

After their triumphant exit from the depths of the dungeon and leaving the tower of Babel behind, Althea found herself reunited with the members of the Loki Familia.

Weariness etched across their faces and they returned to the Twilight Manor—their steps heavy but hearts filled with a sense of accomplishment.

Inside the familiar walls of the manor, the Loki Familia gathered in the captain's office, seeking a moment of break before addressing the aftermath of their recent battle.

Finn, their unwavering captain, stood at the forefront, his voice carrying a mix of exhaustion and pride.

"Today, we have faced formidable adversaries and emerged victorious," he began, his words resonating with the members of the Familia. "Our city is safe, thanks to your unwavering dedication and strength."

A collective sigh of relief filled the room, mingling with the quiet murmurs of agreement. The members exchanged glances, a shared sense of accomplishment washing over them.

Gareth, a seasoned member of the Loki Familia, stepped forward and spoke up. "It was a tough battle, but we held our ground. The Evils won't dare to threaten us for now."

Finn nodded— a sense of gratitude evident in his expression. "Indeed, Gareth. Your guidance and bravery played a significant role in our victory. We owe our success to each and every one of you."

Loki stepped forward, her voice carrying an air of authority. "I'm proud of all of you. Your strength and unity have once again proven the might of the Familia. Our bonds are unbreakable."

The room filled with nods and murmurs of appreciation, the members acknowledging one another's efforts and resilience.

"There is something else we need to address. During our time in the dungeon, I encountered a god named Thanatos." Althea's voice rose above the murmurs, her tone urgent and filled with a hint of concern.

Curiosity sparked in the eyes of the gathered members as they turned their attention to Althea. Finn raised an eyebrow, his gaze focused on her. "Thanatos? What business does a god have in the dungeon?"

Althea took a deep breath, her voice steady as she recounted her encounter with Thanatos and his manipulative schemes. She spoke of his attempts to recruit them as followers of Death and the dangers he posed.

"He tried to exploit our weaknesses and lure us into his service," Althea explained, determination shining in her eyes. "But I saw through his deception and refused to be swayed by his false promises."

Loki listened intently, her expression a mix of concern and contemplation. "Thanatos... He's quite a dangerous god. We must not underestimate his power or his intentions. This requires thorough investigation."

Finn's expression hardened, his voice carrying a note of caution. "Indeed, Loki. We cannot ignore this threat. Gareth, I trust you to lead the investigation. Uncover as much information as you can about Thanatos and his plans."

Gareth stepped forward—his resolve evident in his voice. "Aye, I'll delve into every lead and gather intelligence on this god. We cannot allow him to disrupt the peace of Orario."

Finn nodded—his gaze focused on the gathered members. "Stay vigilant, everyone. We have proven our strength, but we must remain prepared for any future encounters with Thanatos."

Althea's gaze shifted to Ais's closed door, a worried expression on her face. "For now, we must also take care of Ais. She was injured protecting me during the battle."

Riveria, always composed, placed a comforting hand on Althea's shoulder. "Rest assured, Althea. We will ensure Ais receives the best care and attention. She will recover swiftly under our watch."

Gratitude washed over Althea as she nodded, a renewed resolve glimmering in her eyes. "Thank you, Riveria."

Fin, who was listening, interjects, "Let us remain vigilant, both for Ais's sake and to protect Orario from any dangers."

With their goals set and a shared understanding of the challenges that lay ahead, the members of the Loki Familia dispersed, each tasked with their respective responsibilities.

The threat of Thanatos lingered in their minds, but they were united in their resolve to protect their city and one another.


Exhausted from the day's events, Althea retreated to her room and collapsed onto her bed. The weight of the recent battles and encounters lingered in her mind as she tried to find solace in sleep. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to drift into the realm of dreams.

In this mysterious realm, she found herself in a dark space, devoid of light. Before her stood a figure that bore a striking resemblance to herself, but with distinct differences.

The person wore a white dress and possessed a cold and emotionless expression—a stark contrast to Althea's own warmth and determination.

Cautiously, Althea addressed the figure before her. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and uncertainty.

The person snorted, a flicker of disdain in her eyes. "You're using my body, so you tell me," she replied, her tone laced with an edge of sarcasm.

Althea's eyes widened with realization. "Your body? Wait... Don't tell me... You are..." Her voice trailed off as the truth dawned on her.

The person nodded, confirming Althea's suspicions. "Yes, I am the real Althea, the owner of the body your soul inhabits."

Althea's mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. She had always suspected that her current existence was a result of a soul transfer, but encountering the true owner of her body brought forth a mixture of curiosity, apprehension, and self-reflection.

"Why are you here? What do you want? Don't tell me you're here to reclaim your body, do you?" Althea asked, her voice wavering slightly as she tried to comprehend the situation.

The real Althea shook her head and replied, "As much as I wanted to reclaim my body from you, I couldn't do it."

"Eh? Why not?" Althea asked, her voice filled with confusion.

The real Althea gathered her thoughts before revealing her answer. "Because I no longer exist. I died a long time ago."

