
Omake 1

Title: "Chloe's Encounter"

In the bustling streets of Orario, Tokito Muichiro was taking a leisurely walk, enjoying the city's vibrant atmosphere.

Unbeknownst or perhaps known to him, he had a silent observer, Chloe Rollo, the cat-eared waitress from the hostess of Fertility.

"Oh...isn't that Mr tokito."

Chloe's curiosity had led her to tail Muichiro, intrigued by the usually stoic member of the Demeter familia.

For an entire afternoon, Chloe followed Muichiro, careful not to expose herself.

She watched in awe as he displayed a side of himself she had never seen before.

Muichiro was like a ray of sunshine, helping elderly citizens with their heavy grocery bags, playing with children on the streets, and even introducing them to a new game he called hopscotch.

He even patiently listened to the life stories of wise elders relaxing on the street and how they boasted about their lives as retired adventurers.

Chloe couldn't help but find it all incredibly endearing and cute. She was surprised by Muichiro's kindness and gentle nature.

Her admiration only grew as she watched him generously give some valis to a homeless man, brightening his day.

However, an unexpected mishap brought an amusing twist to the day.

"Pffft..." She held back her laughter.

Muichiro accidentally tripped and fell headfirst into a water fountain, much to Chloe's amusement.

She couldn't help but giggle at the adorable sight of the usually composed Muichiro soaked from head to toe.

But the real surprise came when Muichiro, seemingly unfazed by the mishap, decided to remove his shirt to dry off.

Chloe's heart skipped a beat as she watched, and suddenly, a nosebleed burst forth uncontrollably.

Overwhelmed by a surge of excitement, Chloe's vision blurred, and she passed out.

When Chloe regained consciousness, she was mortified by the embarrassing situation.

She had fainted at the sight of Muichiro shirtless, and now she couldn't look at him the same way.

Her cheeks flushed crimson at the memory, and whenever she thought about that moment, she was plagued by nosebleeds.


Title: "Muichiro has the Munchies"

In the cosy kitchen of the familia manor, Muichiro sat perched on a stool, his expression as blank as ever.

His attention was entirely devoted to a bag of freshly fried Jagamarukun, his favourite snack. He crunched away happily, savouring each bite with a serene, emotionless expression.

As Muichiro munched on his Jagamarukun, a fellow familia member entered the kitchen. "Hey, Muichiro," he greeted, but received no response from the devoted snacker.

Muichiro was too engrossed in his munching to acknowledge the greeting.

The familia member, feeling a bit peckish, decided to grab an apple from the fruit bowl.

As he did, he offhandedly commented, "You know, those Jagamarukun aren't very healthy. Apples are much better for you."

Muichiro's munching came to a sudden halt. His eyes, as deadpan as ever, bore into the familia member's soul.

In a hushed tone that sent shivers down the spine, he uttered a single word: "Heretic."

The familia member blinked in confusion, wondering why Muichiro was suddenly repeating the word while looking so terrifying.

Before he could react, Muichiro was upon him, swift as a shadow. He couldn't even scream for help before it was too late.

An hour later, the kitchen was bathed in a tranquil silence. Muichiro sat back on his stool, happily munching away on his Jagamarukun once more.

Meanwhile, a tearful middle-aged man hung from the ceiling, an apple in his mouth, and the word "heretic" painted on his forehead.

Just as Muichiro continued his munching, another familia member strolled into the kitchen. "Hello, Muichiro," he greeted with a friendly smile. "Have you seen Ralph anywhere? He disappeared an hour ago."

Muichiro simply shook his head, acting oblivious to the events of the past hour. The familia member shrugged and said goodbye, wondering where his friend had vanished to.

As he closed the door behind him, little did he know that if he had just looked up, he would have seen a rather peculiar scene.

But Muichiro continued to enjoy his Jagamarukun in peace, his serene and emotionless facade unbroken.


Title: "Bell's Cooking Catastrophe"

In the bustling city of Orario, where adventurers trained for their quests, Bell Cranel, the determined young adventurer, found himself in an unexpected predicament.

It all started when he decided to try his hand at cooking in the familia's communal kitchen.

Now, Bell was known for his unwavering spirit and determination, but when it came to culinary skills, he was, well, less than impressive.

With an apron tied around his waist, he stood before a cluttered counter, a cookbook in one hand, and a perplexed expression on his face.

"Okay, I can do this. Just follow the recipe," Bell mumbled to himself, attempting to mimic the steps he had read in the book.

However, what unfolded in the kitchen could only be described as a cooking catastrophe.

Flour flew through the air, eggs cracked onto the floor, and vegetables rolled away as if attempting to escape Bell's clutches. It was a symphony of chaos and confusion.

Just then, Hestia, Bell's supportive goddess and the head of their familia, entered the kitchen. She watched the disaster unfold with a mixture of amusement and concern.

"Bell-kun, are you sure you don't need some help?" Hestia asked, trying to stifle her laughter.

Bell, covered in flour and looking defeated, sighed. "I just wanted to surprise everyone with a homemade meal."

Hestia couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, it's the thought that counts, right?"

But Bell was determined. With Hestia's guidance and some well-placed advice, they managed to salvage the ingredients and prepare a meal that, while not exactly gourmet, was at least edible.

Was it edible, I guess they wouldn't know until they tried it.

As they sat down to eat, the familia members gathered around, unsure of what to expect. Bell presented his creation with a hesitant smile.

"I may not be a chef, but I put my heart into making this meal," Bell said.

Hestia nodded in agreement. "And that's what matters most."

The familia members took their first bites, and while the meal was far from perfect, they couldn't help but smile.

Meanwhile, a certain goddess who was spying on her cute little rabbit bite her lip in jealousy.


Title: "I'm not leaving my bed..."

In the grand city of Orario, the Loki Familia faced an unusual challenge one bright morning – getting their beloved goddess, Loki, out of bed.

Loki, known for her lively and mischievous nature, had a habit of sleeping in when she could.

As the minutes turned into hours, the familia members tried various methods to rouse Loki from her slumber.

They attempted loud music, a chorus of cheerful greetings, and even the aroma of a tantalizing breakfast wafting through the room.

But Loki, wrapped in her blankets, remained resolute in her pursuit of more sleep.

Tione, one of the familia members, sighed in frustration. "I can't believe she's still asleep."

Tiona, her sister, nodded in agreement. "We've tried everything."

Even Finn, the leader of the familia, couldn't hide his exasperation. "I've never seen her sleep this late."

Just when they were about to give up, Ais Wallenstein, the usually stoic and composed swordswoman, stepped forward. She looked at Loki's slumbering form with a determined expression.

"Leave it to me," Ais said quietly, her voice carrying an unusual air of confidence.

With a sense of curiosity, the familia members watched as Ais approached Loki's bedside.

She leaned in closer and whispered something into Loki's ear. The other familia members strained to hear, but whatever Ais had said remained a secret.

Suddenly, Loki's eyes snapped open, and she bolted upright in bed, a mix of surprise and enthusiasm on her face. She quickly dressed and practically leapt out of bed, her energy renewed.

"Alright, everyone, let's get going!" Loki declared, her usual liveliness returning.

The familia members exchanged bewildered glances, wondering what Ais had said to work such a miracle.

Ais on the other hand walked out of the room and followed Loki.

'I will...let you...touch it...once.'


If the others had found out what Ais had promised Loki, they all would have been rendered speechless.

Hope you enjoyed. Tell me if you want more of these in the future...

Iseeyou6969creators' thoughts
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