
Is it wrong to live steadily!

In a world where gods and mortals coexist, a young swordsman named Muichiro finds himself torn from his original life and thrust into a new existence. But this time, he lacks one crucial aspect that defines humanity - emotions. Reincarnated into the realm of Orario, a bustling city known for its labyrinthine dungeons and adventurers seeking fame and fortune, Muichiro embarks on a journey that transcends his past.. Guided by the enigmatic goddess named Moon, Muichiro's mission is twofold: to explore the intricate world of Danmachi (Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka) and to uncover the very essence of emotions that he lacks...

Iseeyou6969 · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter Sixty-Nine

Sorry for the chapter delay guys, I've been to busy with Uni and have had to hand in three assignments just this week so it's been hectic.

Also the mass release will most likely come out at the end of next week or just a few days after that.

But for now you will just have to make due with this picture as compensation.



The morning after the festival's opening day, Orario awoke to another surge of vibrant activity.

The streets were alive with the hum of commerce and conversation, as locals and visitors alike flocked to pubs and eateries.

The special dish of the day, served only during the festival, was a savoury stew known as "Festive Brew," which combined seasonal vegetables and tender meats in a hearty broth that was said to encapsulate the spirit of the celebration.

Muichiro was out early, the fresh morning light casting his shadow long on the cobblestone streets. He was clad in his usual attire, but today, a distinctive sash adorned his arm — a mark of his role in festival security.

While his presence was mostly for show and assistance, it also served as a deterrent for those who might want to cause trouble.

He walked alongside a group of Ganesha Familia members, their leader, a stout man with a booming voice, giving out instructions. "We'll cover more ground if we split up. Remember, use the magic responders if you run into any serious trouble."

Muichiro examined the small stone in his hand. It was a subtle piece of magic, expensive, but Demeter had spared no expense in ensuring the safety and security of the festival.

He tucked it into his sash, for safekeeping.

As he started his patrol, Muichiro took in the sights and sounds of the festival, helping where needed. A lost child here, a spilt drink and fight there — nothing that required the use of the magic responder.

Then, a piercing scream shattered the calm of the morning. A woman, her face stricken with panic, cried out, "Thief!" pointing towards a fleeing figure.

The perpetrator, a were-tiger man, used his powerful legs to blitz past the crowd with incredible speed.

Without hesitation, Muichiro set off in pursuit. The sash on his arm fluttered like a banner as his eyes narrowed on the target.

'He, what an easy picking, good thing that lady didn't fight me for the bag, no to get out of here before any of the....Huh?' Before he could even think about escaping he heard rapid footsteps approaching.

He saw a kid with long hair and a security sash around his arm.' Tch! Fuck I've already been seen...gotta get away before more turn up.'

The thief glanced back, throwing anything within reach to slow Muichiro down — crates of fruit, chairs, even a cart. But Muichiro was unstoppable.

Each obstacle met with either a slash of his sword or a punch from his fist.

The were-tiger's confidence waned with each glance back. "What is this guy?" he thought, panic creeping into his mind. In his desperation, he failed to see the wall ahead, crashing into it with a comical lack of grace.


Muichiro approached, tilting his head in that characteristic manner of his. "That was... not wise," he said dryly, the hint of amusement in his voice only apparent to himself.

He hoisted the dazed thief over his shoulder with ease, returning to where the woman stood, still in shock. Handing her the stolen wallet, he offered a curt nod before making his way to the patrol captain.

"Caught a were-tiger that was causing a stir," Muichiro reported, his face betraying no sign of the exertion from the chase.

The captain, a broad-shouldered man with a seasoned look, took the thief into custody. "Good work, Muichiro. I'll take em off your hands. You can head back to your post."

Muichiro nodded and continued his walk, his mind already on the next task. He had a duty to perform, and he would carry it out with the same unwavering dedication he brought to everything else.


