally" and she even was affected by Mikhael's skill.

Mikhael said to Ishtar, who felt they were true, some last words that seemed to be a hammer impacting that cage or glass.

"And I can even honestly tell you that I think Hestia is at least a million times more attractive than you."

Looking at those eyes that seemed to melt as they sometimes looked at Hestia, and instead looked at her without any emotion beyond pity, pity, mockery or disdain. As if she was just another step on his path.

Ishtar's thread of reason broke, rising under Mikhael's expression that seemed to say that he achieved his goal, Ishtar used her charm while her eyes glowed purple.

And before almost anyone could react to her sudden madness, Ishtar used hercharm to try to bend and twist Mikhael's will.

For him to take back his words and look at her with the same warmth that he looked at Hestia or with the interest that he showed when he looked at Freya.

To not have to face the fact that she was just a spoiled brat who got mad at Freya because when she was around she stole the other ishtar's gods attention from her without even trying.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you, 'goddess' Ishtar," Mikhael said, putting sarcastic emphasis on the word regret and goddess.

Amid the surprised looks of everyone except Hestia and Aurelia, one who knew his skill that made him immune to charm and another who doubted that something like a charm would affect a being with such a soul.

And the angry looks of Hestia who changed to Vesta involuntarily, And that of Freya.

"But I'm immune to any kind of charm."

And what he said made Freya, who was seething with anger that another goddess of beauty dared to try to take what belonged to her, to froze in shock.

Processing how the young man completely ignored the charm of a beauty goddess and what he said.

The same shock transformed into ecstasy, joy, emotion, etc., and she had to turn her face to hide her emotions in an attempt not to reveal the obsession that would soon be born in a short time.

"What's more, as long as I'm present, you won't be able to charm anyone." Mikhael stretched out his left arm towards the Amazon who was a false culprit.

While he was using his skill that was born thanks to his desperate desire to cure the poison that affected a certain golden woman in the past. That was "cure", an skill, granted by the Wanderer's blessing, that could cure even abnormal states like a the charm of a goddess of the beauty.

And a chain shot out of the young man's arm, towards the Amazon. Who, upon coming into contact with that chain, returned to her senses after a small blue glow on the chain.

"Eh?, Ehhhh?, Where am I?!?!?!." Latia said almost comically as she looked around her with naive but joyful eyes. Until her eyes reached the motionless Ishtar.

"Ishtar-sama! Don't you call me to your palace to give me a special task?! I don't know where we are, but don't worry, I will faithfully carry out your orders." The Amazon put on a firm and dignified expression that was only adorable, without being able to read how the atmosphere became increasingly unpleasant as she spoke.

Amid everyone's various thoughts, noises began to be heard from outside. There were screams of many angry people complaining.

"Now do you understand?. Goddess Ishtar, without your charm, what are you?" Mikhael said as he smiled upon hearing those screams caused by his skill.

"Guild leader, this is bad!!!" An employee shouted, as he ran into the room. "A crowd of people gathered in front of the guild to complain about a rumor that says we will not punish Ishtar for her already confirmed actions!!!"

Mikhael kept his smile as he looked at the sweating Ishtar, remembering the last thing he asked Hermes.

Who, seeing that it was time, had sent a message through a magical item to his subordinates.

Who mixed in the crowd while shouting for justice after setting the spark, that Mikhael left, on fire. A fire that only burned stronger because of Mikhael.

Who in turn had used his skill to create a connection between that crowd, making them unknowingly share the emotions of the families there of those captured by Ishtar.

Now there was an angry crowd outside demanding punishment. Normally they wouldn't be so brave or care at all, but Mikhael had given them a little push in the "right direction."

Now, even if Ishtar wanted to use the matter of wrong levels to lighten her punishment, it wouldn't be possible.

Even the guild pig who was quickly trying to solve the matter had his retreat eliminated. Mikhael didn't want to bet on whether something stupid like Ishtar paying that greedy bastard to hush up the matter would happen.

Neither did he want the same thing to happen with the Loki familia, because Freya wouldn't care. That's why he tried to leave a good impression on them and get each of them on his side quickly.

Otherwise, the possibility of Ishtar buying everyone's silence was not minimal.

All thanks to the fact that both the guild and Loki did not always have money left over, which Ishtar did have in disgusting amounts from managing all the pleasure district's profits by herself.

After all, what would someone choose, an unknown Lv.1 or being able to freely extort a high-ranking Familia?

With that in mind, Mikhael offered Hermes to see Ishtar, an ally of Evilus, return to heaven that same day in exchange for his help. And Hermes, wanting to test the young man, accepted.

But Mikhael had a mistake, his mentality was still wrong. His impression of himself was still that of "a weak unknown man fighting left and right against the powerful and influential at the top of Orario."

He was still a Lv.1, at most a Lv.3, and he thought he was nothing in the grand scheme of things. He knew that with Alfia's personality, she wouldn't help him unless he was on the brink of death. Something that many others in Orario knew.

So right now he was just a man who wanted to accomplish many things while he desperately tried to prevent his goddess or Ryuu from getting hurt.

Driven by his ideals, goals, and dreams he tried to keep the people he knew from slipping through his fingers again, leaving him alone, again.

