
Is it wrong to not having god blessing in dungeon? (Danmachi fanfic)

A boy suddenly awake in the forest running from monsters he meet wandering spirit which save him by giving spirit blessing. At that moment he regain his past life memories along with skills Get creative and LP conversion from hidden dungeon only I can enter. * I don't own danmachi or any other works mentioned in this fanfic. * i dont own this picture. * this story will start by exploring the outside of Orario first and then later he go to Orario

ExtraordinaryMe · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 - the way to Evolution

* hey my dear readers it is me again, it has been a really long break from writing even though I still wrote scripts from new ideas I liked.

I hope you will like this story and give me your comments and power stone, this is the last chapter focused on training for now, it will be soon he depart to the world tell me places you would like him to travel except Orario.

I hope you would enjoy this chapter!

(note - could you please tell me how you found this fanfic as i couldnt found it with search words "Danmachi" or "is it wrong" if tou have tip how i rise the fanfic in search result? i would br thankful.)


Three months of intense training had transformed Noctis into a physical powerhouse. His body was now comparable to the peak of level one adventurers, a testament to his optimal training resulting from his "Auto Training" skill. But even as he marveled at his newfound strength, he knew that there were greater challenges ahead.

As Noctis ventured toward the treasure room to refill his money pocket used on basic needs, eager to test his enhanced abilities with a monster he met on his way there.

In a rocky clearing, he encountered a fierce monster - a Kobold, its snarling visage a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the Danmachi.

The Kobolds lunged at him, claws gleaming with menace. With reflexes honed through rigorous training, Noctis drew a sword, sidestepping the attack and parrying with precision.

He delivered a powerful strike, the blade slicing through the air with deadly intent.

The Kobold howled in pain and fell dead on the ground, but the fight was far from defeated.

"I can't let my guard down. This is a real battle."

Noctis unleashed a flurry of strikes, his sword dancing through the air as he engaged the next Kobold.

With each blow, he could feel the strength in his body slashing through monster flesh and bones.

The battle was fierce, and Noctis had to draw upon all his newfound strength and skills to emerge victorious. He delivered a finishing blow, a powerful thrust that sent the Kobolds tumbling to the ground, defeated.

"A victory, but I can't get complacent. This is just the beginning."

As he continued his way to the treasure room to refill his money pocket again, he stumbled upon six more Kobolds, each more formidable than the last. They growled in unison, their eyes filled with predatory intent.

The battle that followed was a test of Noctis's limits. His sword flashed and parried, his body moving with fluid grace as he countered their attacks. Each Kobold was relentless, and their coordination made them a formidable adversary.

"I can't falter now. I've come too far." the feeling of cutting living beings along with blood sprayed on me along with my own injuries.

"So this is what it means to take life" he looked around surrounded by monsters.

. But he refused to yield. With sheer determination, he landed powerful blows, each one weakening his opponents. It was a battle of attrition, and Noctis knew that he had to outlast them.

Finally, after a grueling struggle against many monsters, he emerged victorious once more, though not without injuries. His body was battered and bruised, and he could feel the limits of his current abilities.

As he arrived in the treasure room to take valuable things he took a potion to heal himself.

"Why there were so many monsters? damn it!!" he fought at least 16 kobolds and 30 goblins.

When I was in those areas before there weren't this many monsters so why?

Well, it doesn't matter now. He think to himself and contemplated his options. He had reached the peak of his physical potential, he could feel it in his body that no matter how much he trained the change wouldn't be significant.

I have spirit blessing which is used on ancient heroes allowing them to be strong enough to kill powerful monsters.

But it's strange that I who possess the same blessing feel limited in potential growth, maybe the spirit's blessing needs to be updated just like Falna from the gods.

Well, I am not sure about whether there are levels or something like that but my theory is passable as in all legends the spirit becomes a hero ally always near him.

Well if I am right then I am in trouble as I can't grow in power anymore.

the monsters on the surface were but a fraction of the threats that awaited me in the dungeon so I can't stop being stronger now.

He felt a sense of frustration and inadequacy wash over him.

Three options presented themselves. The first was searching for the spirit who gave him his blessing, but this was too much time cost as I did not know where to search and also spending LP on skill 

finding or summoning the spirit feel wasted.

The Second was to join a Familia and receive the blessing of the Gods known as Falna. Most problems such as dying on the way there or distrust of the gods were no more factors to avoid doing it but still, the Gods were a risky proposition, especially when he possessed the unique ability to create skills, so I prefer avoiding this option.

The last option was to create a new skill using his "Get Creative" and LP conversion abilities to create a fitting skill for growth. However, despite having earned a substantial amount of LP through his training and accomplishments and even recovered all previous LP wasted on Golden Rule and Auto training, it still wasn't enough to create the skill he sought - "Evolution." which cost 7500 Lp.

Noctis, resourceful and thoughtful as ever, used his abilities once more. He created the "Item Conversion" skill, which allowed him to convert items into LP based on their worth. He selected all remaining money along with a chest of gold coins, valuable magic potions,2 swords of the highest quality for himself and converted the rest of the treasure into a vast amount of LP.

The total amount was 8999 LP which was enough for the evolution skill.

Used it to create the skill he had longed for - "Evolution." This skill would enhance his body by triggering a bodily recovery system, restructuring his genome, and upgrading his physical form every time he reached his limits and further training wouldn't provide any worthwhile improvement.

This skill is too passive as such it activated quickly after being created

the process of evolution was nothing short of excruciating. His entire body convulsed as if it were being torn apart from the inside out. The pain surged through him, reaching deep into his bones, muscles, and organs, causing him to cry out in agony.

"Ahhhh.. It hurt..it hurt..it hurt" The pain was too unbearable even the tolerance .to pain he gained through training wasn't enough to help him endure it without screaming out of pain.

Gasping for breath and drenched in sweat, Noctis clung to his consciousness. "I... can't... give... up..."

As the pain reached its zenith, his vision blurred, and his world became a maelstrom of sensations. But then, gradually, the torment began to subside. The searing pain was replaced by a soothing warmth that washed over him, mending his battered form.

Noctis breathing heavily and recovering from the process of evolution.

As Noctis regained his composure, he could feel the profound changes that had occurred within him. His muscles felt denser and more powerful, his endurance seemed boundless, and his reflexes were heightened to an almost superhuman level. Every fiber of his being tingled with newfound energy and vitality.

With a mixture of relief and awe, he marveled at his own transformation. "I did it... I evolved... My body... it's so different now."

He flexed his muscles, feeling their newfound strength, and marveled at the heightened senses that allowed him to perceive the world in greater detail. The once-aching joints and muscles were now supple and responsive.

His voice trembled with emotion. "I never want to experience this kind of pain again.

Using Lp remained he used 100 Lp to create pain Nullfaction which negates any pain felt in the designed situations which he first set on the evolution time.

Now let's return to the training! He says as he returns to home