
Is it wrong to live steadily!

In a world where gods and mortals coexist, a young swordsman named Muichiro finds himself torn from his original life and thrust into a new existence. But this time, he lacks one crucial aspect that defines humanity - emotions. Reincarnated into the realm of Orario, a bustling city known for its labyrinthine dungeons and adventurers seeking fame and fortune, Muichiro embarks on a journey that transcends his past.. Guided by the enigmatic goddess named Moon, Muichiro's mission is twofold: to explore the intricate world of Danmachi (Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka) and to uncover the very essence of emotions that he lacks...

Iseeyou6969 · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

As he sat down to eat the bento May had prepared for him, Muichiro found himself savouring each bite.

The flavours danced on his palate, a testament to May's culinary skills. Despite his lack of overt expression, he could appreciate the thought and effort she had put into the meal.

After finishing his breakfast, Muichiro prepared himself for the day ahead. He adjusted his clothing and tied his katana securely at his hip.

With a final glance around the room, he left, his steps leading him to the bustling streets of Orario.

The Guild loomed ahead, It seemed as busy as ever as adventurers came and went.

Muichiro entered the building, and the chatter of adventurers and the plans they had for the dungeon greeted him. He approached the front desk where a guild staff member stood.

"Good morning," the staff member greeted Muichiro with a friendly smile. "Are you here for something in particular?"

Muichiro nodded. "I'm here to meet my advisor," he replied calmly.

The staff member glanced at the records in front of them. "Ah, yes. You must be Muichiro. Your advisor, Rose Fannett, should be available now. Let me go get her for you."

Muichiro inclined his head in acknowledgement as he waited patiently. Moments later, a red-headed woman with a vibrant aura entered the area.

Her crimson hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her amber eyes held no other emotion other than boredom.

"Muichiro, I presume?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of surprise.' He's young, just another foolish child running to his death...'

Muichiro nodded once more. "Yes, that's correct."

Rose extended her hand for a greeting. "I'm Rose Fannett, your advisor. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Muichiro took her hand in a firm shake. "Likewise."

"Well, let's get started, shall we?" Rose said, leading the way to a more private corner of the guild where they could talk.

As they settled down, Rose began to explain the role of an advisor and the various ways she could assist Muichiro during his time in Orario.

She discussed his goals, strengths, and interests, tailoring her advice to his individual needs.

During their conversation, Muichiro found himself impressed by Rose's knowledge and genuine desire to help. Her cold demeanour made it easier for him to engage in the conversation, as there were no wishy-washy non-essential talks.

As their meeting continued, Muichiro's focus was solely on the conversation at hand. He absorbed the information, processing it in his own unique way. While his expressions remained unchanged, his thoughts were sharp and attentive.

By the time their discussion came to an end, Muichiro felt more informed and prepared for his journey as an adventurer.

"I see you got a sword, but no armour I suggest you get some, before diving into the dungeon, the Guild provides some for newbies for just a few thousand valis."

"I don't need it...for now," Muichiro answered and Rose's eyes narrowed slightly before signing.

"...Very well, but the option is still available if you change your mind." She said as she packed all her documents away.

Rose offered him some final words of encouragement and warning before they parted ways, returning to her respective responsibilities within the Guild.


The sun hung high in the sky as Muichiro stood before the entrance to the dungeon, this would be his first time in the dungeon.

He didn't feel any fear or excitement like others would of...all he felt was" Meh".Thats honestly how he felt about it.

This first dive would be a taste of what lay below, and now he was ready to take it on.

The entrance to the dungeon beckoned Muichiro, and so he accepted the challenge and took his first steps into the tower.

His steps echoed through the circular chamber, columns standing like ancient sentinels.

Above, the painted sky seemed to mock the darkness that awaited him below. Each step down the spiral stairs filled him with a sense of uncertainty.

The Beginning Road stretched before him, a wide hallway that was both inviting and foreboding.

Blue walls surrounded him, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. His katana rested on his hip, its weight a reassuring presence. The gentle sounds of water droplets echoed through the corridor, amplifying the sense of isolation.

*Crack, Crack*

Goblins emerged from the shadows, their grins revealing sharp teeth. Their crude weapons glinted as they advanced, driven by a primal instinct to attack any and all things that weren't monsters.

Muichiro's eyes remained focused, his grip on the katana unwavering. The moment their attack came, he moved with fluid grace, his blade slicing through the air like a lethal dance.

The Goblins fell one by one, their forms dissolving into particles of dark light and ash.

Muichiro's expression was stoic, his movements precise and calculated. He wasn't driven by fear or excitement but by a calm determination to overcome whatever challenges the dungeon presented.

'But from what Rose had told me, most of the first levels will be no problem for me, but Moon said to never let my guard down so I won't.'

Deeper he went, the corridors twisting and turning like the tendrils of a maze. The blue walls seemed to close in on him, creating an atmosphere of claustrophobia. Despite the darkness, Muichiro's senses were heightened, to around eighty percent.

Suddenly cracks formed from the walls and like butterfly's breaking out of their cocoons so too did some Kobolds, their snarls filling the air.

Their claws glinted as they lunged forward, their attacks fueled by a hunger for violence. Muichiro's katana moved in a mesmerizing pattern, parrying their strikes with ease and delivering precise counters. There was a rhythm to his movements, a harmony between man and weapon.

These creatures were unfortunately just too weak to actually make Muichiro use any of his breathing forms, his swordsmanship was enough for these monsters.

As he descended further, the Dungeon Lizards made their presence known as well. Their scales shimmered, their eyes locking onto Muichiro.

The battles became more intense, a symphony of clashes and dodges that echoed through the corridor. Muichiro's katana glowed with each strike, the blade a deadly extension of his will.

Deeper into the dungeon he ventured, and soon he found himself on the 3rd floor. The environment had shifted, the walls taking on a mossy hue. The sound of trickling water filled the air, creating a soothing yet eerie ambience. Muichiro's senses remained sharp.

Goblins once again emerged, but their demeanour seemed altered. They were more aggressive, more coordinated in their attacks.

Muichiro's katana moved with the same precision, but the battles were fiercer, the clashes more intense. His movements were like poetry, a deadly dance that navigated the chaos of combat.

As he pressed on, a new foe emerged—the Kobold Sentinels. These creatures were larger, more imposing.

Their eyes gleamed with an unsettling intelligence, their tactics more strategic, but still really weak. Muichiro's stoic expression held steady as he analyzed their movements, adapting his own strategy to counter theirs.

The battles on the 3rd floor were really too simple, but he could see why many adventurers died on these kinds of floors.

The Dungeon Lizards added to the complexity, their venomous bites a threat, which he also took into account.


Hours turned to twilight as Muichiro pressed deeper into the dungeon. The 4th floor greeted him with a change in the environment once more.

The walls were adorned with luminescent fungi, casting an eerie glow that painted the corridor in shades of green and blue. The air was damp, carrying with it a sense of mystery.

This time, the Goblins were replaced by the Howling Wolves—a more formidable opponent.

Their agility and ferocity didn't challenge Muichiro's skill. The dance of combat continued, as he sliced through each monster like butter.

More Kobolds emerged, along with some Goblins too. As he was strolling along, Muichiro thought about something and decided to collect some of the glowing fluorescent moss, this stuff could be useful in the future.


Rose fannett( Pictures)

Hope you're enjoying the story so far.

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