(Location: Hephaestus Familia forge)

In the heart of the Hephaestus Familia forge, the sounds of metalwork echoed. The goddess Hephaestus, her hands steady, was in the midst of crafting a new sword. The blade, already glowing with the promise of strength, was nearing completion.

Hephaestus carefully inspected the sword, her critical eye-catching every minute detail.

Satisfied, she proceeded with the final quenching, plunging the heated metal into the cool water.

The steam rose fiercely, and the sound of the sizzle filled the room. She observed the metal contracting, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Perfect," she whispered to herself.

Retreating to her office to unwind, Hephaestus sat down, allowing herself a rare moment of relaxation.

Her thoughts drifted away from the forge and its demands, landing instead on the encounter with Muichiro. She remembered his unique sword and how he pined her down and grabbed her breast. Her cheeks warmed slightly at the memory.

"I need to see that sword again," she mused, speaking to the empty room. "There was something about it... something that could inspire a whole new line of designs." She stood up, pacing the room, her mind working through the potential mechanics and magic that could be involved.

Her contemplation was interrupted by the distant sound of festival cheer. She walked to her window, looking out at the lively streets of Orario. "The festival... two more days of celebration," she thought aloud. "Perhaps a break is what I need."

As Hephaestus prepared to leave, she thought of Muichiro again. A visit to the Wheat Manor, perhaps in the coming week, would be an opportunity to see him and his sword again. She made a mental note to set up an appointment.

She recalled Demeter's plans for the festival's finale. "Something that will be talked about for years," Demeter had claimed. Hephaestus couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity. Whatever Demeter had planned, it was bound to be spectacular.

Not wanting to explore the festival alone, Hephaestus decided to invite her captain, Tsubaki, along.

Exiting her forge, she made her way to Tsubaki's house. The streets of Orario were alive with energy, and Hephaestus found herself smiling at the joyous atmosphere.

The festival, with its lights, music, and cheer, was a stark contrast to the heat and intensity of her forge.

As she walked, her mind still occasionally drifted back to Muichiro. But for now, she was content to lose herself in the festivities, in the company of a trusted friend.

"Tomorrow will be interesting," she thought, anticipation building for what the next day at the festival might bring.


(Hostess of Fertility)

The Hostess of Fertility was buzzing with activity. The festival had brought an influx of customers, eager to taste the tavern's renowned dishes and bask in its welcoming atmosphere.

Ryu, Chloe and Syr were at the heart of this whirlwind, moving between tables with a dancer's grace, balancing trays laden with drinks and the tavern's famous specials.

In the kitchen, the air was thick with steam and the clatter of pots and pans. The cooks were in overdrive, churning out dish after dish.

May, despite the chaos, managed to keep a smile on her face. The patrons appreciated her efforts, some leaving generous tips, others offering words of praise and encouragement.

Interesting things were happening all around. At one table, a group of adventurers were celebrating a successful dungeon expedition, their laughter loud and their stories exaggerated.

At another, a young couple was lost in each other's eyes, the festival providing the perfect backdrop for their budding romance.

Meanwhile, Anya was returning from a supply run, her arms full of bags containing spices and herbs that the kitchen was running low on.

The streets were crowded, and she navigated through the throng with ease. As she approached the Hostess of Fertility, a sudden chill ran down her spine. She paused, turning to glance over her shoulder.


The street behind her was as bustling and lively as ever, with no sign of anything amiss. She frowned, wondering if her instincts were playing tricks on her.

Just then, Lunoire stepped outside, wiping her hands on her apron. "Everything okay, Anya?"

Anya glanced back one more time before shaking her head. "Yeah, I guess it was nothing. Just my imagination, probably."

She entered the tavern, the warm and lively atmosphere instantly enveloping her.

But a few houses down the street, hidden in the shadows of an alleyway, a cloaked figure watched her enter. A grotesque smile spread across their face before they too vanished, leaving no trace of their presence.

Thanks for your patience.

Iseeyou6969creators' thoughts