Althea's eyes widened in shock, her heart pounding in her chest. The revelation left her speechless, her mind struggling to process the truth.

The real Althea continued, her voice carrying a hint of sadness. "I was on the verge of death after my sister and I were trapped inside that ice prison for a long time."

Silence hung in the air as Althea absorbed the weight of those words. The realization that she was living in the body of a deceased person stirred countless emotions within her.

The real Althea's gaze softened as she looked at Althea. "However, before I perished, your soul entered my body. I tried to refuse your soul at first, but I decided to keep you for the sake of my sister."

Althea's voice trembled as she spoke, her eyes glistening with tears. "Your sister... Ais. You sacrificed your existence for her?"

The real Althea nodded, a bittersweet smile gracing her lips. "Yes. she was my everything. I couldn't bear to leave her alone, so I made the choice to let your soul inhabit my body."

Althea's heart ached with a newfound understanding and empathy. The weight of her purpose in this world deepened as she realized the sacrifices made on her behalf.

"But why did you tell me those harsh words earlier, you know, about me being a failure and whatnot?" Althea asked, attempting to lighten the mood.

The real Althea's expression softened, and she sighed. "I apologize for my words. It was my frustration speaking. While I see your potential, I worry that your childishness might hinder my sister's growth. I want her to flourish, and I hope you can support her on that path."

Althea nodded—her determination resolute. "I understand now. I will be there for Ais and help her reach her full potential."

The real Althea's gaze held a mix of trust and appreciation. "In that case, I would like to know your real name."

Althea hesitated for a moment, contemplating her response. "Haruka... My real name is Haruka Fujimoto."

A gentle smile graced the real Althea's lips as she spoke earnestly. "I see... Thank you, Haruka. Please take care of my sister on my behalf and cherish your new life in my body."

With those final words, the dream began to fade, leaving Althea with a newfound clarity and purpose. She woke up, her heart lighter and her resolve stronger than ever.

From that day forward, Althea would carry the weight of the real Althea's sacrifice, supporting Ais with unwavering love and dedication.

She would honor her sister's memory and nurture the bond they shared, ensuring that Ais's path would be illuminated by the love of two sisters entwined across the boundaries of existence.


The following day dawned with a sense of purpose as the members of the Loki Familia embarked on various tasks to address the aftermath of their recent battles.

In the captain's office, Riveria's stern gaze focused on Ais, her voice carrying a serious tone. "Ais, venturing into the dungeon alone was a reckless decision. Not only did it put yourself in danger, but it also endangered Althea."

Ais nodded, her stoic expression revealing a hint of remorse. "I apologize, Riveria. I only wanted to prove that I am strong enough to protect Althea."

Riveria's stern expression softened slightly as she placed a hand on Ais's shoulder. "Ais, as a Familia, we are here to support each other. But remember, teamwork and communication are crucial in our battles. We must rely on one another's strength."

Ais silently absorbed Riveria's words, a sense of understanding settling within her. "Understood, Riveria. I will keep that in mind."

Meanwhile, Finn and Gareth dedicated themselves to assist on the laborious task of repairing the damage caused to the Industrial District. They worked tirelessly, coordinating efforts to fortify the city's defenses against any future threats.

In between their duties, they continued their investigation into Thanatos, concentrating on any available information. However, progress proved to be exasperatingly time-consuming, and the mystery surrounding the god remained elusive.

Later that day, Loki summoned Althea and Ais to her private quarters, her mischievous grin hinting at something exciting.

With a playful tone, she announced, "It's time for a little update, my dear adventurers! Get ready to unlock your full potential!"

Althea's eyes sparkled with curiosity, her lively nature reemerging. "An update? About time! We've been waiting for this for a while now."

Loki chuckled, enjoying the anticipation in their eyes. "No need to worry, my little firecrackers. I'll performed the necessary rituals to update your Falna. Consider it a reward for your hard work."

The ritual commenced, with Loki channeling her divine magic to calibrate both Althea's and Ais's Falna. The room hummed with magical energy as the process unfolded.

Once the ritual concluded, Loki handed each sister a freshly updated status paper. Their eyes widened in astonishment as they examined a specific detail.

Ais's stoic demeanor cracked for a brief moment as she exclaimed, "We leveled up!"

A playful grin stretched across Althea's face, her excitement evident. "You're right, Ais! We're finally advancing! We're both level 2!"

Loki joined in their celebration, her eyes sparkling with entertainment. "Congratulations, you two! Your determination and growth have paid off. Now go out there and show the world what you're capable of!"

Eager to put their newfound strength to the test, the sisters exchanged a glance filled with excitement and strength.

They were ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that with their strengthened abilities, they could overcome any obstacle that crossed their path.

With renewed confidence, Althea and Ais set forth, their hearts brimming with anticipation and a burning desire to leave their mark on the world of adventurers.

Every great story is a journey of growth, where characters face challenges, discover their strengths, and emerge transformed. It is within these trials that the true essence of their character is revealed.

Good_Doggo2001creators' thoughts
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