
A Fateful Departure

My name is Haruka Fujimoto, and I was feeling like the coolest kid in St. Midori High School. As I walked down the crowded hallways, my hair swayed like I was auditioning for a shampoo commercial.

I was on a mission, strutting with purpose like a model on a catwalk, while everyone else seemed to be stuck in a chaotic dance routine.

The noise around me was like a symphony, a mash-up of voices and footsteps, but I was the conductor of coolness, soaking it all in. I had the superpower of spotting every little detail, like a paparazzi hunting for the juiciest gossip.

Nothing escaped my eagle eye, not even the tiniest drama or the most ridiculous fashion mishap.

I couldn't help but feel like a spectator in the grand circus called life. Every day, I sat back with my metaphorical popcorn, ready to witness the latest episode of the human comedy.

It was like a never-ending reality show, and I was the snarky commentator, armed with sarcastic quips and witty remarks.

Ah, school life, the grand theater for my social shenanigans. It was a peculiar blend of a cheesy sitcom and a predictable routine, complete with a laugh track at the ready.

Yet, hidden within those familiar walls, I stumbled upon sparks of pure awesomeness that made the monotony oh-so-worthwhile.

And then there was Rika, my trusty partner in mischief. With her boundless enthusiasm, she could transform a snooze-inducing lecture into a full-blown rock concert.

I swear, that girl had a knack for injecting chaos into every situation. Strap in, because with Rika around, even the dullest moments became wild rollercoaster rides.

"Hey, Haruka! How'd your English essay turn out?" Rika asked, practically vibrating with excitement.

I flashed her a cocky grin and fired back, "Oh, you know, Rika. I slayed it like a literary ninja! My words were so slick, they practically did the Macarena on the page!"

Rika's face lit up like a Christmas tree, and she clapped her hands like a caffeinated seal. "That's incredible, Haruka! Your writing is pure magic. Can't wait to get my hands on it!"

English class wasn't just some snooze-fest for me, it was my own personal playground. I could bend words to my every whim, crafting stories that would make Shakespeare himself shed a tear.

It was my secret lair where I reigned supreme as the queen of creativity.

But hold on, folks, because my talents didn't stop there. I was also the reigning diva of the drama club, baby!

Stepping into that club room was like entering a whole new universe where reality took a backseat and imagination grabbed the steering wheel. It was a wild ride where I got to unleash my inner drama queen and bring characters to life like nobody's business.

Buckle up, folks, because this show's just getting started!

"Mei, my fellow drama enthusiast! What masterpiece are we tackling today?" I asked, my voice dripping with theatricality.

Mei beamed and replied, "We're diving into the grand finale, darling. Get ready for a performance that'll render the audience speechless!"

I arched an eyebrow and smirked, channeling my inner diva. "Darling, 'speechless' is practically my middle name. Let's give them a show that'll haunt their dreams!"

With each character I embraced, I unleashed a whirlwind of emotions, leaving the audience awestruck. I could make them laugh, cry, and question their existence, all in the span of a single act.

It was like being a magician, except instead of rabbits and hats, I had monologues and spotlights.

But amid all the glitz and glamour of showbiz, my family was my rock. They were the peanut butter to my jelly, the Beyoncé to my Destiny's Child.

Our home was a fortress of love and laughter, where we dished out hugs and snappy comebacks in equal measure.

Sitting around the dinner table, with the tantalizing aroma of my mom's cooking wafting through the air, we shared stories that would make sitcom writers green with envy.

"So, spill the tea, Haruka. How was your day?" my mom asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

I leaned back in my chair and grinned, hamming it up for maximum effect. "Oh, Mom, let me tell you, it was epic. I aced that English test like a dragon spewing fire! The teacher had to call the fire department to handle my brilliance!"

My parents erupted in laughter, their pride shining like a spotlight on a superstar. "Our little wordsmith is unstoppable!" my dad proclaimed, a twinkle of admiration in his eyes.

