
New town

'Ok ok I got this. New school but that's ok..that's ok deep breaths deep breaths' Ashton has been trying to calm his nerves all night. His wings fluttered lightly on his back, Ashton was part Valkyrie though most people didn't believe him really since he didn't have the reaping power of a Valkyrie, he doesn't know why but he is quite happy he doesn't have the reaping powers because once a full Valkyrie with reaping powers touches someone who isn't Valkyrie or dead, immediately die, they also have large white wings unlike ashton who has huge black wings with streaks of white. Though ashton does have the strength speed and specialty with animals of a Valkyrie.

Ashton took a deep breath finally arriving at school, he got off his skateboard picking it up and walking into the school, he looked around 'why is everyone so tall?!' Being 5'1 wasn't helping one bit, almost immediately after he heard some screaming "whats that about...?" He mumbled to himself and walked into a empty hallway where a girl was screaming at a guy...a really..cute. Guy. The girl ended up running off crying "you know it's not polite to ease drop." The stranger said, how did he even know I was here I was hiding!? "I uh I I Im sorry! I just heard y-ye-" I stuttered but was quickly cut off by the guy rolling his eyes and saying "just shut up. I don't even know you and you're already annoying me" He glared. "Rude much.." ashton mumbled to himself, the guy looked at him raising an eyebrow "you say something?" Ashton squeaked "n-no!" He was a bit red. "You know you're quite cute..for a pipsqueak." The guy said and walked off. Ashton was bright red now as the bell rung and he quickly made his way to his first class.

Once he got to class he walked in "you're late." The teacher said looking at him. Ashton looked around "sorry...I I got lost.." he heard some girls snicker 'popular girls..' the teacher sighed and told him to sit down, he nodded and sat down at the only seat left, it seemed to be a guy, who was asleep? I couldn't tell who since the guy had his head down. During the whole class he heard snickers and whispers coming from a couple girls in the back, so I was relieved when the bell rang, everyone eventually left and I realized the guy was still n asleep so I awkwardly shuffled over and nervously tapped his shoulder gently "h-hey um class I-is over wake up.." the guy groaned groggily and lifted his head "so?" The guy shot back "so it's time to leave th-the class room...?" The guy rolled his eyes "whatever pipsqueak" the guy slowly rose to his feet. Ashton looked up at the guy "I Im a ashton..." he swallowed "alexander. But just call me Alex." ashton nodded "ok.." He quickly walked off. Alexander looked him up and down before ashton walked out he smirked "nice ass." Alexander was smirking as Ashton squeaked and ran out the class room. Alexander walked out quietly he decided to skip second period, as he walked to the rooftop he heard yelling, he got curious and walked to the noise.