
Is it wrong to live steadily!

In a world where gods and mortals coexist, a young swordsman named Muichiro finds himself torn from his original life and thrust into a new existence. But this time, he lacks one crucial aspect that defines humanity - emotions. Reincarnated into the realm of Orario, a bustling city known for its labyrinthine dungeons and adventurers seeking fame and fortune, Muichiro embarks on a journey that transcends his past.. Guided by the enigmatic goddess named Moon, Muichiro's mission is twofold: to explore the intricate world of Danmachi (Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka) and to uncover the very essence of emotions that he lacks...

Iseeyou6969 · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Three

"It seems you have a strong sense of justice, even if you might not fully comprehend it," she mused, her tone gentle but contemplative.

Muichiro's expression remained unchanged, but there was a subtle shift in the air as he absorbed her words.

'Sense of Justice, that doesn't seem to be the case, I was just experimenting...' Muichiro thought, as Demeter's hands glided through his hair.

She was completely bare in front of Muichiro, but emotions and feelings like lust eluded Muichiro so he did not react to the goddess's bare body.

But if others knew, they would probably wish they were Muichiro at that very moment.

Though a certain God of lighting would probably have given Muichiro a thumbs up.

It was as if he was processing her assessment, even if he couldn't quite grasp the nuances of emotions like justice.

His eyes met hers for a moment, a silent acknowledgement passing between them before he turned his attention back to the task at hand—washing away the remnants of the day.

The water's embrace was soothing, a temporary respite from the world's complexities.


In the dimly lit bathing area, the warm water enveloped Muichiro and Demeter, creating a sense of intimacy and tranquillity.

As they continued to cleanse themselves, the atmosphere seemed to encourage conversation, an unspoken invitation to share thoughts and reflections.

"Muichiro," Demeter's voice broke the comfortable silence, "do you ever find yourself curious about the emotions of others? About the things that drive them?"

Muichiro's gaze was directed downward, focusing on the water rippling around his fingertips as he lathered soap. "Emotions are not something I experience, but I have observed that they play a significant role in human interactions," he replied, his tone even.

Demeter nodded, her own fingers tracing patterns in the water as she considered his response. "Indeed, emotions are like currents that guide us. They can lead to compassion, love, determination, and even darker emotions like anger and fear."

Muichiro's brow furrowed slightly as he pondered her words. "I have seen expressions of those emotions in others, but I cannot fully comprehend their impact."

Demeter's eyes softened with understanding. "It's alright if you don't fully grasp them, Muichiro. Emotions are complex, even for those who experience them."

As they conversed, the water around them gradually took on a soothing, reflective quality, mirroring the depth of their discussion.

Demeter's fingers reached for a vial of scented oil, pouring a few drops into the water. The aroma of lavender filled the air, adding a sense of tranquillity to the moment.

"Muichiro, you may not experience emotions the way others do, but that doesn't mean you can't develop empathy," Demeter said gently, her gaze meeting his. "Empathy is about understanding and respecting the emotions of others, even if you don't feel them yourself."

Muichiro absorbed her words, the concept of empathy taking root in his thoughts. "Empathy," he repeated, testing the word as if trying to understand its implications.

"Yes, empathy," Demeter affirmed with a smile. "It's about putting yourself in someone else's shoes, trying to understand their perspective, even if you don't share their emotions."

A contemplative look tugged at the corner of Muichiro's lips, a faint reflection of the warmth he was beginning to feel in Demeter's presence. "I will strive to cultivate empathy, then."

'Empathy, Empathy, Empathy....' Muichiro repeated that word in his head.

Demeter's smile brightened, her gaze reflecting pride and encouragement. "That's the spirit, Muichiro. With time, you'll find that connections with others become more meaningful."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by moments of shared understanding.

As they rinsed away the soap and oil, the water around them seemed to carry with it a sense of renewed purpose—a purpose that went beyond the confines of words and emotions.

Demeter's gaze lingered on Muichiro, her voice softening. "Remember, Muichiro, you may not feel emotions the way others do, but that doesn't diminish the value of the connections you form. Your actions speak volumes, and sometimes, that's all that matters."

Muichiro met her gaze, his own expression serene. "Thank you for guiding me, Demeter."

As the water continued to flow around them, the weight of their conversation settled in the air, their bond deepening amidst the gentle currents.


( The Next Morning)

The predawn darkness wrapped around the Demeter Familia Manor like a velvet shroud, casting shadows that danced in anticipation of the upcoming spectacle.

In the midst of this tranquillity, Muichiro, clad in his ceremonial outfit, moved with grace and precision. The torches he had strategically placed formed a circle, their flickering flames illuminating the area in a warm, ethereal glow.

With his wooden sword in hand, Muichiro assumed a poised stance.

The blade seemed to pulse with energy, resonating with the power that flowed through him.

His focus was unwavering, his mind attuned to the dance that was about to unfold. He raised his sword, bells chiming softly as the anticipation built.

As the first rays of dawn began to paint the sky in delicate shades of pink and orange, Muichiro struck the wooden sword against the ground.

The impact sent a resonating vibration through the air, a clear signal that the dance was beginning.

His movements were fluid, a harmonious blend of elegance and strength.

Each step he took seemed to trace an invisible path, connecting him with the earth beneath his feet.

The torches flanking the circle of his dance roared to life, casting long shadows that swayed in rhythm with his movements.

The Hinokami Kagura dance was a celebration of fire, a dance to honour the Fire God and offer protection against threats and diseases.

Muichiro's devotion to the dance was palpable as he moved through the twelve segments with unwavering dedication.

His form was impeccable, his strikes precise and controlled. With every twirl, every spin, he seemed to merge with the flames themselves.


*Jingle, Jingle*

As the dance continued, Demeter stirred from her sleep, her senses drawn to an energy that pulsed in the air.

With a sense of curiosity, she rose from her bed and followed that pull.

Demeter put on some clothes and as she did she finally noticed that Muichiro was not in bed anymore.