With the unwavering love and support of my family, I knew I could conquer the world. Armed with my quick wit and a heart brimming with ambition, I was ready to make a difference, one sassy remark at a time.

So, world, brace yourselves! Haruka Fujimoto is here to entertain, inspire, and leave you clamoring for an encore! Get ready to be dazzled!


Well, that was until something really bad happened to me out of nowhere. Seriously, it blindsided me, like a total plot twist.

It all began like any other ordinary day. My trusty alarm clock did its job, and I begrudgingly shut it up.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and welcomed the warm sunlight creeping through my curtains, fooling me into thinking it would be a smooth sailing. With a stretch and a yawn, I stumbled out of bed, ready to conquer the day.

As I made my way downstairs, those creaky wooden steps played their little symphony beneath my feet.

Ah, the inviting smell of coffee tickled my nose, giving my senses a much-needed jolt. Mom and Dad were in the kitchen, whipping up a breakfast feast. Their smiles radiated warmth and good vibes, setting the tone for the day.

We gathered around the table, treated to the sizzle of bacon in the pan. Oh, the joy of crispy bacon and fluffy pancakes, a breakfast bliss moment.

But little did I know that this picture-perfect morning would flip my world upside down. I said goodbye to my family and headed off to school, humming a cheerful tune.

The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and everything seemed just peachy.

Lost in my own little musical bubble, thanks to my earphones blasting my favorite tunes, I strolled along the busy city streets.

Life was buzzing around me, with people rushing about like hyperactive ants. It was thrilling and electrifying.

Then, out of nowhere, all hell broke loose. A deafening noise pierced the air, making my ears want to retreat into hiding. I turned my head and saw a massive truck hurtling toward me.


That truck's horn was on a mission to shatter eardrums, drowning out any other sound. The brakes screeched like a banshee, sending a chill down my spine.

Time decided to mess with me, slowing down to a snail's pace, throwing my brain into a frenzy.

Panic surged through my veins, but my legs seemed stuck in place. It was like an invisible wrestling match with fear, and I was losing big time.

Frozen in terror, I watched helplessly as the truck came closer.

"No freaking way! This can't be real!" I shouted, my voice quivering like a leaf in a hurricane.

The screeching grew louder, cranking up the volume on my terror to eleven. I desperately wanted to move, to break free from the invisible chains that held me hostage.

"Move, Haruka, MOVE!" I pleaded with myself, my heart pounding like a wild drum solo.

But no matter how hard I pushed, it was like slamming into a brick wall made of pure fear.


And just like that, chaos erupted. Pain shot through my body like a misfired firework. The world spun, a tornado of shattered glass, twisted metal, and people's screams.

The pain was relentless, threatening to knock me out cold. Darkness closed in, blurring my vision and numbing my senses.

"I can't believe this crap... I'm not ready for this!" I thought, a mix of disbelief and desperation swirling in my mind.

I fought against the encroaching darkness, holding on to my fleeting consciousness. I refused to go down without a fight—I still had so much to do, so much to say.

"I won't give up... There's a whole darn world waiting for me!" I whispered to myself, hoping for a miracle.

But as the darkness swallowed me whole, a strange calm settled over me. I accepted the inevitable and found peace within.

"So, this is how it ends, huh?" I pondered, searching for answers in the void.

Thoughts of my loved ones flooded my mind, memories playing like an emotional slideshow. Love and gratitude washed over me, tinged with regret for unsaid words and missed moments.

"I hope they know... I hope they know it all," I murmured, my voice fading into the weight of the moment.

And then, in the stillness of my mind, I surrendered to the mysterious journey ahead. The life of Haruka Fujimoto was taking an unexpected turn, and I was buckled in for the ride.

With a defiant exhale, I closed my eyes, embracing the enigma that awaited me. It was time to turn the page and start a brand-new chapter.

I have little to no knowledge regarding Sword Oratoria and Danmachi, so apologize in advance to the readers if I make any mistakes and errors in the lore of the story. If it's okay with you, please help me in this journey together.

Good_Doggo2001creators' thoughts
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