Because the more he felt Hestia's warmth and Ryuu's tenderness, the more fear he felt equivalently.

Adding to that was the tension and nerves.

Because of the group chat, which may or may not make his journey easier.

For the responsibilities he now had as captain of the Hestia Familia.

And because he was living in a real world where a single wrong step could lead to something irreversible.

All under a perfect frontage of tranquility, which only Hestia managed to see through it, when she was with the young man all day yesterday.

Aurelia noticed his feelings, but she knew that he was like that, and at the same time she felt deep guilt because it seemed that she really had left Mikhael a deep trauma with her death on earth.

That's why Mikhael calculated so many things unnecessarily, so many plans, so many risks, so many security measures. He thought too much about the small details, ignoring the big picture and the impact his time travel had.

(Ishtar, I will tear you and everyone who gets in my way to pieces. It's nothing personal, but I will crush you to obtain my happy life, that's how selfish I am.) Mikhael thought looking at how the goddess along with her subordinates panicked

His eyes became frighteningly deep without anyone in the room noticing, and a golden glow appeared in his right eye.

Because he would not allow himself to fall or be weak anymore. So that he could be able to eat forever that food, one a little burnt but nostalgic for some reason, of that little goddess.

[The lord of the white night, Shiroyasha bites her lip as she looks at the scene with extremely complicated eyes.]

Thanks to the problems that not even Adam could completely fix, who thought that only time and lots and lots of love would do it. That is why Mikhael did not take into account the actions of his, soon very dear, student.

Liliruca smiled as she rested her hand on her teacher's shoulder. Who turned around surprised by the unexpected gesture. "I agree with those people, guild leader."

"I hope you guys give the appropriate punishment, otherwise the alliance will be unhappy and will have to reconsider whether it is worth doing business with a possibly corrupt city."

Liliruca kept her smile under everyone's inquisitive gaze, including Mikhael's bewildered one.

"May I ask in what identity are you saying those words?" Finn asked as he narrowed his eyes. That wasn't a joke.

Mikhael was not fully aware because Ryuu only told him a few things that morning, after all, time was limited.

And she did not realize the problems that were going through the young man's mind, she was still immersed in the joy of the reunion and she had only seen him since the day before.

Added to that the fact that the Mikhael she knew years ago was already completely out from the shadow of his past. So she did not notice the young man's hidden thoughts.

But the Lazuli group had reached a terrifying size, being the largest trading company in the entire world.

They who appeared after the destruction caused by the Dark Age occupied all the empty spaces to invest, took a large part of all the markets except the slave market, and even invented dozens of useful tools and instruments.

This is why they were so popular worldwide among mortals and even gods who were fascinated by various of these instruments, clothing, or cosmetics.

And right now they controlled a large part of the productive sector on which Orario depended.

Although they had the Demeter Familia. That was not enough for everything they needed, there were tens of thousands of people, plus the adventurers consumed many more things than people without Falna.

That's why Finn took the threat of a girl of the same race as him seriously. For that and for...

"Of course, as the leader of the Lazuli group and as the representative of the union that overthrew Evilus..." Liliruca declared while leaving a cloth with several flags or symbols engraved on it, there were several that were no longer there, but they were still several important.

(Astraea Familia, Ganesha Familia, Soma Familia... Finally, the Hestia Familia that seems to have been added yesterday...) Finn thought with complicated feelings when he saw the cloth that represented the alliance of those families that united against Evilus years ago.

He knew that both the Freya Familia and Loki Familia had left that alliance, he also knew that it possibly still existed. But he did not expect new members like the Hestia Familia or for them to come to help Mikhael.

Last night, Liliruca foresaw possible big problems and sent messages with a special magic item to the alliance members. She said that perhaps Mikhael would need help against a possible attack from the Freya Familia or Loki familia or Ishtar Familia.

And everyone responded that they would help if it was necessary.

"We are on our way." Was the message from a certain red-haired girl whose justice burned unmatched, as they headed towards Orario along with the other members and their goddess.

"I still have to thank his father for saving Adi, you can count on me." It was the message of a certain god who wore an elephant mask.

"I already said that he would be my ally after he tasted my wine and threw it away saying that i could still improve it, it's unnecessary to ask me." It was the message of a certain god with long black hair.

That's why the faces of those present in the room changed, the union of those families, even if it was just a threat, was not a joke.

"I speak on behalf of all these families and the Lazuli group, I hope you make a good decision, Guild Leader." Liliruca said as Mikhael caught up with the information.

(...) Mikhael had to lower his head as he covered his face with one hand to hide his expression. While he was wondering why on earth that girl's tiny back looked so firm.

It seemed that he again made a mistake again and underestimated the influence he had on many people in his future trip to the past.

He raised his head after a few moments and looked at the girl who turned around and smiled at him as if asking for praise. Mikhael smiled warmly give her a thumbs up.

(It's a bit exaggerated and not at all necessary...but...thank you...)


(Author note:Good morning or evening. This was just to say that i will not to delay this Ishtar Familia plot too much. There is only one chapter left of it and some other things like the almost forgotten Miach. And then comes the next thing with the Loki Familia and Hephaustus Familia.)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ZaelKlizcreators' thoughts
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